
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 2 Recap — 77 Comments

  1. super fast recap! thank u!

    liking the friendhip developing between the leads, and also interested enough in the other characters too, to know what their deal is..

    though i do agree, the story needs to shift to korea ASAP to make it juicier.. cuz i think, even layered characters like young-do and rachel ( and to a lesser extent bona) are falling a bit flat since the object of their resentment – our hero Tan – is away from the scene.. so we get one dimension of their character with only hints of other facets to unravel..

    while i went into this expecting the all-flash-little-substance fun of Gossip Girl, more introspection in the place of frivolty seems a fair exchange to me.. the laid-back theme is charming to me.. i really like the characters kim tan and chan-young, like eun-sang, and am excited about the possibilty of loving-to-hate-and-then-maybe-loving young-do, rachel and even bo-na…

    overall actin seems decent too.. seems unfair to kim ji-won to say her acting is not that good, when her character has been written in such broad strokes (b*tchy), hopefully they show her as a blair waldorf than your standard kdrama-2nd-lead-b*tch…

    one grouse though.. where’s my beloved im joo-eun???

    • I disagree with you her character has More depth than Lee Bona 😀
      I see in her face that she is sad and i think she will open in next episodes to us why she is like that ??
      I loved her In To beautiful you & her performance was great 😀

    • I like the funny bits you inserted in your recap, such as “In K-drama logic, the answer is yes, because he looks like LMH and drives a Maserati,” or the bit about the dad (Kim) being too stodgy, so how could he be so salacious to two wives and a mistress? That was funny, thank you for that.

  2. thank you Captain.. it’s 4am when i read this. can’t comment yet since i hvnt watch it yet (internet was super bad).

      • Ep.2 got much better in my opinion.
        But i still cant stand watching Lee Bo Na. She’s annyoying from head to toe. Krystal voice in high pitch really hurts my ear drums . I hv to suffer seeing her acting and voice until ep.20 ?? Syeettttt! !!

  3. Thank you for the fast recap. I LOLed at your teleportation comment. I guess not only can they run from Malibu to Hollywood, there must not be a high school (or college for that matter)close by that Tan had to travel an hour and a half to attend an English class…University of Redlnds. lol Their drama dept probably had some fun though they weren’t given much of a dialogue. Who asks a question and not follow through with a reason why they are asking (i.e. that classmate of Tan asking him where he is going after class)… an open-ended question I guess. KES what is wrong with your script? If you are going to have 3-4 episodes of the drama in the US, couldn’t you at least portray the US supporting cast with some logic or even a decent dialogue? Ok I can try to understand the stereotypes but… oh well, I gave myself a few episodes for this drama but it is stretching my patience.

  4. I’m in shock at Krystal’s acting. I’ve seen comments saying that Krsytal is pretty good. But even since the first time I saw her in the first episode. I am completely shocked. She was literally screaming and overreacted some–all–parts. It’s like watching a skit instead of drama. I know she supposed to be whiny, but.. not in that kind of way..
    I mean, if this is the role that should’ve been played, I think Suzy’s acting in BIG was more decent and better. She was also this whiny, bitchy, spoiled girl. But she did it in the right proportion.
    And I find it awkward to see Krystal acting with Minhyuk, because Minhyuk seemed to take full grab of his role, and he was this natural and calm, then Krystal came with all of that and it become.. awkward.
    It’s like watching two different things in the same time. And there were some parts where it should’ve been funny or at least comical, and again it become awkward in Krystal’s part.
    That’s why, just to compare, at least Suzy (in BIG) was hilarious

    • Krystal is so awful here its impossible to truly explain the combination of everything bad that makes her performance cringeworthy. It apparently runs in the family because her older sister Jessica is hands down one of the worst idol actresses I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching in a drama.

      • too bad she and Minhyuk’s character come in pair most of the time
        i hope the cuteness can save this pairing because i do think they look good together on screen when Krystal is not being bratty and whining around

      • I’m kinda disappointed actually. One of the little things that actually makes me take a look at Heirs is Minhyuk. And now that he is beyond adorable here, I think it’s really a waste that he needs to act opposite of Krystal. This could’ve been cute if they had the perfect girl for him. What to say, I kinda feel.. bad?

    • dear god, anybody is better than krystal. so yes, even suzy would play this character 10 times better. and we all know about suzy’s horrendous acting in GFB.

    • LOL – I don’t know… Min Hyuk is so awesomely cute and calm that he makes her a bit tolerable. Like, there must be something good about her for him to like her. Hopefully, she’ll just be harmlessly annoying, as cringy as she is and not have too many scenes. I’m worried about Rachel character who seems currently 1-d b*tch. I always see that actress in a bad role!

    • I think so too! She’s too annoying in here, and plus she’s more of a girly girl compared to Suzy. I don’t get how Min Hyuk and Krystal could be a couple since they are both so different…

  5. I find this episode globally better (as in: Less cringe worthy scenes). But what with that awfully slow editing?? A lot of characters we didn’t see in this episode just because we had no time for them. I’m used to the quick pace of the previous KES dramas (Shin Woo Chul PDnim, please come back!): 10 seconds/scene so everyone can have his moment(s) of glory by episode. Remember the thick scripts shown at the reading sessions? What happened to them? Cause the stuff is NOT on my screen!
    Also, what with the looooong moments where nothing happens & we don’t even have a background music? Someone lost the tape or something? It’s such a let down for me as a fan of this writer. Ghostwriting would indeed explain a lot of things but I refuse to believe that for now. That would be too humiliating…
    Yes, let’s quickly go back to Korea. Maybe things will get better here (that coprod thingy doesn’t seem to work that well if you ask me). *Wishful thinking*.

    • PD Kang Shin Hyo is as dull and uninspiring of a PD as I remember him. His Midas and Tazza were both horribly directed. He’s not one of the PDs I absolutely hate, but he’s just oddly untalented with shot selection, editing, and timing. He can hold the camera still though, which is one thing PD Pyo can’t even do. I miss PD Shin as well, but looks like he’s joined MBC and will no longer be working with Kim Eun Sook since she’s with SBS. Bummer. 🙁 All her old dramas were very watchable if nothing else.

      • Hi Koala, I’m always interested on this but nobody explain to me, what does the pd do? He chooses the way the actors will do the scene and the way to reac and etc, so we can really blame pd for stiff characters and stiff kisses/hugs?

        The pds also edits ? or chooses where edit and what scene use?

        the angles you say that are boring and not original, what are them?

        Ok, I know I’m asking too much, but since every drama airs you talks about the pds work, I get interested and confused…


  6. Okay, about those fat dudes chasing them: I was groaning and laughing all at the same time. Seriously, what is the director thinking?
    I wish I could read Korean because I really want to know what the Koreans think of all these stereotypical and lame portrayals of Americans.

    I thought this was a very boring episode. I don’t mind the romance being on the backburner for a while, but I do like plot development. Hope ep 3 will be better, though I doubt it since it will still apparently take place in the US…

      • Jomo maybe he was in agony from Tan breaking his arm, he could hardly move and chase after him. What with Chris looking so buff from working out he must have had his strength drained out of him once Tan out-maneuvered him. Sigh the stereotyping in this drama *sigh*… maybe, when the everyone is in Korea it might be more natural. I do like this episode than the first and the character development of the leads and the others are coming along, I keep on telling myself, don’t sweat the small stuff, however, like Koala mentioned this may be as good as it gets as far as the scenes here int he US.

      • I think these guys are the boyfriend or pimp(?) of the blond girl John was hooking up with… remember Tan said something about not letting the boyfriend come over?

        As for the fat guys, if I’m to go by my uncle, Koreans are amazed by the “fat” Americans… so perhaps they put it in there to be funny? When I was looking thru my uncles travel photos in the US, he had several shots of random over-weight people and when I asked why, he said he had to show the people back at home.

  7. I just read the recap and didn’t even watch ep 1&2 yet. Waiting for them return to school than maybe i will start watching. Anyway, regarding the Secret lead in rating i guess it’s understandable. I’ve watched it last night and what can i say is i love the storyline.

    • You know, that may be a really good plan, now that you thought of it.
      Most of the cringe-worthiness has to do with characters who don’t matter.

      These are choices of an overly ambitious PD/writer who wanted to highlight the vast beauty enjoyed by a wealthy California landowner, but needed actual people to say words.
      The words and people are stupid, but in the long run, have nothing to do with our main cast.

  8. I knew , we all new heirs was hyped. But this is a dissastor. The main leads have no chemistry to a level its a pain watch. Im not a lee minho fan but since he’s okay i wish he dodged this bullet like yonghwa did. Even his topless wet surf scene failed bcz of the obvious pink lipstick and the mopey face expressions.

    I liked kim woo bin. The mute mom .(She’s real something) The stepmom. Kang minhyuk so far.

    • I don’t know how can people drool over Kim Won Bin. His look scare the heck out of me. I wish I could fast forward when streaming live.

      Don’t think MinHyuk was necessary to be in the US for filming. And if Eun Sang has a friend there already. Why didn’t ask for help?

      • eun sang asked help from chan young, she didn’t know he’s already in US
        the one with ‘white hacker yoon’ id is chan young

      • I find Kim Woo Bin strange-looking too. Like his eyes are too widely spaced, and too big for his face? It’s like his eyes are at the side of his face, which is definitely not helped by his slicked back hairstyle… I don’t know how to say it, but every time I see him on screen, I’m always jolted by his strange looks even as I’m interested to find out more about his character… There’s a hint about his strained relationship with his father, and we know about his bastardly manipulative bullying tactics, and yet he’s nice towards his friends…

      • KWB has one of the most interesting faces that for me is more attractive than standard classic looks. He has a great screen presence and is making his character come alive in a very distinctive way.

  9. Well, I gotta say that thank goodness this one has a lot of pretty faces and idols with big fan bases and also big fan bases overseas cause that will at least make it lots and lots of money. So in that sense, I hardly find it a failure but for me personally, I remain unimpressed after two episodes. But still 18 more to go to impress me lol. Well I supposed I am not in the target audience for this, but it must be cause it’s mostly in the us right now that the script really lacking in trademark KES dialogue etc. I am not really feeling the inner look on KT at all. He isn’t selling me his laziness and indifference that masks something greater. It’s hard for me to distinguish the line between that and sheer boredom… It’s just not quite all there. Same for PSH… But again, it’s only ep 2. I have liked all of KES’s dramas so there is still time. I even liked on air.

  10. Both Krystal and Kim Ji-Won are horrendous to watch in their dismal attempts at acting and also painful to listen to as they screech their lines.. Is Krystal seriously considered to be some sort of beauty?? Really??? And will Kim Eun Sook save poor Chan Young from the clutches of that whiney harpie? So far, Kang Minhyuk is the one to watch, the camera just loves this guy, and to top it off, he can act.

  11. l’m not denying that Heirs is one of K-dramas l’ve been watching but it is not top of the list. Heirs is not like Master’s sun, that l re-watch every single eps. Heirs is not an addict dramas that l want to re-watch. Enough with one time watch and read recap here for more understanding. Casts all are goodlooking and pretty (who can resist Lee Min Ho, Kang Min Hyuk, Park Shin Hye and Kim Won Bin, anyway!). But Krystal, sori, that yelling pitch voice and face, iieeekk!

    L’m going to watch Secret, heard it’s good. Love Ji Sung there.

    Nevertheless, awaits for ep 3 of Heirs where cute moments between Eun Sang and Chan Young in US with a jealous but cute Tan!!.

  12. I wonder if they are freaking out about the ratings. It’s not like they can change things since this has all been filmed. Anyway, this episode was better than the first one but I just can’t watch the LA scenes anymore. I might pick this back up when they finally get to Korea.

  13. I know this has nothing to do with the drama… but is Kim Tan’s oh-so-glorious mansion the same one from an American TV Series, Revenge? Is that Nolan’s bachelor pad?

    • I’m pretty sure it is the same mansion. Unfortunately, so far Heirs has neither fast pace like Revenge nor an interesting story to tell or engaging characters. Out of the current kdrama bunch Secret is the most compelling one. However, there is still hope on the horizon with MHIYD and Answer me 1994 next week.

      Thank you, Ms. Koala for the recaps. It’s so enjoyable to read your thoughts on this rather than actually watching the drama itself. And I also miss the typical funny, playful and hilarious dialogs the author is known for. I trade this anytime for plot holes, missing logic or pace in her dramas. But without her trademark there is nothing left except the eyecandy and Ms. Koala’s entertaining recaps.

    • i was thinking the same thing. it looks like the same house, good to see different parts of it. in revenge they were only using the huge cylinder hall and the pool front.

  14. I am probably the odd man(or woman in this case) out since I loved both episodes:). I don’t know what it is about Lee Min Ho but I kind of like him, I’ll be honest I hated him in BOF and I swore I would never watch another drama of his. Well City Hunter came along and he kind of grew on me and I fell in love with him in Faith(I know, I know… terrible drama). So far the plot isn’t substantial enough and I find the characters aren’t fleshed out very well but dang it all I am sticking with it for Lee Min Ho’s puppy look LOL. After the onslaught of dark and moody melodramas I am more than happy to sit back and enjoy this piece of fluffiness.

  15. What I don’t understand is why half of the LA scenes were actually filmed in San Diego…
    As for the stereotyped Americans, I have no words to express my irritation. I was hoping this show would provide Koreans with some cultural awareness, but it has failed us all…

    • WHAT?!??!?!??? LMH was here in San Diego? So close? Why did I not get a memo?

      On another note. Malibu northward ends up end in Redlands?! Who knew? :). Did they not realize us California girls would be watching?

  16. Totally not related to the show but I cannot believe they were at balboa park in SD! I can recognize the green house any day. I would randomly go there all of the time since it was so close.

  17. yay i like your web…finally i found a good recap…
    i really had doubts with this drama…to much big names usually end up flop…
    am just watching for the sake of PSH and apparently i can’t find any good drama competitor…
    cross fingers let’s wait and see…
    can they fast forward it a little bit…ty…

    • Lol…they are not even hot to be jealous..there are tons of actress who got more hotter guy than her in drama continuously…

      • Oh yeah. Think of Han Ji Min, Gong Hyo Jin, Yoon Eun Hye, Song Hyo Kyo. They got paired with mainly and hot men. 🙂

  18. Thanks for the recap Ms Koala, didn’t enjoy it as the first episode but it was alright. Hopefully episode 3 will give more sparks and can’t wait to see Choi Jin-hyuk again! But I also like Min Ho 😉

  19. Thank you!~

    I think the most memorable scene from this episode was the slight brush of the feathers from the dreamcatcher on LMH’s hair as he walked back inside. It was such a beautiful scene and I think it marked the start of something beautiful 🙂

    Love Minhyuk’s character! So dependable, friendly, and down to earth! <3

  20. Does anyone else find that the relationship between Eun Sang and Kim Tan moving a bit too fast, what with him sort of confessing to her at the end of ep 2? Given Kim Tan’s lazy, laidback character, it’s strange that he’s so enthusiastic about helping Eun Sang, sometimes even acting jealous (when he sees the texts between Eun Sang and Chan Young)… Not that I don’t like the breezy, cheery banter going on, but I just don’t get it though. I don’t know if he’s feeling sorry and pity for her for having such a complicated family situation, or maybe he’s just feeling empathy, because he’s in the same situation as well? In any case, I’m really bothered by the long and repetitive gazing going on between him and Eun Sang. Yes I get it, they’re feeling a sense of a connection or a spark, but don’t need to shove it in my face like that…

    • Agree. The longing/quizzing look from the balcony was all wrong. Kim Tan is probably falling in love for the first time and wondering what is happening to his fragile, lonely heart?! A little disjointed in that scene.

  21. umm.. am i the only one who think everything actually perfect except the main character’s development?

    Idk why, but i just feels PSH and LMH really lacks of chemistry. this is the 1st time i saw kim eun seok’s drama when the main character really annoyed me.(so bad, because i’m PSH and LMH’s fans)
    ah, and every eyes-meet-eyes scenes between them was just soooooo damn awkward for me.. uh, i really hope they’ll get better in next eps, because afterall i like this drama.

  22. I agree that Kim tan does like ES, but I’m don’t think she likes him yet. Or at least I don’t think she’s realized she has. I still think not cuz she seems like a type who doesn’t think much about boys. Lol. Everything has been KT initiating and trying to keep her by his side.

    Also, I think one of the guys who came to his house is prob the bf of that blond girl who keeps talking to KT at the beach and also in class. I remembered him mentioning to surfer friend Jay to not bring some girl’s bf over to his place in ep1?! Well anyway, i think that guy thinks his gf likes Tan so he wants beat him up. Maybe I’m wrong…

    I like the drama so far prob cuz the leads haven’t annoyed me yet. And the story isn’t too complicated. But going back to Korea, Tan is going to be mean again (or there should be more character development there).. No more lazing around and more fighting. Declaring war (mind games? Bantering/bickerings?) with YD and whoever opposes him and also trying to protect ES? I can’t wait for that!

  23. It is natural that when our expectations are high, we tend to get disappointed easily . After reading negative comments on Heirs, I feel sorry for the casts and the production. Because it was over hyped ( idk whose fault)most of us tend to watch it with hawk- eyes and ready to jump into conclusion before the drama unfolds its story line. I don’t deny it has flaws( which drama doesn’t) here and there. Instead of being quick to criticize, why don’t we just sit back , relax and enjoy the drama ( so far quite entertaining thou despite its flaws)and occasionally pause to ponder what underlying message the drama is trying to convey.

  24. Overall, even though I knew Heirs wasn’t going to be a masterpiece, I had some expectations and thought it would be pretty amazing to do a Gossip Girl a la Korean but for me, it felt flat.
    I think it’s cool they met in LA, starts by friendship and all but I don’t know, something is missing and it just drags the whole thing.
    I thought that the playroom with the three friends was more interesting than the rest of the episode. Maybe because I always prefered the get together between characters, I could feel that these three were friends, were high schoolers … etc. And it was adorable because it reminded me of my high school days and how I would freakin’ kill to have that playroom (lol).
    I’m more shipping Cha Young and Bo Na than the main couple. Even though Krystal’s acting is quite bad, they are such an adorable couple and I like the fact that you can feel they really love each other and how there is no big drama because their difference of status. Like how his father talked about Bo Na. He didn’t put her in a pedestrial but he just talked about his son’s girlfriend like any father would do.
    And the fact they are already together is great because we do not have to see the usual “opposite attracts each other” or whatever.

    I just have to add that I rolled so much my eyes during the running parts because it was lame. Like really lame. In my head, I thought “why the hell do they run so much ?” Plus, I don’t know if it’s because of the korean culture or whatever but does every foreigner seem like a gangster for them ? Because all the drama shows is angry people wanting to fight. Like really ?

    I’m going to say that I will have to wait to really judge the drama but if it wasn’t for the cast, I would have stopped watching already. It’s cool to put such good and famous cast for international fans because obviously, they get greater response than domestically seeing the ratings. Writer, PD and whatever should have take the older generations in consideration too. Of course Boys Over Flowers did great rating wise but it was back to 2008. 5 years later, I think people are becoming more and more fed up of these dramas.

  25. Thanks for the funny recap! I was loling at the transportation comment. And why would you just keep running without trying to dodge until the movie theater? Ah b/c we are in k-drama logic world.

    So far Heirs isn’t bad. Yeah there’s cringe worthy stuff and I wish I could like some of the other characters better… Woo Bin guy is like the what LMH played in BOF, totaly bullying a**h*** so it will be hard for me to get over that. I hate cruel people and what he did to that boy in 1st ep. is cruel. Oh well *sigh* b/c he’s about the most energetic actor on the show and really pops. Even that Kim Han Neul (who I think isn’t a bad actor) seemed sooooo bland.

    I’m okay with LMH and PSH characters… yeah they are bland, but hopefully it will be a slow burn? But seriously what’s up with the long stares? Yeah, we get it. I do wish LMH who I’m starting to like would pick a project with a character who is more energetic, more emotional, more explosive. He’s perfect the brooding, I’m longing for you stare. Now let’s work on some raw emotions and angst so we can see what else you’re made of. I do agree that the feelings from Tan after the 2nd ep seems premature…. wish they had saved that line for like the 4th, hopefully where they leave LA and are separated until the school meetup.

  26. It feels like the main cast has this cloud of worry and expectations over their head to be AMAZING and HOT and all the other things the fans have attributed to them. I will blame the director for this one.

    EVERYONE needs to relax and let the characters speak.
    I do like Woobin as the I-hate-hate-hate his bully character hate hate.
    I like Tan’s real mom and CY’s dad. I even like Hyo Shin the barfer.

    Don’t understand at all the bitchy girls. Don’t understand why that type of character has to be written for the screen at all. First of all, they elicit nothing but bad feelings from the audience, and the second they show up on screen, I want them gone. Why not a sweetly conniving second lead? One who we aren’t sure about. Why not make Tan’s finacee someone who he actually may like one day? Right it feels like he is looking for anyone better than her.

    I also don’t understand the looooooong stares. It feels like LMH is staring at PSH and counting, or saying the alphabet for as long as needed. I don’t feel him looking at her. She seems scared to death of him for some reason. Doesn’t she know it’s LMH?

    In SG, HB had me convinced early on that he was in love with Key Lime, just because she was someone totally NOT in his world, someone he had to fight to keep. All that worked with his asinine personality. I don’t get that here. LMH is nice. He can be nice to this girl and win her over in a matter of days…My advice is, GO FOR IT!

    • The PD is to be criticized for the disjointed and at times awkward scenes. KES fell short as well. Maybe they will do better when the venue is in Korea. (I hope) My take on as far as Kim Tan staring at Eun Sang too long is, KES may have written Tan to be a character that’s intrigued at Eun Sang and was puzzled about it. Tan is used to girls who are manipulative and bitchy all the while hiding their true feelings. Something he can readily grasp. In contrast, Eun Sang wears her emotions on her sleeves but she has that strength to stand up for herself. It’s a combination of vulnerability and spirit. By the way, he also knows that she is not a “goodie, goodie” because he’s heard her say she abandoned her mother to follow her dream in the US but it was a disappointment. That coupled with his longing for family and the affinity he has with Eun Sang situation, may have triggered him to be introspective. Unfortunately, the PD’s execution of it was off. He made LMH stare at PSH far too long.

  27. Just finished watching this weeks episodes…so much pretty!

    There’s also so many gorgeous location shots in Cali that I fear when they go back to Seoul its gonna be the same tired old scenes.

    It was very slight, but there’s def something going one between Secretary Yoon and Rachel’s mom. I’m def more interested in the adults/parents story lines as opposed to the kids/students. Is it because they’re better actors? …maybe

  28. What I love about “heirs” is the comment section. From here to Dramabeans and from allkpop. So much negativity on one site and then positive reviews on another site. It’s hilarious. I haven’t even watch this drama and there are two strong sides regarding “Heirs”. What this tells me is that I should watch Secret instead.

    • Actually you should judge yourself 😀
      I also Like comments section as you but I can’t build my opinion on these comments 😀

  29. ok I am a little confused I thought the president of jeguk (empire) group’s real wife doesn’t have children. Then who is the real mother of kim won?

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