
Hyun Bin’s Sexy Romp in an Airy Loft for Star1 Magazine — 23 Comments

  1. What’s with this trend in korean men where they are all try to be stick thin and gaunt-looking?
    He looked best during his Worlds Within days and even when he was in the army.

    • being in seoul for some time now and having met a few korean guys, i am not so sure most of them actively try to look like that. they just dont eat alot…
      i would ask about it if werent so awkward.

  2. hes a gorgeous specimen but even better if he added some weight!
    I missed the younger hyun bin with the fuller-looking face.

  3. And for ten minutes my mind goes blank. It is funny he was the lead in the drama that was my gateway to Kdramas and yet at the time he did nothing for me. In fact, in fell in love with Kim Sun Ah but he has grown up nicely over the years.

  4. Its hard to believe he’s never done a sageuk before but it seems very apropos that he comes back from the army and does one as his first project…I think he has the chops and charisma to pull of a king very well

  5. I just loved the video…even more after a couple of glasses of wine. Would have liked to see a little more of him under that duvet.

    • I saw him (first row) in the Hong Kong fan meeting – WAY too thin but still extremely good looking.

      I think 10 or more pounds would make him a normal looking man on the street – but this is TV world, where the camera puts on the 10 pounds for you.

      • Even the camera didn’t make him look better, in Secret garden he looked ill.His face was so thin, i searched the net for information about a possible illness he was suffering of.He definitely looked his best in Worlds within.

  6. must admit he looks a bit gaunt but nevertheless, love to see him back.
    big hugs
    your fan from the dimple club
    ha ha!
    Oh BTW,dear binnie, when are you going to collaborate with YEH? please make my wish come true..

    • Binnie and YEH is my wish too! Who do we have to talk to? Do we need a petition? I want to see them as dueling Chaebols so YEH can wear gorgeous, fitted outfits like in Goong and Binnie can wear tailored suits and they can have K-Drama’s best kiss EVER in a big windowed corner office. Wait, what was my point? Oh then I’ll take TOP as the 2nd lead, we’ll make him her Secretary with a secret crush. As for the 2nd female lead … since she’s just there to be hated we’ll use a potato sack.

      Hi, my name is potato sack. I’m willing to be hated across the world to be on set every week with Hyun Bin and TOP. I’m sweet to sacrifice myself like that. Did I mention that the Secretary is secretly in a band? That’s where the Big Bang cameo comes in and why we don’t feel bad for him when he doesn’t win Yoon Eun Hye’s heart. She tells him to go be a Rapper and she’ll be his biggest fan.

      The Conflict: YEH’s mother was originally supposed to marry Binnie’s father, who were competitors. Binnie’s Grandfather has raised him to believe everyone in YEH’s family is a liar or a traitor and uses Binnie’s love to try and secretly topple YEH’s company. And the Potato Sack is the friend/spy fir grandpa, so gramps is actually a hypocrite.

      And my drama has a wedding by episode 17 and a flash forward for the next 3 epusodes because I hate open endings, I need “where are they now” and closure.

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