
So Ji Sub and After School’s Jooyeon Reportedly Dating Though Denials Abound — 39 Comments

  1. GET IT GUUUURL….or boy. This was definitely a surprise but it’s mostly the oddest ones who are real most of the time. Wishing them all the best may it be friendship or dating.

  2. I hereby transfer back all my shipping powers to Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan!

    As with So Ji Sub and Jooyeon, I just hope that they’re in a happy and healthy relationship. 😀

  3. Didn’t anyone see this coming?

    Dating life yes but this pairing? Which goes to show how secrets are kept in the K pop/ drama world.

  4. What a shocker! This is definitely unexpected, much like KTH and Rain – although that ones confirmed. I’m not sure why but I have a feeling it’s true. Really happy for both either way.

    Now we just need one more huge bang on Dec 31, just to perfectly complete what we should call a couples’ year 😛

    • Apparently both agencies waited for at least a couple of hours before denying the rumors… makes me think they were trying to see how much they should admit. Very, very fishy move esp. when an A lister is involved.

      • I suppose they were trying to see how the public reacts before issuing a statement. Maybe after assessing the situation they decided denial is the best route.

        Honestly, they are definitely both in the age of dating; specially SJS who’s already 37. So if the rumor is true, I think no one should really be raising an eye brow. One if the silliest comments I read said he’s too much an A-lister to date an idol; so it’s impossible. LOL.

      • Her agency claimed she was on a plane and couldn’t be reached, but his reportedly issued a denial within 15 minutes (probably easier for him, considering he owns his agency, ha). The emphasis on ‘casual’ in both agency statements does make it sound like they were probably hooking up but not super serious even if it did go on for as long as reports say. And who knows if they’ll stay together after being outed, look at what happened with Infinite’s L.

    • @hippolyta – insulting whom? If you meant Jooyeon, I’m not surprised even if it is sad how much people tend to overreact to news of idols dating.

  5. *sobbing* this is what I get for breaking my ‘never ship real-life people’ rule, now I’ll just have to stick to hoping he and Gong Hyo-jin are paired up again for work….

    Though really, this isn’t bad at all – it’s seemingly super random but he does dabble in rap and my gut feel tells me it’s true, even if her idol status/his very reserved public persona means they’ll never publicly admit it. And Jooyeon was really likeable in Answer Me 1997, so I’m in total agreement with koala about her and glad she’s getting some love <3

  6. He’s 37?!!! He looks great for his age! I’m just jealous she gets to stare at that face from different angles and have access to his shirtless body. I’ve stuck with shows just to see his face, it’s pretty much unprecedented for me.

    Anyway, I have a feeling he and Gong Hyo Jin will always be friends (with chemistry!) which could lead to something more if the timing is right. It definitely happens in real life!

    I wish them all the happiness and I’m all for So Ji Sub trying to protect himself and love interest from all the craziness of the media during their dating stage. What’s new about Netizens hating Blegh…

  7. Sjs’s company denied within 15 min but it looks like all parties have denied and go posted a super pissed off msg…I’m assuming this rumor is down the tubes and will be out like yesterday’s trash

  8. Didn’t he always say, that he would never date publicly, because if they broke up, she would be a ‘used’ woman? He will never confirm anything till he marries.

    • Used?! That’s odd and frankly rude to say publicly. I think instead of “used” he should say bashed! She will be bashed by his fans. We all know how k world function. I doubt he said that though. Maybe mistranslated.

      • If I remember correctly, this ‘used women’ expression is how Koreans think about openly dating women. Any Koreans around to put it right?

  9. I really don’t believe they were just friends. They’re beautiful and talented people and I like them individually. (Actually, I had no idea who she was but I acknowledge that she’s beautiful.) But, honestly, I feel repulsed by the thought of them together. I’m ashamed of myself for feeling this way but it’s my genuine feeling. I just imagined him with someone like Shin Min Ah or Gong Hyo Jin, even. Actually, there was a bts clip where GHJ was hugging him in a joking manner. SJS was smiling initially but you then can see the corners of his lips curling downward. Dammit.

    • Did you even watched all the presscon, bts and interviews?? He was very relaxed and happy with GHJ, which never happened with other female co stars.

      There’s no way he will fall for an idol cos he’s at that age where he’s ready to settle down and not to be with a partner who’s still hankering after fame.

      And for him to respond to the rumour in 15 mins shows how swift he wants to stamp out further speculations )she was in the plane). If he is really attached, he would have called her to discuss it instead dropping this instant denial with no respect for his gf.

      It’s a ridiculous rumour

  10. She’s pretty, so good for SJS.

    Her acting in Monstar was fine as the bitchy actress, but she was horribly miscast in AM97.

    She’s believable as the boyband president, but as a doctor, let alone the HEAD OF SURGERY?

    Horrible casting choice.

  11. I ship him with GHJ….. ack. Whatever, it’s like 99.9999% probability that all of the ships we’re boarded on will never come true in the reality.

  12. Wow. I still remember his marriage scandal w/ Han Ji Min. I’ve never heard him admitting a relationship and I’m not even sure if he has admitted his past relationship w/ Kim Hyun Joo although it’s been rumor that the two have dated for a long time and broken up.

  13. Either way I wish them happiness. I think its funny how there are so many comments from people matching these stars up with their co-stars from dramas. That’s really not very realistic when you think about the percentage of couples together who actually starred in a movie or drama together. I suppose maybe their acting is so good ppl believe it for real life. Just seems very odd to me.

  14. (Sigh) I just started to like and paid attention to who he was before Jugun-i Taeyang drama. Well, he is already 37 years old he’d make a very cool daddy just like that show Phantom(ghost).

  15. Those ladies are fortunate that, that girl is not mine. My daughter is that age and after the woman’s mag wrote that article, they could write one more, entitled how her mom is spending the rest of her life in prison. I would do those ladies’ husbands and children a favor. No one from outside the family was ever aloud to hurt my child.l

  16. Oh Ho ho ho ho!!!! He is marrying up all the women in Korea! He must have a collection of wives! Wow, all those women to keep happy!

  17. think this was true. But, are they still together? heard SJS’ last interview was that “he’s trying to be happy”. what do you think that statement mean?

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