Vic Zhou Returns to Big Screen this Summer with Days of Redemption
So it’s going to be this way from now on, huh? I love me a well-made movie but when it comes my favorite actors or actresses I much prefer to spend months with them on a drama to build up the connection and story, but of course the drama has to be good which is getting rarer and rarer these days. Taiwan’s big-name males stars from the last decade have by and large all moved on to movie star exclusive territory – Ethan Ruan, Mark Chao, Wu Zun – and for the last three years there have been murmurs of Vic Zhou doing a drama but he’s firmly in the movie star territory now. His C-drama Returning Home aired early this year after being banned for a few years due to the cross-straits war complexity subject matter that was filmed back in 2010. Since then he’s been all about the movies and this year sees three movies dropping in all the major seasons. Around Spring Break the period war movie Saving General Yang aired and Zai Zai played the arrow-wielding laconic third brother. In mid-July the modern love-and-corporate warfare thriller Days of Redemption will premiere co-starring rising C-actress Tong Yao. And in the Winter will come his remake of Letters to Juliet co-starring Liu Shi Shi called Love Season. My hope that he might consider doing a drama got dashed when this month he was cast as the new male lead in the sequel to the popular romcom movie Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (Chinese title 單身男女 Single Man, Single Woman), with leads Louis Koo and Gao Yuan Yuan returning and Zai Zai stepping in as a new male lead with the other male lead Daniel Wu doing a cameo role only because he’s a new dad and cutting down his work load. I don’t mind if Zai Zai keeps doing movies if he plays roles that continue to challenge himself, and for Days of Redemption he plays the anti-hero hot sexy corporate raider role. I’m loving him in the snappy suit so much. Check out the movie stills and trailer below, there is a back painting scene that is seriously sexy.
Trailer for Day of Redemption:
Did they dub over Vic’s voice?
No. His own voice here.
You know, once you hear those dubbed voices movies from China, there is absolutely NO interest in watching that kind of movies or dramas. Doesn’t the Chinese entertainment industry realize by now, actor/actress’s voices are part of their expression, part of them being the actor. China, please let the actors and actresses talk.
May I ask why they are usually dubbed? I’ve been wondering why for a while now. I agree with your opinion.
I guess it is for clarity, as in they want their audience to hear the correct words (?). I think their accents are different if the actors from different districts/cities… or they live-dubbing technique truly sucks!
Thank you, fangorn. I also thought that it might have something to do with uniformity of accent. Either way, I dislike dubbing 🙂
I think Vic isn’t dubbed. I doubt because he talks only a bit and in a low voice. But I agree with Pirie, when China dramas/movies dub their actors is really disgusting.
pant*gasp*pant*gasp* spitting out my cereal.
Ahem. Who was that woman? Please ignore her. I don’t know how she got into my room. Now I am actually off to read this post in a calm and mature fashion. I am very interested in cinema.
Oh Lord, those intense eyes at 0:13.
Seriously. He is so beautiful. Gah.
Judging from the trailer and MV, the movie looks promising to me!And I’m feeling the excitement. Zaizai seems to age backwards….by the way you might want to watch the MV(w/ very good scenes from the movie) and at the same time hear zaizai’s newest song after almost 3 years of not singing…here’s the youtube link:
Please, do you have zaizai’s song for this movie? Thank you.
Oh sorry i just saw the link
I just love Zai Zai. He can tell a whole story just by looking in his beautiful eyes.