
Bride of the Century Episode 3 Recap — 50 Comments

  1. * closes eyes * after reading the opening.

    3 episodes in and Ms Koala is in love. You have a huge variety of taste. Most of whom I love but some I avoid like the plague.

    So dear viewers, in order not to get spoilers for even ep 1- who else is watching and what’s the vibe like?

    The reason why I am not starting this is actually because of the male lead. So the story and chemistry has to be good. Is it?

    Thank you.

    • @ck1Oz

      the story is passable, lots of crazy stuff happens, and acting is at times cringe-worthy. i like it, though. i’m not yet on the “love” level as koala, but maybe because i just finished watching PMAI and there’s a couple of semblance of it i see in some scenes or characterizations, which was done more tastefully than in this drama.

      i’m also not a fan of LHK, but i’m okay with his character here. plus i like the heroine. i’m actually the type who can let some things pass if i like the heroine. and in this drama, there’s lots to like about Doo Mi. i also have a bit of a crush on the Oppa (who i think is more attractive than LHK’s Kang Joo).:)

      to sum up, try to watch the first two episodes. i think liking this drama firmly depends on whether you’re in the mood to watch something that doesn’t require you to overanalyze, and on whether you can appreciate the cute chemistry between the leads. Both purely subjective. 🙂

      • Thank you for the replies especially why it’s worth giving a whirl. Will try the first 2 episodes and see. I do love a good romance so will see if I can stand the male lead and in spite of the clichés.

  2. I always pride myself on being extremely picky with dramas…so hardly do I watch one all the way through…but after reading your recap of episode 2 last night I stayed up and watched episodes 3&4.

    This is exactly what I needed…I don’t care if it has every cliché ever…I love it and I’m addicted.

    Bye-bye drama dry-spell!

    • I like to think of myself as a picky, cranky drama watcher who is allergic to idols but this show, even though it is a Frankenstein composed of every beloved drama trope ever, has a heart and I can’t help but laugh and go along for the ride. Everyone is hitting the right notes – acting large enough to be funny but not too broad so it isn’t slapstick. And love is the real reason for what everyone is doing, which makes it charming.

  3. It looks like back story of President Ma being involved in the swap in a substitute sacrifice bride then replace with the real bride was not intended in the first place and the writer wrote it as an after thought so the timelines don’t really gel.

  4. this drama is the crack, i watched all 4 episodes in one go and ended up with panda eyes but i have no regrets

    the main leads are awesome together, their chemistry are just sizzling and you can’t help but wanting them to just bicker all day

    lol i’m loving kang joo’s face before and after he kissed do rim during the showcase, he’s such a naughty prick

    i love how feisty and no nonsense doo rim is, her interaction with kang joo’s dad just warms the cockles of my heart
    we need more female lead like her

    roo mi is just so pathetic, like seriously take the hint that kang joo is not interested in her romantically

    yi hyun has feelings for yi kung. and how he’s harboring one for doo rim as well

    i guess there’s only one ghost. but she goes in black and white depending on situations

    • Same for me. Thanks for the intro. I hate having to wait like this. Binge watching is all the rage now. Next episode is going to be good.

  5. After seeing the flashback of the ghost warning Yi Kyung that she will die if she gets married it took a while for it to sink in that the ghost is the one who first thought up the idea of a fake fiancé. She tested the fake fiancé who passed by “saving” her from drowning, scared the real fiancé with the threat of death after marriage and then confirmed the fear by ordering the psychic to tell the mother what she wants her to know.

    • I was confused about the ghost because seems like there are two ghost and one doorim side. She gave her the bracelet.

      • Do you think that assuming it is the same ghost, the curse works only if the bride and the groom where actually in love and that the curse is actually the first son of each generation living in guilt, regret and pain all his life for losing the woman he first loved?

        I am excited to see how this back story will be explained.

  6. So happy to be able to read your recap. I watched Ep3 with Chinese subs. After KangJoo refused to help the girl, DooRim commented that from his head to toes is all branded and why is his character not branded. This makes KangJoo very angry. He was unable to sleep and was thinking what Doorim has said to him. I like this part very much. I do not know how close the subtitles is to the korean language. I just want to share with you and hope you will not be offended. Take care and hwaiting

  7. I’m really liking this drama. I have re-watched episodes 1-4 several times to tide me over until the next episode. That’s how I know it’s a winner because I never get tired of it and the story gets even better with each rewatch. I haven’t been this excited about a drama since Master’s Sun.

  8. After my emotions have completely being wrung dry by You Who Came From The Stars, this drama is teaching me to love again. I laugh so much at the OTP interactions, they are so frickin’ adorable. Roo-mi is so smack-worthy and it would be a total waste of energy to hate her, so I just ignore her. That ghost is my second most favourite thing about the show after the OTP. I love her sassiness and her little smirks. I’m already in love with this show.

    • YWCFTS was a cluster-fudge of emotions for me. I loved it but the emo bipolar factor really drained me…lol. BotC is really good and just making me swoon for the OTP. I love both the male and female lead characters equally! I keep re-watching episode 4 because it’s so good! LOL!

  9. I’m really enjoying this show though slightly annoyed I don’t have a TV Chosun stream so I have to wait on the Dramafever upload…unless that one video uploaded has it.

    Roo Mi it’s pretty clear Kang Ju is not interested…but she already said even if it’s just business for him she wants the spot. Sorry honey it’s not just business for Kang Ju anymore anyway

    I’m very curious about the Ghost’s endgame.

  10. i am hooked, ok i will watch this drama, thanks miss ockoala, i believe your sense of drama, we usually likes same drama

  11. Read your Episode one recap and tried to watch. And I got hooked. Watched 4 episodes in one go and now can’t wait for the next.
    Thank you Ms Koala.

  12. Did anyone notice the shows is longer than the 1hr time slot or is it me who feel that there is some much happening in just one episode….this is schedule for 20…I like this series too…very entertaining…consider that KJ keeps trying to imitate physical contact with DR, there is no denying he like her already, sub consciously..we really need to throw logic out of the window for this show cos NO way no one notice they are completely different in Personality between Yi Kyung and Doo Rim..and esp after the kisses, KJ will be the first to find out..these 2 women are poles apart

  13. Thanks for the recap. I watched 3 before subs came out and replayed all the skinship to tide me over.

    KDJ as the bastard aggressor who can’t keep away from DR just thrills me, especially since his brain seems to be telling him “NO, NOT THIS ONE! SHE’S CRAZY!” I eat that stuff up because it is true to life.

    How much do I love his jealousy of the big brother?
    And we have established that Oppa is NOT blood related, right?
    It’s creepy no matter what, of course, that he would be falling for his little sister’s look-a-like, but only slightly less so if he has no blood ties. Only slightly less.

    Yang Jin Sung as Do Rim as clumsy big hearted girl delights me. It is not easy to play that role without overacting. She has to play BIG, but not too big. Silly but not too. They say the audience loves or hates romcoms depending on the lead girl more than anything. In this case, I think it is very true.

    I love your analysis of the flawed plan to substitute the bride ” You guys get a second crack at a bride for KJ” LOL.

    • I love this drama and I so agree with you regarding DR.

      KJ has no idea how to handle DR. She knows how to push his button without even realizing it. KJ’s jealousy of DR’s brother is priceless. He cannot understand why she is always happy and laughing when she is with her brother but with him it seems painful. Did you notice how he eagerly rush to her at his brother’s concert when she felt in the crowd before her brother got to her and so annoyed when she called his name instead of his. He also made sure he kissed her at the concert to say she is mine. I also love the fact that he tends to catch her in the most awkward situation such as the cake eating contest.

      I think DR’s brother is falling for her because he is not used to getting that love at home. His sister/stepsister is cold and his stepmother only cares about the daughter and money.
      You will definitely enjoy episode 4.

      Let all keep watching this surprisingly wonder drama.

    • This drama is very strange. A lot of things should have gone wrong with it for examples,

      Crazy back stories
      Half baked plots and ideas from sets of mothers
      Plots which doesn’t make sense
      Over wrought cliches
      Weird vibes from the brother second lead romancing both his half sisters
      Other possibilities for playing the rich chaebol male lead
      Other possibilities for playing the heroine
      The second female lead involved in the lead and the third lead, so it’s a love hexagon

      Put all of these unseemly elements together and you suddenly have comfort food that is great to chuck down despite its hodgepodge assembled ingredients.

      I find the actress who plays the heroine adorable. I love her wide doe eyes. I think maybe it’s quite a loveable role to play, see Lee Da Hae in My Girl.

      You need to throw logical sense out of the window when watching this and just enjoy the ride. It’s fun to see Kang Ju’s reaction towards Doo Rim. The more outrageous her antics and unbelievable, the more you will feel it’s a crazy ride but you enjoy it anyway.

      I am watching this.

  14. Agree with Ms Ockoala….this drama just works. So looking forward to the coming episodes. The OTP is just adorable!

  15. I totaly agree with you, the story I found is silly as can be … but still I enjoy watching it. I already watched the fourth episode but still loved reading your recap as well…fighting…

  16. I must really trust Miss Koala because I decided to watch this drama I had no intention of watching and now I am addicted. It is goofy as heck, but with all the melos in Kdrama land right now, I needed goofy. This kind of bickering romcom is right up my alley. And I too love the heroine and I really like Kang Joo’s dad as well. Goofy or not, this is great fun. I hope it stays that way!

  17. I was spurred to watch the drama after reading your recaps. It’s silly, shallow and filled with cliche but gosh it’s addictive and that alone drowns the rest. The acting, especially the male, is horrible! DR is doing well so far. I think the humour of this show is the one that strikes a note. Mix in the ghost you get a bit of crazy so it won’t fall to the predictable range. I hope the writer keeps this show on the rails until the end! I’m really anticipating both your recap and this weekend’s episodes! Thank you for the introduction and the recaps 🙂

  18. There are 2 reasons this show is good, despite a lot of reasons it shouldn’t be.

    1. Lots of plot. Most dramas do a candy/chaebol plot, and some occasionally add on tropes. This one has so many at once (ghost, mother plotting, substitute princess, murder mystery, a hint of dangerous liaisons) that it moves very quickly. At the end of episode 4, the leads are already attached to each other. Normally, at the end of episode 4, Candy and Chaebol have just solidified their hate for one another and the reasons why they will now be forced to see each other for four more episodes, just enough time for them to develop a fondness for each other.

    2. Candy kicks tail here. Normally, when the poor girl comes into the world of the chaebols, she has to work hard and look tragic and accept when people abuse her because she’s “good natured” and not good enough for the precious son. In this drama, Doo-rim couldn’t care less what any of the chaebols, especially Kang Joo, think of her beyond that its well enough to allow the marriage to go on and to get her the promised money. This is hilarious because the fact that she has no real desire to please anyone beyond her own inclination and good intentions doesn’t compute for those who are used to being pampered by everyone else. This is why the relationship with Doo Rim and Kang Joo is so great unlike her doppelganger, Doo Rim has no desire to please him and generally calls him out on his behavior and does what she wants. He expected a puppet and got a person who would lie to him and then climb a vine to escape him.

    Some of this freedom is generally afforded because of who most everyone thinks she is. If she weren’t pretending rich, she probably wouldn’t have the same ability to get away with these things. But man is it fun to watch Candy controlling Chaebol, for once.

    One more thing- I think the mother’s plot isn’t for Yi Kyung to marry Kang Joo, at least not after Yi Kyung saw the ghost. It was pretty clear in episode 1 that once she realized Kang Joo wasn’t even going to attempt to try with her, she was dissatisfied with the idea of marrying him. I think the plot is to use Doo Rim to fake the marriage and get the money to save the company, and then after her death Yi Kyung can do whatever under a new identity.

    The important thing for them is to not have oppa find out before the death of Doo Rim, as he would probably not approve of sending either girl to her death. If he finds Yi Kyung, she dies; if he finds out about the curse and gets the marriage cancelled, they’re poor. The twist is probably going to be that as things get all weird and dangerous liasons-y in there, he’ll probably try to prevent the marriage anyway.

  19. I`m in love with this drama!!!!… it`s so light and fun, the leading girl is great and it`s cute as a bottom, actually. At first i didn`t really care about it, but then i saw that koala was recapping anf i thought it must be good….and it was….thank u so much

  20. Like some of the commenters here me too is adamant to watch the drama first Hongki is not an ideal protagonist for me and the lead girl is also unknown to me and the story for me is somewhat common… but since i’m almost done with my fave dramas i gave it a try to while away my time and guess what i’m here now addicted to the OTP… their chemistry is super and i really enjoy their bickerings that usually ends on an unexpected sweetness.. the ending of epi 4 is awesome…gosh can’t really wait for the week ends to come

  21. I absolutely did a fangirl squeal after seeing the look on Kang Joo’s face after he kissed our Doo Rim~ I love how when he’s flirty, he goes all out 😉 I’m glad I’ve started watching this drama.

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