
Prime Minister and I Episode 14 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. I die now! Just refreshed to see your latest recap but my lunch hour is over! Now I gotta wait until my break.Thank you for the recap!

  2. I love this episode and now I’m worried for tomorrow’s I’m thinking of skipping tomorrow’s episode and wait till next week. Everybody have moved on and happy why throw this for me not needed dead wife alive conflict! We already have joon ki… I hope they just made him more villainy just be the cause of the problem. The way I see it, it’s too complicated!!! I do hope that DJ and Yul will get married and have babies and be happy.

  3. Oh I fear for tonight episode because od dj pull the noble idiot card although ky and ny meeting andI hope not because dj initiate without ky acknowledge.but I do hope this dead wife issues will end tonight and we can have the rest 2 episode boating for ky and that too much to ask?

  4. Your recap hit on all the right notes in this episode. Love is a verb. So all of KY and DJ’s actions have shown the other, that they love one another. This drama has portrayed what a grown up, mature falling in love is like. Yes it can include passion, giddy feelings. However it’s been seen that falling in love over time is the foundation for a solid basis for marriage. Thank you for your recap.

  5. Since Episode 1, Man Se is a couple of steps ahead of his father to really know how special Da Jung is. The Ep.15 preview showing Man Se desperately trying to prevent Da Jung from leaving would be a preview of how Kwon Yul will act, he will be desperate to keep Da Jung. All of us fans are desperate to keep her too, even In-Ho told Na Young to back off because Da Jung is a special person.

  6. Not sure why almost everyone thinks Nam Da Jung leaving is ‘noble idiocy’ because it is not at all. Nam Da Jung’s struggle right now is more believable at least compared to most kdramas where the main conflict is societal difference (this is a believable too, but usually the angst portrayed about it is inappropriately larger than the problem). The korean culture is just different.

    The dwindling ratings is being attributed to makjang plot of dead wife coming back alive. But makjang IS a staple in kdramas. The dwindling in ratings is probably because Kwon Yul will end up with Nam Da Jeong instead of first wife Park Na Young. This goes against what is ‘normal’ in Korea. Which I am giving full credit to the writers, for doing something groundbreaking despite the expected backslash.

    Think about it. Most parent and child in kdramas – the other biological parent would either (1) reconcile to complete the family later [two weeks] or (2) the other biological parent is dead/not in the picture at all [three fathers one mother; mandate of heaven]. Now the there is even a trend for divorced couples to marry each other again [thrice married couple, oh la la spouses, emergency couple, and upcoming cunning single lady].

    • The OTP always ends up together in romcoms. So as much as birth parents might be considered a better option in Korea in most cases, romance fiction is governed by entirely different rules and dramas are no exception. Also, I doubt even in a conservative society like the Korean one would people really want a cowardly, child-abandoning character they have not seen for an entire series to ruin the OTP. Culture is culture, but I think it is unfair to assume all Koreans have such dated ideas about romance. As I said, fiction is fiction and fairytales are fairytales exactly because they follow the romance “rules”, which are more global than that.

      Makjang is what makes the ratings drop, because there are two series which are melodramas out right now, which offer much more makjang, more consistently. No one will watch a romcom for the makjang, when two makjang giants are airing at the same time.

      As for the noble idiocy, just because it makes sense for the character it does not mean that, as a device, it is not used exactly as that. It is a typical plot device to bring angst, enhance the romance and delay the happily ever after and as much as it may make sense within the world it takes place, it is still a go-to trope from a writing point of view.

      The series is doing great, even with its makjang. It is using the elements well and to bring further lovely characterization, but we cannot deny the fact that is *is* using makjang and that the tropes are what what are, even if they are inevitable elements of any and every Korean drama.

      • The demographics of the kdrama watching public is different from the general public at large. The conservative society makes a big chunk of the kdrama watching public. Based on the netizen comments, Park Na Young is the biological mother – that takes precedence over anything else. So Nam Da Jung’s struggle is very real. A lot of international viewers seem to discard these two facts as something trivial. When it is not. A different culture is just different, not wrong because there is a great difference in thinking “this is my values, this is what I’ll do” from “this is my values, they should do this/they are wrong.”

        While I don’t like Park Na Young to be alive, that is probably because I’m from a similar culture – I can see that it will be a problem. But that is probably WHY I can also appreciate this turn of the events.

        The writers’s story tries to break the conventions of family – that biological parents do not need to stay married for the sake of the children, that it is okay even for the biological parents to go their separate ways (possibly even be the best option for the family), that the stepparent is not a place-holder or replacement for the biological parent that is dead/not in the picture because the stepparent’s role in the family is his/her rightful place. The writers should be given due credit for doing something groundbreaking despite the expected backslash. While I did not like this twist initially, I now think that it is very meaningful.

        And Prime Minister and I isn’t really the typical kdrama makjang or melodrama. Despite having makjang elements, the execution is very different.

      • If you read the netizens comments, I don’t think it’s the makjang. I won’t even consider what PM&I is doing now as makjang as it’s pretty mild. Right from the start, viewers were already turned off by the romance of an idol actress and a male lead with a 20 year age gap. They acknowledged him as a good actor but not someone they want to view having a romantic scene with a much younger girl. When PM articles ranked last night on naver, it’s only ranks in the teens. 20-50s don’t bother reading. I know we all think LBS is hot but for the korean viewers they may see it differently. It’s obvious once the PD reduced the hijinks and started getting serious with the romance, the ratings fell. I’m quite sure that if PD had decided to really go the makjang style and made IN HO and DA JUNG go into something deeper, the ratings would have gone north a little. Overall, viewers were kept before by the laughters but when there are less, they will prefer to watch something with a faster pace or extreme makjang to make them laugh. Having said it, I like how the story is turning out. I wouldn’t really ask for much change. The ratings is unfortunate but the story and execution has been great. Considering that in this drama an idol actress is kind of leading the story. I’m surprised that it hasn’t fallen to Pretty Man level with all the netizen hate, that shows that it does have it’s base followers. My mom thinks that this drama is like nice cup of warm tea that is soothing but nothing too exciting. She will finish drinking it(watching it) but she wants to watch a blood boiling drama like Empress Ki first.

        On a side note, my Chinese friend tells me that PM is doing well in China. YWCFTS is the rage right now, but PM is clicking up some top views. So there are still people who do appreciate it.

      • @angel101, I expected the age gap to be an issue, but not the not-dead wife. I would not get my cues from netizen messages, but I was under the impression that, as conservative as Korea is, it is not *that* far in the past. I guess we need such series then, because people will not evolve and broaden their horizons about what makes a happy relationship if culture and entertainment do not help things along. I do understand culture plays a part, but I am a humanist, so I believe people’s happiness should come before and above societal norms. So go get that happiness, Yool.

    • I find your comment regarding the preference for biological parents about the ratings really interesting. It explains a lot (for example, why some of my favorite dramas got really low ratings in Korea, but were very popular with international fans. It is not a problem, unless they start changing the content because of them, it does not seem like it is the case here, even though I would have preferred if they had come up with less makjang obstacles for the OTP) , but I have a question. Is a man with a child, widowed or divorced or even just divorced, really such a big taboo in Korea? I just watched “Emergency couple”, where the mother of the main character is offended that her friends offers to set up her daughter with a man who has a child. Is it also the reality or is it just K-drama? Is adoption (a well loved plot devise in K-dramas) as a non-blood relation also not very common ?

      • A person with child or widowed or divorced or an orphan or grew up in a one-parent household faces some stigma in the society in general. Checking one’s family dynamics and ancestry prior to marriage is a big deal. This is not limited in Korea, but most Asian cultures too.

        The trend in recent dramas of divorced couples marrying each other again is kind of worrying. There is nothing wrong with trying hard to make the marriage work out, and divorce is supposedly the last option to consider is it not? But if the marriage got so bad you ended up divorced, why marry that person again?!

  7. Thank you! One heartbreaking episode this is… Can’t wait for tomorrow…I hope Joon Ki will soon find out that Na Young is alive and actually see her in the flesh and be able to talk to her, then she could just jump off a cliff or that 63 Building, end of story…

  8. This was an awesome episode… so much emotions and character.. and hopefully all answers or doubts will be cleared up by tonight…

    I lack courage to watch tonight’s episode for fear how much heartbreaking it can be… but.. I will still watch it… one bite at a time…

  9. Thanks for the recap.

    Love LOVED Manse giving his father the death glare for stealing his bedmate.
    It is too perfect how proprietary kids can get. It’ll be interesting to see the two “men” negotiate over who gets to sleep with whom and when. 🙂

    Ooohh! I actually like the idea of DJ getting out of the house, that way the PM has to woo her into returning. And wooing may include…yes…kissing!

    Too bad this isn’t a film instead of TV or cable instead of not. Oh well…we will hopefully get ONE doozy before it is done.

    • Yes.manse really have to compete with his dad to win over bedmate as now daddy also want to sleep with his lady.that makes me want to see how both man setle the sleeping matter

  10. This drama never had good ratings to begin with so ratings aren’t really slipping, they were never there to begin with. It was slightly higher in the middle, but nothing to get excited about. I find it kind of silly to blame makjang or even the zombie ex-wife for the decline. For the most part people weren’t here for the drama from the start for other reasons. I’m just glad they let the story (and OTP) unfold as intended and didn’t pull a Mirae’s Choice on us.

    I did like this episode, but honestly the ex-wife just taints the drama for me somewhat. She’s going to always be there even when DJ ends up being the kids real mother and Yul’s loving wife. I do think the kids have a right to know about her and she can’t just slip away playing dead. She doesn’t deserve the honor of them remembering her fondly.

  11. hmmm! i want to give na young the benefit of the doubt. maybe she went there for one last look before she disappears for good. otherwise, she won’t be hiding from da jung if she wants to create trouble. and i agree with u ms K, she’s selfish. she don’t think of the consequences of her action.

  12. awww agree with all, this is heartbreak episode, how every viewers put their self on Da Jung’s shoes, we cry when she cry. we laugh when she laugh and we swoon when she swoon.

    from the preview seems Da Jung play noble idiot card by leaving the mansion. She really love Kwon Yul and family with unconditional love, that’s why she think her leaving is the best for all. kids will reunite with their biological mother.

    i don’t think the non dead ex wife want to back to yul’s side. she only want to gather with her children but since she made a promised to In Ho to disappears for good, she want to bid farewell to her son, for the last time, last touch, last talk, last meet. she didn’t reveal her self as the mother to Man Se when he asked her, she only said if she knew he is Man Se and asked about the ajumma, to confirm In Ho’s word if Da Jung is a the right person to be their mother.
    she also want to ask forgiveness to Kwon Yul, that’s why she meet him at the most memorable place for them. even i feel a bit weird how strange he look, seem he is not completely forgive her, or maybe he got tricked to met her, who’s knows. what i care is, their meeting bring clean cut and both parties can move on, divorce will be first thing to do and kwon yul move on with happily life with Da Jung.

    i wonder if the leader were Moon Geun Young, since we all know she also a great actress, will the story and chemistry as strong as yoona ? she played as a warm and witty girl too at Marry Me Mary (still fond on her role in that drama) and wonder if the rating will be better since the age gap is shorter ? this drama is perfect to me and i don’t bother with how low the rating is.

    i guess Prime Minister and I not a tea, it’s definitely hot cocoa, warm, sweet and needed in this winter 🙂

    • Totally agree with the hot cocoa… brings all the fuzzyness and does make your heart skip a beat and flutters… a drama you can just curl on your sofa… and enjoy!

    • Right now, I can not see any other actress as Nam Da Jung except YoonA.

      IMO, acting abilities or age is not the only thing to consider. Chemistry is very important too. If the two leads in this drama did not have any chemistry at all (which is not the case obviously, because Lee Beum Soo and YoonA have awesome chemistry!), the drama would be kind of awkward to watch despite the story being the same.

      Based on photos, Lee Beum Soo and Jung Ryeo Won do not seem to have any romantic chemistry at all – seem like just friends, even siblings in History of Salaryman. Park Shin Hye do not have much chemistry with her leading men in dramas too (But that is not the case in commercials, why is that?). When discussing chemistry with other people in forums, there are comments made about Go Ah Ra and Han Hye Jin not having chemistry with their leading men in dramas too – like there is torrid kissing but something is lacking still.

      Then again, chemistry is subjective so it is different for everyone. And sometimes, the story can take the focus that even the lack of chemistry can be ignored. Still, great chemistry is preferable with a great story.

    • It`s funny cause i like Moon Geun Young but i can`t picture her playing Prime Ministers wife.

      The thing with Yoona is that she has this natural poise to her, she is tall and slender and there is this elegance about her, look at her long fingers , long neck , the way she walks. She was convincing as both crazy haired , sloppy reporter Da Jung but also as wife of Prime Minister in those amazing coats and beautiful dresses.

      I can picture Moon Geun Young in a reporter role but she is not beautiful enough or elegant enough too pull of other side of the role imo. I mean how can Prime Minister go from loving such a stunning women as Na Jung to loving Moon Geun Young? But you can easily see how he can fall for Yoona.

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