
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 5 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap. I really wanted to watch the drama tonight but my usual streaming site seem to be shut down “dramaholics” I wonder if it is just on my computer or is it really not working… Thanks again for the recaps.

  2. I feel like this drama focuses so much on Mirae’s ‘Choice’ (as if there were any competition whatsoever) that we don’t really know all that much about Mirae herself, present or future. I’d like to see some scenes where she’s not dangling after one guy or the other but learning about herself instead. I think the reason this drama is kind of dominated by the discourse between Shin and Se Joo fans is because Mirae is so poorly characterized – kind of a tabula rasa – that we are compelled to project our own vision of what constitutes the perfect partner (the kind caring guy vs the guy who challenges and intrigues you) on to her instead of trying to figure out who complements her unique personality and context. While I adore the Shin – Mirae couple, I find my interest in this drama dwindling because there’s no core consciousness to hold it all together when Mirae is under everybody’s thumb – ajhumma’s, Shin’s, Se Joo’s, Oppa’s, and now even the audience’s.

    • Present Mirae under everyone’s thumb? I watched carefully all the episodes and saw otherwise. How can we overlook the Mirae who rose to the challenge of the Future Mirae to rid herself of her “I’m all right” mindset and once and for all kill the false fear that made her embrace mediocrity? How can we miss out the Mirae that inch her way through YBS despite the big opposition of her future self and her Oppa? How can we forget how the present Mirae had the gall to prick Shin’s bubble of conceit by challenging him to shed off his image in the spirit of true broadcast journalism? How can we forget the way the present Mirae retaliated after Shin threw water at her face?

      I don’t know if I understood core consciousness the way you indicated it here. I would give my own understanding of it based on how you used it in context. Yes, there is and it’s CHOICE. How in the end, despite all the external influences one has to contend with when making choices (Don’t we all have Future Mirae’s in different guises?) we are the product of our choices. For if we choose to be influenced, we can’t say it’s the choice of the person who influenced us. IT IS STILL OUR CHOICE.

  3. I really love Shin’s character and how LDG plays him. He and Yoo Kyung are the two I’m watching this for so far. Their struggles are quite interesting to watch. Character wise I feel Mirae is falling a bit behind here. She gets a +1 for telling off her future self though.

    I’m cool with her deciding who she wants for now, but please don’t let it go on for the rest of the drama. Her choice to me is already made obviously by thoughts and feelings, so watching her slowly make it just bugs me. I liked her a few episode ago when she didn’t care about a man.. let’s go back to that?

    No words for FMR, other than she seems petty, childish and mostly stupid. She wanted hurt Shin, but not as much as she did. I don’t know why she was surprised things went horribly wrong. I’m interested in her help and what it is. Her scenes with Shin were pretty great though.

    Miranda is just unrealistic as a whole as an owner of a powerful conglomerate. She just does what she wants, when she wants without any consequences. No shareholders I guess? Just doesn’t make any sense to me. Let’s hope Seju gets some power to take over his granny. That’s what he should worry about, not his mostly unrequited crush.

  4. I’m pretty sure this drama is supposed to be a romantic comedy, but it’s actually pretty serious most of the time.

    Of course I’m not saying that’s a bad thing–all the drama is just sucking me in, making the wait for new episodes harder and harder. If a drama does a good job with suspense and keeping us curious, then it’s a win in my book.

  5. thanks for the summary, this drama is my bias, I can not simply wait for the next episode, no doubt to see it with subs I have so many important events without dua incredible episode.

  6. thks for d recap and yeah I find yoo kyung endearing and feeling sad for her … it’s not easy being her and I’m happy that she actually falls for SJ for who he is without knowing he’s a chaebol ..
    LGD – enough said … ^_^
    I can’t wait to watch ….
    Thks again….

  7. Hmmm… What if Se Joo actually did like Mirae as well? It’s just that future Mirae was just as dense as current Mirae, and did not notice it. And that the whole thing with Yookyung was just a show to avoid a scandal or something his grandma planned? I don’t know. I can’t see why the other 3 leads except Sejoo are falling for their “fated” one except him, when it was “love at first sight” for him and Yookyung – as stated for him in Miraes future. Shin and Mirae obviously still fell for each other even though their paths didn’t meet at the same time …. I feel like this show has so many possibilities it’s killing me. I still believe that future Mirae is doing this for the good of it all, and that current Mirae gets on my nerves more. Can’t seem to put my finger on why though.

    I think they should stop beating around the bush and actually let someone in the drama or us know what the heck is going to happen in the future instead of all the countless riddles this drama loves to throw around.

    • The only reason Se Joo isn’t falling for YK yet is because we’d have no story. Every K-drama rom-com ever needs two guys vying over the girl, so we have to make Se Joo pine over Mirae first and then realize last second that YK is a great choice too. *Rolls eyes*

      Gosh, I don’t know why we can’t get a Se Joo/YK thing straight out without dragging Mi-rae into it like YK is somehow second class. Honestly, I’m getting total Mary-sue vibes from Mirae. Ugly clothing but can nab all the guys. First time screenwriting and can outright beat the established writer… Anyway, I still love the OTPs and all, but I don’t like Mirae all that much–especially future Mirae.

  8. Shouldn’t the future and present Mirae be the same person ie of the same taste and same character and behavior? I’m getting a little confused when they both act and behave differently and not having the same character as though they are two different persons.

    • Agree. I’m also feeling the strong disconnect. Show is more and more like a traditional rom-com, the back to the future thing is not fitting in well.

  9. Love so much this recap Koala! This story indeed wasnt that simple as it used to look during preview. Love it, getting more and more interesting!

  10. Shin’s character is charismatic and attractive. But in real life living with someone like that will be hard. Good for romance, bad for marriage.

  11. It’s rare that I actually HATE a character, but the writers have managed to make me really DESPISE Evil Hag Ahjumma. I grin and cheer when she suffers pain, and hope there’s plenty more of it to come. She deserves it for her utterly selfish motives, and her deluded belief in her own omnipotence, as if she can meddle with history and have everything come exactly the way SHE wants it too.

    In contrast, I’m loving what they’re doing with YK – showing her beginning to think about Se Ju said even while working the only way that’s worked for her up til now. A character I can relate to empathise with, flaws and all, unlike the witch that I just want to see burn.

  12. Dang I dont know I kinda dislike Mirae right now. & yes both future & present Miraes.

    Dislike the future Mirae for obvious reasons. & kinda disliking present Mirae because right now it seems like she’s playing with both guys. She seems to be doing the push & pull thing to Shin and she is kinda leading Sejoo on right now- making him feel even more smitten towards her and as a result making Yookyung feel sad and disappointed that Mirae is all on his mind even when he’s talking to her.

    In short, Future Mirae basically destroyed the lives of 4 individuals and 2 fated pairings. Present should just follow her heart, make up her mind and chase that Ahjumma out. Once she figured her life of happiness with Shin, maybe she should lend a helping hand to bring Sejoo & Yookyung couple together.

    Obviously Mirae & Shin are into each other and Yookyung definitely have or will develop feelings for Sejoo. For now, Sejoo is right at the short end of the stick. I feel so bad for him. lol. So Mirae should at least help to bring him & Yookyung together in compensation for kinda leading him on(even if it’s from Future Mirae’s instructions. Just dont listen to her!)

    • She’s kind of driving me crazy too. I know what she’s doing isn’t bad, to pick which guy she likes, but they have to both (and YK) suffer hurt feelings and rejection while she is having a nice little time getting attention from everyone.

  13. Thanks for the recap and your very thoughtful comments.

    When people talk in this show, it is as if the writers lived in my brain.
    I rewound and replayed Shin’s statement a few times to make sure he said what I thought he said. “Two sides warring within…One side tells him to keep his head down and pander then he’ll succeed easier. The other side tells him to stay true to who he is. What most important is being happy with himself.”

    To Mirae, who is at the start of her career, this prolly doesn’t sound like a difficult choice since you win something no matter what: “Pander pander pander! Make money!” That doesn’t seem so hard, right? or “Go your OWN way. Be happy!” HA!

    The guilt of throwing away your career (and easy money) for your principles is huge, and the internal pot-boiling affect of bowing your head down despite being vastly unhappy is also really really hard.

    Mirae’s choice is not between the men; we all know that. Just because Future Mirae has short-sightedly put up pictures of two men on her wishing window does NOT mean Current Mirae has to pick either of those eventualities. The future has already been rewritten. Mirae’s choice seems to be whether she picks HERSELF over them.

    YEH is perfect for this role because she is so natural. Her actions to me are extremely realistic and logical. Any one of us confronted with all the sh^t Future MR is throwing at her would be almost frozen in place. But, even though her brain cannot figure its way out of this maze she has been plopped down into, her heart seems to be focussing on what is the most important.
    For example, it isn’t SJ’s money that attracts her, it’s that stupid college art film he made. She’s picking up on whatever he had meant to do; she appreciates something very very personal that she felt.

    I do love LDG playing basketball. Didn’t he and Rain have a go at it in Let’s Go to School?

  14. Koala!!
    Look what I found on wiki!!
    There is a tarot card of a tower getting struck by lightning. Its meaning for diviners are varied but similar enough:

    *To some, it symbolizes failure, ruin and catastrophe.
    *To others, the Tower represents the paradigms constructed by the ego, the sum total of all schema that the mind constructs to understand the universe. The Tower is struck by lightning when reality does not conform to expectation.
    *The querent may be holding on to false ideas or pretenses; a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. The querent is advised to think outside the box. The querent is warned that truth may not oblige schema. It may be time for the querent to re-examine belief structures, ideologies, and paradigms they hold to. The card may also point toward seeking education or higher knowledge.

  15. I really, really appreciate your delightful recaps. However, I always get really bugged whenever you turn a statement into a question.

    For example, “Se Joo asks Mi Rae if she wanted to stay for dinner?” A period would be more appropriate, because this sentence is supposed to be an impersonal statement. Question marks are only appropriate when:
    1. you actually question whether Se Joo asked Mi Rae something, i.e. Did Se Joo just ask Mi Rae if she wanted to stay for dinner?
    2. you are quoting Se Joo directly, with quotation marks, i.e. Se Joo asked Mi Rae, “Do you want to stay for dinner?”
    The sentence, the way you intended it, should be “Se Joo asks Mi Rae if she wants to stay for dinner.”

    Furthermore, emotions from the speaker are not carried over to impersonal statements. “Mi Rae asks if the Korean boondock countryside is better!” Though Mi Rae may have asked that question with excitement/force/whatever, you aren’t quoting her directly. Again, it’s just a statement.

    Please don’t read this comment as passive-aggressive or angry or condescending, because it’s not. At all. I enjoy reading this blog and your intelligent commentary, but I feel that this one error detracts from the whole experience.

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