
Kim Jae Won and Jo Yoon Hee Get Super Close in Guess Jeans for High Cut Magazine — 10 Comments

  1. LOL @ck10z I totally had the same reaction. It’s such a contrast to their characters on the drama (not that I’m complaining). I’ll def buy what they are selling…jeans I will take three dozen 😉

    • Oh I forgot…. Yoon Eun Hye also did another W-magazine, which she did with Lee Yong Woo. Now that one was super steamy.

      Yoon Eun Hye is super good are taking photo. She always turns out looking amazing and somehow u just understand the concept.

  2. Jeezus koala. This sedates my kjw fix for now. I’ve seen KJW in so many dramas back in the 00s but I never remember seeing him topless. Always wondered if he didn’t have the rock abs but now I know that’s not the case lol

  3. I was ogling KJW until I saw JYH’s cleavage. O_O

    Then I realized, “Wow, you almost never see cleavage in kdramas… but the abs are like EVERYWHERE.”

    Strange that I only noticed now.

  4. WHOA.

    Love the styling, especially her hair. And I totally understand what you mean about the Etude House CF – You’re Beautiful tended to keep it more on the cute side of things despite a moment or two when Jang Geun-seok’s smoulder broke through…..but the kissing CF was, as they say, SMOKIN’.

    And I didn’t know Park Shin-hye was capable of making come-hither eyes like that or actually looking like she’s attracted to a guy on a physical level, it’s a shame she never brings that to any dramas except the ending kiss of Flower Boy Next Door. No one likes kiss scenes where the female half of the couple always looks tortured or like she’s just enduring it.

  5. I didn’t understand her character in their last drama… At the beginning, she’s a pregnant and not married woman and for the rest of the drama, she acts like a teenager girl…

  6. Also, the couple CF/photoshoot concept is a perfect way to give fans an extra fix of a couple without having to commit the actors to another drama or movie.

    (now can So Ji-sub and Gong Hyo-jin do one together, please? And also Lee Sun-kyun and Lee Yeon-hee)

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