
Lee Seon Kyun Joins MBC’s Drama Effort to Turn Lee Yeon Hee into Miss Korea — 15 Comments

  1. Yeah, I could live with this. And re: the storyline, it’s possible that LYH’s character is a pretty girl to begin with but lacking in ambition and the guys enter her in the contest with ulterior motives but she finally becomes empowered to take control of her life and tells them to f off. That would be as interesting as the traditional tale of the ugly duckling.

  2. Well, now I definitely have to watch this. Lee Seon Kyun has chemistry with walls so I’m sure the pairing will be awesome. I think LYH did make some sort of improvement in GFB, she worked hard and was sort of emoting, but her acting is still mediocre to me. I hope she can step it up for this show, cause it sounds cute.

    I’m still waiting for Gong Yoo to come back with a really awesome drama that doesn’t spectacularly waste his talents. Hopefully someone will persuade him to do a drama next year.

  3. Omg…all my oppas parading on-screen. A girl could die happy….after all the episodes aired, of course!

    And Mr. Voice should partner with his real-life buddy, Uhm-Force instead for one power house production. It would sweep all the baeksangs, melt hearts all over the world and hit 90% ratings!

  4. I definitely have my aversions towards LYH, but the drama itself sounds really interesting and different from all the ones we had lately.

    These days everything seems like been there, done that. ‘Man from another star’ and ‘Pretty man’ definitely feels like that. So this one, I’m looking forward to, as well Prime minister and I.

    As for ratings – ugh – they have a serious mountain to overcome. MTT is trying to compete with Sword and Blade in terms of lowest rated drama of the year. And MBC’s miniseries list have been utterly dismal this year. But ironically – the *only* one that did great had LYH in it – so who knows – she can do double punch?

    • I dont know, I guess I’m minority here, I like MTT. It’s very nicely written drama. I’m not in Medical profession, but watching it, makes you wonder and be interested in that godly field.

      • I definitely have no right to judge MTT simply because I haven’t seen even an episode of it. I heard good thing about it online though – and that unlike Good Doctors child like cases, it’s more realistic and mature.

        My comment had more to do with the actual tv ratings. It’s so bad that most of the time fails to break into the top 20. Last time I checked it was below 5. But ratings isn’t always the best way to judge a dramas quality.

  5. kim min jong(gentleman dignity) should join the ahjussi cast..he sort of have lovable charm plus he is from SM!i like his paring with character meh ah ri in gentleman dignity despite huge age gap..

  6. What is this….first Prime Minister And I and now Miss Korea….they are making sure to place all good actors opposite these actresses which I’m always happy to avoid but now will have to try their shows *sigh

  7. I really with they would have picked a “nobody” or a brand new actress. For example, one of the best things about princess diaries was that Anne Hathaway was a completely knew actress, so we got to really see a transformation.

    Like you said Koala, having Lee Yeon Hee wouldn’t be much fun.

  8. I think they are purposely putting Yoona and Lee Yeon Hee opposite good , older actors. If they do a good job no problem, but if they suck we can always count on Lee Beom Soo and Lee Seon Kyun to distract from their mistakes.

  9. Still traumatized by seeing lee yeon hee playing the lead in god awful Paradise Ranch that I don’t think I’ll be able to ever stomach seeing her play the lead actress ever again. I suspect this drama will be another flop for her.

  10. I am with you too koala, SO JEALOUS!!! My mister voice, why??? I kinda hate SM now, keep pairing their young actress with my favorite actor, sigh! I wont mind if they are really talented one like moon geun young or eun ji from Pink-A (or A-Pink? sorry, I dont remember her group)…

    I just watched Ghost, is it just me that she look alike Ha Ji Won?

    btw miss koala, this is unrelated thing to ask you, if you dont mind, what do you think about HJW’s acting? I like her so much before (mostly in hwang jin yi), and adore her too, but I saw in one blog that she even isnt listed in top 100 most value actor/actress in korea… while some actresses like jeon deo yon, son yen jin and gong hyo jin are in top 10… the blog is only a fan blog, but one of most experience of korean entertainment, so I wonder what another blogger think about her? specially you… well, if you dont like my question, please dont mind me… 🙂

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