
The Blade and Petal Holds Press Conference and Releases Taut Long Preview — 16 Comments

  1. I’m sold. Tbh, I never really pay attention to UTW but damn i can’t take my eyes off him here. and Kim Ok Bin is plus, I really miss her on screen. Storyline wise it’s not sthing new, kinda reminds me of Princess Man, but hopefully KOB character will be different, I need more fierce female lead!

  2. I love the group photo. Every one has their fist up “Fighting” except Choi Min Soo, who is “whatever.” LOL! He looks great in the preview, too. I have to admit to screencapping a few times from the last trailer. 😎

  3. Awwwww!! Uhm Tae Woong’s outfit. That’s how a press conference look should be done. Snap! He looks so, so, so mighty fine.

    And I love Choi Min Soo BECAUSE he’s so crazy.

    You can just see Uhm-Force loving the hyung he gets to have as a father for however many months.

  4. Holy smokes….this looks awesome the trailer looks really appealingly both the photography and music draws you in.

  5. Love the pic of Kim Ok Bin laughing so much that she had to rest her head on the table. The cast looks so comfortable with each other. Looking forward to this!

  6. That pic with Kim Young Chul and Ok Bin is adorably awkward. 🙂

    Like you really brought your dad to a presscon and you don’t know what pose to do in front of the cameras. 🙂

    Uhm… hello. So this is my dad. Yeah… *small smile*

  7. ho ho~ the main leads don’t interest me that much (the actors’ appearances and definitely their hairstyles here aren’t exactly my taste) but the courtroom scenes are definitely looking awesome. They totally have those epic Mainland (China) historical dramas feel in them… and that scene of the post-vote brawl is just pure dark humor. I’m liking that dark and cold vibe =]

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