
Kim Bum and Moon Geun Young Confirm They Are Dating — 126 Comments

    • I have to give it to Ms K, she called it back then. I am really happy for them. I also LOL at the fact that Ms. K was calling non Kdramas friends, trying to spazz about this and I loved their responses, that was funny. Thank you for sharing that, Ms K. It’s nice to see the fangirl in you come out at times.

  1. I know may people happy about Kim Bum and MGY dating, but I feel bad some fangirls are heartbroken. i saw some comments online. they saying that KB is too good for MGY when it comes to looks. they saying he’s perfect and so handsome from head to toe. they said MGY not pretty enough for KB cuz she looks like a 12 year old.

    Whatever, I support this cute couple 🙂

  2. I’ve been iiting for you to confirm so I can start spazzing…in a class right now when I found out and I’m still smiling like loony and can’t concentrate

    • So incredibly happy right now! Best thing I’ve heard all week…I love these two separately and I’ve been regretting not being able to watch GoF since Moony is my favorite actress and their pairing looked really great in every teaser ever… I want to cry tears of how right now….He was the last person that I expected her to dating among all her costars before this show began….. But all the bts clearly showed he had a crush on her…Gaaaaaah! Sooooo cute…didn’t care that much about any of the star pairings of 2013 till this one…I sincerely hope this lasts…can’t say I’m not a teensy bit worried since they’re so young and he’s yet to do military service…but who cares right now? Just going to bask in this cuteness all day

  3. Cute, had no idea this was going on 🙂

    And I always expected her to end up with someone slightly younger since she looks super young herself.

    • I actually thought she’d end up with someone older, just cuz she seems like an old soul. But this pairing makes me so happy. Squeeee~

  4. Looks like from the stills he fell for her first. He’s always looking her way. Writing her character’s name in the sand sealed the deal and romantic. They are a cute couple. How many onset romances have there been?

  5. Awww ….they are so cute together. The way he looked at her in the bts is so swoon worthy ! Now when is So Jo Sub and Gong Hyo Jin gonna announce their relationship !!!

  6. I was ecstatic when I heard this news. They are the best thing in GOF and now we know why. Obviously Bummie fell for her first, so happy Moonie reciprocated the feeling. GeunBum makes a beautiful couple. 🙂

  7. When I first heard this, I instantly thought of Ms. Koala and I was sure you were spazzing out, but you’ve already known for a week, I don’t know how you contained yourself. Anyway, super happy for them, they’re so cute together.

  8. I am excited… They are too cute!!! I want all these public figures to find their own happily ever after. May this be it for them. 🙂 🙂

  9. I’m so sorry Captain Koala, I’m still exited about the news I didn’t realised we might have been bothering. Even posting about GeunBum in another threats. Truly sorry

    I’m so happy, when I first heard the news was right after waking up and I don’t know if it’s bad to wake up so exited but GAWD. Even after 2 hrs. I kept trembling of emotion. I became shipper after the first BTS of these two. He kept smiling so sweetly and the pics you posted in and after the press conference gazing at Moonie. Yeah there were many signal of him falling on the set. Their chemistry was undeniably. I’m hoping the best for these two. Fighting!!!

  10. Well its about time! We had that coming, we saw it coming and I am happy to see my Bummie in some really good news as well as for Moon(for once). They are both gorgeous! The chemistry between them was awesome and hopefully they can continue that chemistry for a long time! Congrats on you both!

  11. Ahahahahahahaha, finally you post it Koalas.
    When i read about this in dramabeans, my first thougt is “Really?! Oh, I’m totally checking Koalas comment about this”

  12. yay! i am MGY fan. and im so happy for her. They look good together.

    i hope this will happen to GHJ and SJS too! a SHipper here!

  13. Best couple news ever! Now I’m going to browse the webs to read more news about this awesome couple. I hope they’ll have a great time in Europe.

  14. wow he really couldn’t even hide it lol it’s like his eyes were glued to her in the BTS pics. I never saw this drama but I like both actors and think they look awesome together. I wish them the best.

    • MBC better have them walk the red carpet together and be all lovey dovey at the year end awards to make up for the GoF pain they inflicted on me. Or I can see it as the pain was so they could fall in love on set. Okay, then it was all worth it.

  15. Love this news ! I am so happy ! My couple crush came true. I have been pinning for Moon and Kim Bum to be together since months when the drama started. Maybe Bummie wants to keep other competitors away before he is going to the army…..Now I will spend hours re-watching their BTS and all of their pics together. *not gonna sleep anytime soon*

  16. Wow. Im so ecstatic. Very happy for them. Still yet to watch last 4 eps of the GOF but delaying it because i read from here Bummie died. But i will rewatch all their parts and spazz more. Wish them the best.

  17. I didn’t expect it as we normally hear these kind of rumours when two stars work together….it tuned out to be true!!!

    A good news!! I’m not their fan but like both of them 🙂

  18. I am so happy about this. I love him and I adore her. They do look cute together. He made a wise choice. I wish them the best. Dreams do come true.

  19. I’m soo happy for them!! People who say negative things about MGY not being pretty enough for Kim Bum is just jealous obviously bc he will never date someone so shallow like them. Besides, MGY is a natural beauty! I’m so happy he chose her over a sea of other plastics 🙂

    • i just gonna post one message and then leave.
      those people R not shallow. beauty’s eye of the beholder so they just don’t think she pretty. kim bum likes MGY bcuz she nice girl.
      even tho there’s plenty of girls better looking than her, he chose her bcuz of personality. anyways, they R sweet couple and got my support.

      • But anytime someone comments that a person isn’t good enough for someone purely on looks it is shallow. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but that isn’t what this is. YOu should look up the definition of shallow dear 🙂

    • I understand that different people have different views on beauty but I honestly don’t know what those people are smoking because to me she’s simply radiant and just so naturally beautiful

  20. my cousin and I cried tears of regret when they killed off the only decent character in that awful drama, and yesterday we cried tears of joy because our favorite couple EVER is together <3

  21. I’m happy that MGY is officially dating KB, simply because I was never a GeunGeun Shipper, in fact was GeunShin shipper. I guess many would feel relieve especially that Jang Geun Suk real life persona may not be that compatible and definitely not someone I would ship with my favourite actress.

    I used to ship JGS with Park Shin Hye but now, I’m dying and hoping that she would really date Lee Min Ho. Gosh, I love the intensity they show in The Heirs, LMH has killer stare and oozes so much sexual tension there. I pray and pray hard that my GeunShin ship will sink and hoping PSH and LMH will be the next couple outed much like this happy couple.

    • No please let LMH & PSH be friends she said that LMH is the last one that she will date( we won’t fights from fans ) , I believe that Shin Hye will marry outside entertainment industry ;D

    • I love LMH and PSH together too, but they are very less likely to date, in my honest opinion.
      LMH’s intense gazes are super hot, but I can tell he’s just acting. He’s become so good in eye-acting. 😛

  22. This is the best news ever for my Bummie..Just look at that boy is in love.. Congratulations to my 2 favorites..MAY YOU HAVE A HAPPY LIFE TOGETHER FOREVER AND EVER. Thanks made my weekend.

  23. The BTS pictures were really shouting, “KB is smitten big time with his GY noona.” And I’ve always been a sucker for guys being so smitten that it clearly shows. I think last year, it was Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In na for me, though there were some issues, but it was also pretty obvious that JHW was smitten.

    Have fun dating!!!!!! 🙂

    • Agreed. I love how JHW was soooooo smitten over YIN!!
      You can tell they were falling in love on set.
      Same with KB and MGY ^^ So happy for these two couples

  24. Usually when it comes to dating news of my favourite actors, I would become a little heart broken but wish them the best anyway…

    But GeunBum is just so perfect in my eyes. What an adorable couple!!
    I love them both and together, they are just double the eye candy.

    They remind me of how Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na got together. ^^
    Except JHW & YIN had such a lovely story in the drama.

  25. Thank you for posting this. They look cute and hoping that their relationship continues to grow. Wouldn’t it be nice if two or three years from now we hear of ther

    • oops my fingers press the enter button accidentally. …we hear of their upcoming nuptial. I know it is to soon to even think about it but I bet fans all over the world would just be gushing with excitement. What a nice news to read as soon as I get to your site. Thanks again.

  26. Aww~~~ They’re so adorable! I don’t care about the age gap. I think their personality match quite well and both started as child actors too! So awesome!

  27. I’m deeply happy with the news, my ship is finally for real! Honestly, i got disappointed with my ship GeunGeun didn’t prosper but finally Moon found a guy in KimBum. I’m so elated that i’m teary eyed. I hope this two will work together again in drama where they will end up of course together. lolz

    GeunBum fighting!!!

  28. i know i said i’ll leave after one message but i wanna mention something else. moon geun young is one of best korean actresses and kim bum is one of the most handsome korean actors. i dunno ’bout you guys, but i consider kim bum one of the best K-actors. even though he’s second lead, he play diverse roles. he did good job and got a lot of praise for padam padam, that winter wind blows. wish KB and MGY happiness!

    • it’s not that serious. excuse me for sayin’ this, even if this lovely couple break up, they can still move on and have new partners. just bein’ realistic, but i hope KB and MGY last for long time.

  29. Apparently GeunBum will be in Europe traveling until the latter half of November before they return to Korea and start choosing their next projects. XD Please have fun, my precious babies! That’s a long trip as a newly minted couple. They are both quite gregarious and it should be loads of fun to go with their friends and be so young and carefree after wrapping a long arduous drama. My gut tells me Bummie took this drama for Geun Young and a chance to work with her. I’m sure they were giggling their heads off after filming the ridiculous Tae Do dies scene. I wonder if Bummie went for it because he’s going to the army soon and wants to stake his claim on his noona before he’s gone for 2 years? No worries, she’s as steady and loyal as they come.

    • i thought the same thing because it didn’t make sense for him to accept this role especially after that winter, the wind blows stint.

      i am praying that all will work out and they will stay together for a long time.

  30. So that’s how they survided GOF, mystery solved!
    Jokes aside I never pictured them as a possible paring, but now that I’ve seen them they look absolutely perfect together.

  31. WHen I first hear the news from NB, I quickly jumped to your site to see if you made a post about it. AHAHAHA congrats Koala your OTP in Goddess Fire has turned into a reality~
    I love my noon romance, and they both deserve happiness~~~~

  32. Congratulations to all the shippers! I love these two actors individually, and now their being together… I am ecstatic! I wish both of them all the best. May they be strong and remain true to their commitment to each other. And may this relationship just enrich their gifts so they can be better actors.

    I regret I could not bear to watch GoF but did follow your recaps and postings, Capt. K! And now I want to rejoice along with the shippers and join your party!

    Now here’s wishing all our OTP ships can sail away like this!

    • I just want to qualify my statement, “so they can be better actors” – both MGY and KB are already great actors! Very dedicated to their craft and already delivering such stellar performances. But any higher level of emotional involvement means growth and maturity, so I hope their relationship translates to even more emotive, heartfelt portrayals. Is all.

  33. 2013 has been interestin’ year for korean celebrity couples. earlier this year, won bin & lee na young made it official, then jo in sung and kim min hee, after dat lee byung hun & lee min jung tied the knot. And now kim bum and moon geun young admit their dating. WOW! congrats to all the couples!

  34. I was so happy they are soo cute but then people started to tell me KB’s bad rumors and I got worried.

    Koala, since it seems you get some info from the indutry/actors relationship, des you know if those rumors about Kim Bum are real or bullshit?

    Because I heard so many about how KB was arrogant and rude in his BOF days and when he was a student too he was violent, I wonder is it true and KB matured from those days and now is a better person or if those rumors are really baseless? Because I watched the BTS of GOF and KB seemed nice and was polite and talked with staffs having fun, so I’m confused.

    Please Koala, share more not known couples you know T___T like do you know who MGY dated in the past, or if KB and KSE was ever real?

    • Bummie’s got an ego. It’s the rare exception for a popular or established actor or actress who doesn’t. But he’s got all his manners down where it counts in the industry with the sunbaes and the PDs. Dating Geun Young and growing up will do wonders for his career longevity and learning to control his hotheaded streak that comes out from time to time. He’s fundamentally a good kid and one of the few I see having a long and diverse career. Remember he got big really young (he’s only 23/24 now) so all in all there is some truth to the rumors but some blown out of proportion. Working in China has been good for him. He and Ariel (who is like the TW equivalent of MGY) got along well and meeting top stars in China has been good exposure. I think he’s really maturing as to figuring out the people he should hang out with. Definitely the kind of girls he would want to date. No comment on SoEul. I don’t want to add fuel to or burst anyone’s bubble there.

      • from what ya said, now i thinkin’ ’bout it, i gues he got an ego but still humble, i hope. one time, i watch his interview, a fan asked him “when you look at yourself in the mirror, you find urself rather good-looking”. instead of being modest and denying, he admit he’s confident about his good looks and thanked his mom too. of course he got self-esteem cuz he’s gorgeous, a good singer, and he can act (getting better too).

      • Koala, you said *no comment on SoEul* and now I really want to know what you think about it. Pretty please comment on it! I am genuinely interested.

      • Ms.K, you cannot leave us hanging at “no comment on SoEul”!! Ahhhhhhhhh~ Regardless of the actors’ rel’p in real-life that couple was the best thing about that horrendous show.

        Here’s wishing the best of luck to this couple.

  35. @…on
    All the bad rumors ’bout Kim Bum is BULLSHIT, KB’s co-stars Ku hye sun and lee min ho from boy over flowers said he is the most mature among the F4 and if ya watch behind the scenes, kim bum’s polite and has good manners;
    i’m those bad rumors have not been affecting his career.

    • oops…typo..i meant to say ‘i’m glad those bad rumors didn’t affect him; even staff members from his past dramas and his best friends lee min ho/jung il woo said KB’s nice, friendly, shy, and considerate.

  36. they look so sweet and cute together <3 and his glances at her so ugh alfkjal;fjd omo *__*
    and their agencies were so fast to confirm.

  37. WAAHHHH! I’ve been waiting for your post about this Ms K.
    I am happy for them esp to Moonie. KB seems to be a very sweet gentleman.
    I ship them and I hope this relationship last long.

    Even though the dating rumors were pretty low key and no one had actually seen the two actors out together, Moon Geun Young decided that they would not sneak around. According to Namoo Actors, Moon Geun Young felt it was important to be honest about the relationship.

    “She is a very honest person,” said the Namoo representative. “That’s why she decided to confirm the relationship.”


    My advance Christmas Gift from Kdrama has arrived.. You both will make cute babies ..

  38. just wonderin’…since moon geun young got famous til now, did she ever date any other guy before kim bum? not sure but i suppose not,besides me can’t think of any asian guy better lookin’ than KB.

  39. Ah, been away too long, but this made me smile:) long time fan of Moonie here, not too familiar with Kim bum’s work etc, but he seems solid enough for our Moonie, no? I really admire both for openly admitting to their relationship, all the best to them!!!

    • Really, ur not familiar with KB’s other work? I know he ain’t as big as lee min ho or jang geun suk, but KB is still one of most well known K-actors.

      • Hi koala, I’m back but learned from mistake and will prevent from happening again. Just heard the good news. Just wanna congratulate MGY and KB. That’s all. I can’t and won’t stay on this thread. Bye.

  40. LOL! I just read this news at another blog and immediately thought that you’d be thrilled to hear about it and here I find out that you already knew XD But yeah they make one heck of an adorable couple and I’m so happy for them! It sure is the best outcome of that dreadful drama 😉

  41. Somehow Moon Geun Young strikes me as a rather grounded individual who can navigate well through all the silly gossip mongering that permeates the K-entertainment world. I think she’ll be a good influence on Kim Bum. Their European trip is a smart way to explore and celebrate this blossoming relationship with a modicum of privacy. Nice couple!

  42. Dear “Team Kim Bum – We are 12 girls who all happen to love Kim Bum and sit around the living room and share one computer and post about him” – I’m cool with you being back but just a gentle reminder to please post under one username.

    • Excuse me, NOW its only me and my cousin using an iPad. I’m not staying on this thread. Just wanna congratulate KB and now we’re leaving.

    • That would be heartbraking but romantic. I would hate to see how Moonie was injured. Even the same week (I think 2 days later) When he traveled to China for Detective Dee promotions you could see his hand injured also in the Press Conference. He was trying to hide it but you could see the bandages. Now I don’t think it was coincidence.

    • His hand was indeed injured that very week. I’ve heard whispered murmurings that he was involved in the same accident and the reason she wasn’t more hurt was because he reached out to block the falling camera equipment. It happened during their scene. But no way there will be confirmation ever on this, because it was MBC’s fault all the way for everyone working those long hours and unsafe conditions.

      You can see the injury, knuckle and three fingers all taped up.

      Or maybe he got mad and punched out the equipment afterwards for hurting his girlfriend. LOL.

      • I was so sad because Moonie was injured but I can’t help but feel happy watching this. Either he protected her or punched a wall (or equipment) out of frustation. These is so cute. Has an idol ever been this caring to someone??? I can say safely his inlove.

  43. from the beginning i’ve felt that this time Mgy attitude towards her co-star was different…. & it proved….. & i’m happy for them too… very nice couple.

  44. Good for them and in some ways smart of them to do so with the public ousting. From what I understand Moon Geun Young’s personal character is a class act – she is educated, kind, warm and is a nice all around woman. Kim Bum is a lucky & mature man. They both grew up in the public eyes. Which is a challenge itself.

    By the couple revealing their relationship to the public they are stating to the world especially their home that they are no longer kids/little anymore. Plus it allows them to somewhat date & know each other more freely instead of hiding in a way lessening the pressure for them. It’s about time it is realized that before they are actors they are people with feelings first who do not necessarily need the consent of the netizens/over obsessive fans on how to live their lives.

    Wish them all the best in enjoying each other’s company, improving their relationship & being a couple.

    For a lot of fans this truly makes up for the mess in Goddess of Fire.

  45. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahd!!! *squeeeeee*

    i love them both… and i am so happy for them!!!

    (and i’m also happy that what i [disappointingly] could not get on screen [despite history saying we would get it], we get off-screen *____* i’d been wanting to see them pair up in a drama, and was disappointed to find he would be second lead.. and then excited to find out that history dictates they would end up together… and then….)

  46. This is news to me because I thought MGY is around 23 at most while Kim Bum must be at least 27. I mean, she looked so young and not 26. She can get away with playing an angsty teenager in a drama. I’m happy for them and wish it was the same for some of the couples I ship in dramas.

    • with a baby face, you still thought KB is “at least” 27? LOL! KB is 24 and MGY is 26. she look younger, but she actually older than him.

  47. Asshhh I still can’t get over it!! >.< The way he looks at Moonie!!!! Like she's the only girl in the world. It reminds me a quote from The Grat Gatsby
    “He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man.” Sure Kim Bum does. He's Gatsby and Moonie his Daisy ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • I agree Ms. Koala…I’m hoping there’s a generous web graphic artist out there who will soon share with you their work of art, that is, a GeunBeum header.

      Thanks much for this news. I too am happy and wishing the best for the Couple. In one of your recaps of an earlier episodes of GoF, I commented that Jung-Yi’s character will eventually come around and accept Taedo’s affection. Sure enough she did, but in real life! Squeeeee!!! (^___^)

      • Hi bashful! still remember me? lol. I’m glad you love GeunBum too. Our geungun ship sunk haha…but loving this ship and it sailing smoothly…love it!

      • Hi pipa! Yes of course. I hope you’re well… How can anyone forget the bond amongst the GeunGeun shippers 3 years ago? Aaah, it’s ok; that’s life; we gotta move on. At least we had fun while we were on that ship – analyzing, dissecting, interpreting, rationalizing and projecting the GeunGeun actions. 😀 And today, we board a new ship, first class, with lots of love and best wishes for the new couple. 😉

  48. Coming back here to spazz again because they’re so adorable!! In some ways, this kind of remind me of Ha Ga In and her husband….weird I know right? But they dated for like 2 years and they got married. Her husband then went to the army. I hope they’ll get to that stage too and I know Kim Bum is actually at the age where needs to go to the military already.

  49. Oh my, I can’t stop squealing! haha. I am just so happy and inlove! They’re just so adorable. I hope they’ll get a better project next time or do a movie together. oh my! <3

  50. I like them, they are so talented and have cute image… adore them and well. I am jealous actually, they’re so perfect together in my eyes, jealous and happy at the same time, hehehe

    Wist the best for them!

  51. Kim Bum is sexy. Go Geun Young for belonging to that. Wow, I wish them the best. Finally a kcouple I can be like Hotdamn over. Hope they date smart and with open heart. All the best. Damn I need to start going out more hahah

  52. OMG Koala I squee, I SQUEE with you.

    They’re two adorable puppies and your BTS pics of Bummie mooning over Geun Young is <3

    I wish they'd guest on RM do the cast can rib Jong Kook about his lost love. LOL

  53. Oh my goodness! Kim Bum is so into her! I mean who would not fall for this gorgeousness who couldn’t keep his eyes off MGY! Gosh! This is one awesome news, Ockoala! I hope their relationship lasts for a very, very long time! They look so good together! I love them! Thank you for this!!! This just so made my day!!! I hope there’s another kdrama in the works that would cast them as leads. I don’t think anyone would miss it…so crazy ecstatic right now, mwa ha ha! Thank you!!!

    • uh, kim bum fell for MGY cuz she’s sweet and good actress. sorry, but she not pretty. MGY fell for KB cuz of HIS gorgeous looks and he’s nice guy…I hope he is.

  54. If he fell in love with her during the filming of this hideous garbage of a drama, wherein MGY’s styling was equally horrendous and just downright fugly… Then, it’s definitely true love, people. LOL.

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