
Vic Zhou Returns to Big Screen this Summer with Days of Redemption — 14 Comments

  1. You know, once you hear those dubbed voices movies from China, there is absolutely NO interest in watching that kind of movies or dramas. Doesn’t the Chinese entertainment industry realize by now, actor/actress’s voices are part of their expression, part of them being the actor. China, please let the actors and actresses talk.

    • May I ask why they are usually dubbed? I’ve been wondering why for a while now. I agree with your opinion.

      • I guess it is for clarity, as in they want their audience to hear the correct words (?). I think their accents are different if the actors from different districts/cities… or they live-dubbing technique truly sucks!

      • Thank you, fangorn. I also thought that it might have something to do with uniformity of accent. Either way, I dislike dubbing 🙂

  2. I think Vic isn’t dubbed. I doubt because he talks only a bit and in a low voice. But I agree with Pirie, when China dramas/movies dub their actors is really disgusting.

    pant*gasp*pant*gasp* spitting out my cereal.

    Ahem. Who was that woman? Please ignore her. I don’t know how she got into my room. Now I am actually off to read this post in a calm and mature fashion. I am very interested in cinema.

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