
A Jolt of Gorgeous Kim Bum in C-drama V-Love as His Entertainment Break Hits Six Months — 16 Comments

  1. Sad, I wish this image of asian men was much more prevalent in western media. People are missing out. Anyway, he looks great and I’m all for people taking care of themselves.

  2. Awwww I have always liked him since Boys Over Flowers days but gosh, he has evolved from a cute boy to a handsome man 😀

  3. Thanks, Koala, for sharing with us your hoard of the god-of-dimples-and-smirks-that-is-Kim-Bum. Though it’s a pity his dimples weren’t really obvious in his photoshoot. Gorgeous car and an even more gorgeous man. Any idea what brand/model that car is?

  4. Miss this guy, hope this new drama will be aired and also wishing him to have another Korean drama project,thanks for the update KOALA!

  5. My ovaries threaten to explode everytime I see Kim Bum. I think he’s arguably the most handsome Korean actor of his generation. No other young actor appeals to me (even Lee Minho, whom I never found attractive). Thanks Ms. K for sharing. I’m gonna bookmark this page so I can look at him if my eyes need cleansing 😀

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