
Lady and Liar with Tang Yan and Hawick Lau Release Gorgeous and Addicting 19-minute Long Preview — 21 Comments

  1. This is going to be good. Tang Yan and Yang Rong looks so identical, I thought they were twins. As always Hawick looks so handsome.

  2. Watching at the PREVIEW fascinated me to watch hence it will be my first Chinese drama. It seems interesting and intriguing. Gonna watch this, hope KOALA would keep us posted on this subject please. Thanks again!

  3. I hv never knew Waalace Huo could be this …. yummy… I hv never watched any of his drama. He’s so convincing in PC .. I need to dig some more of his old dramas.
    He’s better than Hawick in my opinion … more manly …lol
    Ahhh … back to enjoying PC

  4. I think that was Tony Yang’s real voice, right?! I like it that they didn’t dub his voice, I am not sure about the female leads though. But Hawick’s voice is definetely dubbed, right? I think his mandarin is not that good. Anyway, looks awesome, but the trailer sure gives out a lot of plot, anayway, looking forward for this. I love all four leads, so this is probably one of my must see.

  5. Wow, this is such a surprisingly well-put-together trailer! Tang Tang is really hitting it out of the ballpark with her drama choices — very happy for her.

  6. T.O.N.Y. Y.A.N.G!!!

    And it makes me happy Yang Yong is doing something, anything other than yuma’s diarrhea.

  7. So glad that Tony Yang is in this, and with his real voice!!! AHH!!! Tony Yang caught my attention in Pursuit of Happiness, he is definitely the better actors in this drama and has great potential. Tiffany Tang is one of my favorite actresses in that she is easy on the eyes, I mean come on she is absolutely stunning, and her acting is always improving little by little. What falters with Tiffany is that they always give her the annoying dubbed voice, but from the trailer I think they finally got it right this time THANK THE LAWRD :D. I will say it now, I am definitely going to be a Tony + Tiffany supporter and hope they end up together. I may be biased because I am not a huge fan of Hawick, but I also love the king of character Tony is playing. Yang Rong on the other hand is not dubbed as well from what I could hear. They should never dub dramas because it takes away from the real emotional connections between actors/actresses with their characters. Anyways, Yong Rong is definitely a solid actress when it comes to playing the evil roles, she pulls it off. Overall I am excited for this drama already, it needs to air sooner!!!

  8. Yay. Finally saw my deart Ms. Koala mentioning Perfect Couple! I was wondering if you liked it or not because I can always trust your taste in dramas. Lot of LOL-worthy moments (esp. WH, didn’t know he can do comedies), plus WH and TY have impeccable chemistry!

  9. Oh Peefect Couple was nicely entertaining…im going in the angst part but damn is wallace fine in comedic and angsty scenes. I thought TnagYan didnt overact as she usually does but maybe because it was the comedy and it didnt feel out of place but this is surely another drama i would be keeping my eyes on.

  10. Oh my gosh! I waiting for a new drama with Hawick lau for a while now!
    >< Thanks to your artcile I am soeager to watch it now. CHanging the bakcground and the status of Hawick's character is of course natural, it would be harder for them to do it in France cos they will need the general background, social issue, culture at the time : will cost a lot.
    Anyway, I agree with you seeing him play alongside his wife's friend will be a quite a thing!! 😀
    Overall I look froward to learn cultural and historical things about Shanghai with this drama and I love your website 🙂

  11. Really excited for this! A lot more interested in Du Xiaohan’s character though, some combo of really liking Yang Rong and finding evil and twisted characters much more interesting (really like the scene with the fire where she’s terrifyingly gleeful in shouting that she’s reborn). Both female leads (male leads too, of course) look absolutely gorgeous!

  12. It is refreshing to see Yang Rong in a non-Yumama production. The girl is every nowadays but I’m not complaining. She is going to blow minds with this role.

  13. the amount of kissing in the perfect couple makes me die from the glee and squealing. TY and WH is so adorbs, rainbows and puppies spontaneously come into being.

    Ms. Koala, are you gonna talk about PC? I really hope you make a quick review or summary of the drama. No one is really subbing it at the moment so I don’t really understand what’s going on, but I don’t need subs to understand skinship. It would be nice to understand the plot though lol 😀

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