
MBC Releases Dull Official Stills and Second Teaser for Goddess of Fire — 13 Comments

  1. I think the acting is the main power in this drama. Maybe lacks in visual department, but who knows, they will blow us with their acting.

  2. Excuse me but drama’s premise a lot like in JOJ. Only in place of clothes we have pots. Sorry, maybee it will be only on first glance. And yes, i know that MGY already 25, but when i saw that picture-she with LSY, first thought was-get this pervert ajossi out this picture xX. Sorry again, i’m quite cynical nowadays…

  3. Seriously Moon Geun Young looks 15yrs old next to the 30yr old Lee Sang Yoon. I mean she looked believable in Alice in Cheongdamdong cause she had modern clothing, make up and hairstyle, but you put MGY in this type of sageuk clothing she looks almost child actress. Her past self and her could hang out in school.
    I hope they can pull this off, cause she’s a damn good actress.

  4. It’s not just her face… he’s also a lot taller than her. They just look incredibly weird together in a way that he and, for example, Han Hyo Joo would not even though Han Hyo Joo and Moon Geun Young are the same age.

  5. I feel it too Koala,I feel it too..This is so weird. Looking at both of them suddenly turn off my appetite to watch since that guy look way much more older than MGY.I just cannot picture them together romantically..It feels like MGY is playing the kid’s section of a drama.Sigh.I wish Kim Bum was the lead,at least they look compatible.I don’t get why nowadays Korea seems doesn’t know how to pair their actors and actress.

  6. The 2nd trailer carried a lot of substance and is way better than the first. We’ll wait and see how the story goes….the main actor in “Painter of the Wind” was way older than Moon and they had an amazing chemistry.

  7. lsy actually has a youthful spirit. he’s very cute. i think that they probably haven’t shot anything beyond that the teaser at this point, which is why they were a bit shy with each other. i’m hoping that they will have more chemistry as the show progresses. i really, really love mgy and i hope that the show will be a good surprise because the teasers aren’t helping make the show appealing.

  8. one thing is for sure – teasers of kdramas are pretty bad. This is not the first teaser that I’ve seen that has been bad. So far, I have not been capitivated. I have seen enough sageuks to recognize the child actors so I may just tune in to see how it goes. But if KB turns into what Jae Hee turned into, it will be quite sad.

  9. Han Hyo-joo that is younger than MGY and have baby face did have good chemistry with Ji Jin-hee that is a lot older than her, so I’ll be waiting.

    When MGY was a teen she had chemistry with the ahjusshis she acted with, so I think she will do just well.

  10. Could not agree more.JOJ Costumes are the best among saeguk drama. Ohh koala, can you please make a baby recap of JOJ at least.

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