Categories: Drama Previews

Park Hae Jin and Kang Sora Sizzle Up the Screen in Previews for Episode 3 of Dr. Stranger

Holy mammasita are these two smoking hot together! The preview video and stills for episode 3 of Dr. Stranger have arrived and it’s whetting my excitement immensely. I can’t help it if the sight of Park Hae Jin and Kang Sora getting hot and heavy in a car leaves me quivering with excitement. I adore those two so even if their characters have only had a sliver of screen time so far I’m confident the upcoming episodes will show the viewers how they fit into the story. Up until now it’s all Park Hoon all the time which isn’t a bad thing when Hoon is such an interesting character and what he’s experienced so gut-wrenching. I wasn’t sure before the drama aired whether the two Jin Se Yeon characters were the same girl but now I’m fairly certain the Seoul doctor is also Jae Hee. With so much far-fetched plot leaps going on, it’s not hard for the story to convince me why she’s pretending to be another person, lobotomy or mind wipe or amnesia could all work.

I’m firmly on the two separate romantic couplings in Jae Hoon-Hoon and Soo Hyun-Jae Joon being epic and sizzling, in that order, and I’m not going to be a happy camper if the writing tries to generate angst by mashing the four up into some franken-love-quadrangle. More mutual making out, less one-sided pining, got it? The preview for episode 3 looks delightfully loopy as usual, somehow Hoon goes into the OR at the Seoul hospital and starts doing a surgery! Ahahaha, man this drama is just throwing logic and realism out the window. I can’t wait for the two alpha male heart surgeons to meet and some dick-waving to start before ultimately the bromance takes over. Hoon’s going to need all the help he can get to combat evil PM Jang from the South and psychotic Comrade Cha from the North. Talk about being wedged between a rock and a hard place. Poor Hoon, I’m glad he appears to run into the Jae Hee-lookalike quickly. One thing’s for sure, this story does not have a dawdling bone in its body.

Written preview for episode 3:

Chang Yi takes her mom to tour Seoul and asks Hoon to deliver water to Myung Woo Hospital. On the other hand, Hoon is at the hospital and runs into the little girl from the playground Jung Min and her dad who grabs his chest in pain and that concerns Hoon……

Video preview for episode 3:


View Comments

  • So koala, does that mean you've overcome your bias against Lee Jong Seok? ;)

    He's doing really well here acting-wise and totally takes the role of lead very well. But I just can't feel Jin Seyeon, her expressions are not convincing at all and she has no charisma, it reminds me of Seunggi and Suzy in Gu Family Book which had LSG doing all the work. Park Hae Jin and Kang Sora, though, I like them.

    • She is the only reason I am not watching this drama, for some reason I just cannot stand that girl or her acting. Love Kang Sora to bits so I am a bit bummed, I have learned to just skip a drama whenever it has a lead I do not like, it saves e a lot of time and anger issues LOL

      • LOL... I have the same problem, but the other way around. I can't stand LJS. Every time I'm watching him, I get disconnected from the character he's playing and I have to remind me constantly what role I suppose to belive. It was torture in IHYV.
        I'm not hating or bashing. Actually, I tried my best to like him, because he's always playing next to actors I adore. Like here... I love the second leads. For now, I rely on the recaps. Thanks for that

      • yeah but I hate it even more when a drama has a lead who sucks and a second lead who's great, like Taecyeon/Kim Jae Wook in Who Are You. Injustice!

        Kang Sora is onscreen for about ten seconds proper in ep 2, but even with that she is so much better than JSY (and then people cry that it's unfeminist to criticise an actress who sucks, never mind that we praise the ones who do well)

      • @Thumbs
        Injustice, indeed! You're right! Kim Jae Wook is a great actor, totally wasted in WAY. I'm wating to see him in a suitable lead role. Taecyeon is an adorable puppy, but never near any kind of acting skills. A small role for comedic relief is great for him. Casting choices... *deep sigh*

        Glad to here Kang Sora is doing fine. I love her. I'm with you on double standards. If you praise actresses, you can criticize them as well. No feminism issues here

  • Why oh why? PHJ and KSR are not the leads? If so, drama would've a leap internationally. KSR is pretty popular with doomed DH2 and Sunny while PHJ has quite a fan base in China.

  • I think a lot of people are biased against JSY.
    DS is my first drama with JSY and I like her perfomance so far.
    And I heard from people who followed her earlier dramas, that she improved her acting in IG & DS.
    I didn't feel that JSY's performance was worse than KSR's..

    Maybe if you watch a drama with an actress/actor that you dislike, you'll become blind to their true ability and potential. :/

    • It's my first time watching her and I just find her facial expressions, especially that said/pained one, really unnatural. There's no shortage of talented 20something actresses in Korea, but the best I can say about her is that she's mediocre but has a pretty face.

      I'm quite willing to change my opinion if an actor I dislike really shows improvement like IU and Go Ara last year, but this girl...not sure why she's a lead, anyway.

      • your interpretation of that particular scene maybe not be right..jae hee took the bullet aimed for park hoon so in jae hee's part there is willingness.for me she did it right.i wont expect her to cry because she is sad and in pain and a smile because its not funny but what i expect and see is the calmness in her eyes and in her face that shows how willing she is to die in his tead...and your comment about unnatural if you can explain it in detail i might take you seriously and so i can be more critical in term of acting ability.for me at the moment the most versatile korean actresse aside from veterans is hajiwon.

  • You say it's your first time watching her,
    then how do you know if she improved her acting or not? :/

    • did you read my comment, I said I find her current performance unnatural and lacking. I don't have to see her previous work to think she sucks now. Never seen any of the main cast in anything but I liked the PD's work, he generally chooses better actors than this.

      And if this is an 'improved' performance then I hate to think what her acting must have been like before. :/

  • People are saying they wish Kang Sora was 1st lead is because she's more established and praised for her acting. Jin Se Yeon in comparison is a nugu with not much popularity unlike Suzy, not seen as talented, and has a bad rap from double booking dramas twice which is unprofessional.

    Her performance here is also not helping, I don't like Park Min Young either but at least that girl has better chemistry with costars.

    • I agree with the unprofessionalism comment but highly disagree that PMY has better chemistry with costars. She and Yoochun were such a dud in Sungkungwan Scandal that SJK-YAI got more recognition. Her only good chemistry came with LMH. JSY actually has some good chemistry with LJS so I'd say they're on equal terms both in the acting and chemistry department.

      • yeah I don't like her acting but at least there was SOMETHING between her/Yoochun and the pairing was written and developed well even if the second leads were 1000xbetter.

        I can't get into JSY/LJS at all. That kiss in the rain looks pretty but the chemistry feels really flat to me, like LJS is doing all the work. Like someone on dramabeans said, he could have had a pet dog he loves and it would have had the same function.

  • kang sora is such a great actress, when ever i see her acting around others it looks so normal and natural ,but with JSY ..its boring ,flat and emotionless..even when she cries or smilies its all the same ,all a boring act. i tried to like her,hard .at first i did'nt dislike her acting as much but now i'm just skipping all her parts..LJS does all the work for her and its really pissing me off

  • the kiss sence in the car is hot. unlike JSY who only press lip when kiss. kang sore acting already better then the JSY. that woman just dont show much emtion at all when she act.

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Tags: Dr. Stranger

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