
Dr. Stranger Episode 4 Recap — 63 Comments

  1. Am I the only one thinking that JaeHee SK ver. is a spy/implant by scary & manipulating NK comrade (I still can’t remember his nameXD)? They might have made a clone via cosmetic surgery then sent her to SK so get Park Hoon back or something more evil~ I think there is a conspiracy on ChangHee’s mom getting out of NoKor, it must have been planned by S&M NK comrade, that’s why CH’s mom kept on saying that Hoon’s name is familiar (and those glances)~

    If JH SK ver is the real JaeHee, how come she cooperates with NK? Unless, there’s this amnesia plot which is meh~

    Anyways, these are my hypotheses so far. I’m enjoying this drama so much that I am actually more invested to it compared to YAS amidst my humongous love for LSG & CSW. Well, it’s still too early to tell but yeah, so excied for next ep! Come on show, give me some preview!!!

    • Nope, after seeing episode 4 I feel like she is luring park hoon for some reason. (the bracelet, n how she stopped when she walked to the ambulance with the coffe at her hand n also when she checked on the rear mirror of the ambulance watching Hoon from it with a lil smirk on her face) All of those adding with her meeting with the comrade.
      To all that I don’t really feel JaeHee chemistry, idk why…. after captured, almost died on operating table coz of damaged kidney, n fell down the bridge thingie. she suddenly in a special camp that for somereason she got filmed in by calling hoon name? too fishy for me lol.
      so yep I feel the same with you… either that is the real jaehee is a spy, or someone that looks like her (plastic surgery or something)that was planted there to capture hoon back. Either way… I rather see hoon with dr. Oh haha :P, well that’s my opinion anyway.

      • Yeahh..I’m feeling the same way..I think NK knew that JH can be a good tool to be a spy, that’s why JH n her father was taken away, n all those time during her dissapearance before her surgery n all, I think she was already brainwashed n trained to be a good spy..n her video record calling Hoon’s name, yeap it’s fishy..too obvious that she was just acting to get Hoon’s attention..sorry, I don’t like JH since the beginning, she’s too fishy..n yeah, I like SH with Hoon, they become a very good combination

      • Nah, the amnesia and revenge plot is too cliche. The way I see it the Prime minister’s upcoming operation is major plotline. The PM acknowledges his ‘genius’ and wants him involved in his operation. So either he is pulling the strings on JH and the NK soldier (the missing finger might be his punishment for losing Park hoon and he has gone rogue to help the PM). Or its North Korea plot to control Park hoon through JH lookalike and manipulate the Prime minister surgery (some political agenda, since there is some politics involved)

  2. Hello koala 🙂 My first time comment on your beautiful blog & recap bc this drama took my urges to comment. Yes I’m completely agree with you esp with a part where anyone ship Hoon x Soo Hyun. I can see that Soo Hyun finds a comfort in Hoon, but Hoon for suddenly developing romance to Soo Hyun is like throwing the first two episode out of window where we can see how much he devoted for his first love & so much out of character for him to do that.

    Btw I enjoyed reading all your recaps. Hope this drama will entertain us till the end with its whirlwind storyline & interesting characters hehe

    (PS: sorry for my bad grammar btw ㅋㅋㅋ)

  3. thanks Ms. Koala for your recap! it’s amazing how uninterested i was at first with this drama b/c i wasn’t fond of the actors playing the main leads, but once i started watching, whoa, i was sucked in immediately and i can’t let go. I find myself rooting for the male lead to reach his goal of finding his first love and to fulfill his dad’s request to not forget about being a doctor. Although some parts are unrealistic, it’s not jarring for me b/c i’m greatly entertained by everything this drama is giving me. Thank you again for your recaps and i look forward to your future recaps of this drama!

  4. Here’s my theory about the whole Jae Hee thing. I think North Korea saved her and brought her back to North Korea. They made her get amnesia in order to cultivate her into the perfect weapon, without the baggage of her past. When they felt she was ready, they sent her to South Korea as a doctor. Her purpose there is to spy on South Korea. Remember how evil comrade leader guy HAAAAATES Hoon to the core? Jae Hee is also their to satisfy his thirst for revenge. What better revenge than to make Jae Hee kill Hoon? The woman whose mere possibility of existence that drives Hoon to continue living is also the woman who would take his life. Even if he did find out about the scheming, he could never kill the love of his life to save himself.

    Omgomgomgomgomg. Please be a happy ending. My heart can’t take anything less than that.

    • I can totally see that. Like maybe they brainwashed her using the info that Hoon killed her dad and then sent her as a spy.

      However, there was no reason to think Hoon would ever see SH’s omma wearing the bracelet, so I doubt that was part of the plan.

      Can’t wait for next week!

  5. koala sis, thanks for the recaps!

    usually, when i watch a drama and most of the time, the plausible is shown, i tend to take it as that, so i just enjoy the drama, like i am doing now and Hoon is such a nice character to behold.

  6. koala sis, thanks for the recaps.

    i don’t care how impossible the plot of the drama when everything else is going great, and so far DS is going almost perfect on that tone. 🙂 i am so loving hoon.

  7. Thanks for being Hoon-Jae Hee/Seung Hee shipper. It will be out of Hoon character to fall for So Hyun. However I feel no surprise at all So Hyun fell in love with Park Hoon. This drama clearly show us it about Park Hoon journey to become great doctor at the same time willing do anything to be with his destiny Song Jae Hee together. It will a lot of internal and external obstacle coming for them before being together finally.

  8. Well Koala, JSY acting is good and all, but it isn’t the viewers’ fault Kang Sora has more chemistry with LJS than JSY.

    JSY chemistry with ther co-actors depends so much of the actor, she does have a cute chemistry with LJS though.

    It is the same feeling you feel for Jung so min and KJW against leading lady LDH. The main actress character is boring and second girl comes and steals the scene….

  9. The plot is so full of possibilities I’m having a hard time sleeping. I thing JH knows who Hoon is. There is the scene where she watches him from the side rear view mirror with a knowing look and also the scene where she picks up the phone, hears his voice and hands it to a nurse. The question is how did she become a doc? Was she always a doc in training like Hoon? How was she able to become one in just 2 years otherwise? The gaps in timeline makes things confusing. What if she was always a spy? But then there would be no happy ending as everything is then a lie.

    • In the earlier episodes, I think it was either ep 1 or 2, they indicated thst Jae Hee went to the same medical school as Park Hoon. She must have trained as an anesthesiologist there before she was imprisoned.

      • Yes she was in same medical school as Hoon.the villain commander cha mentioned before to Hoon before they go to Hungary “its no coincidence that both of you came from the same medic school”

  10. Okay I watched ep 4 raw this morning because I absolutely had to hear him say his medical school scene. I had fits laughing at the whole ridiculous scene.

    I am not on either or against the 2 actresses camp. I just want to comment that JH was more organic in the earlier episodes. But was played so woodenly in this episode. Will you all think about how you react with your colleagues in real life? Did you see the blank expressionless face when she was in the ambulance? And when they pulled away? That was just plain unnatural. If you had just given someone coffee and driving away with another person- who just sit blankly? Unless the writer has written it that she had amnesia post almost drowning and is now a well trained N Korean drone?

    The medical scenes are laughable but if I ignore it the pace is zooming along. And that makes for such entertainment.

    How strange that the last 2 dramas that worked for me are all technically train wrecks plot-wise but so zippy and interesting. I am talking Bride of the Century.

    • I guess actors expressions are open to interpretation, but I never felt Jae Hee’s expressions were blank. She looked like someone who knows that she was a bait and being followed, and I got the feeling she really didn’t like doing what she was doing at that moment.(Of someone reluctantly doing an unpleasant task). Her behavior was more mysterious than anything else and arouses curiosity in me as a viewer. Is she a reluctant participant being blackmailed or threatened to keep Park Hoon interested in joining the hospital? Did she leave the bracelet on the ajumma’s hand as a sort of warning or message to Park Hoon? All these questions keep me entertained and thoroughly vested in upcoming episodes. I’m less invested in So Hyun, as I see the embrace as more comfort/friendship than anything else.

    • @ck10z sweety do you expect her to give a v sign after handling the coffe?at this time she is still supposed to be a mysterious character so expect her to be stoic,unresponsive..when she was looking at park hoon in rearview mirror she is either saying heyy hoon ah glad to see you or hows your health.

      • I am talking about her expression to the ambulance driver.There are no interactions with Hoon at that point. And when she is looking straight ahead zoned out. If I am riding on a work assignment for work most people I know don’t look expressionless.

        That scene and the hospital canteen scenes expressions are not comments in relation to Hoon.

    • @ck10z ah your talking about the ambulance scene.and your reference is you yourself on how you interact with you coworkers but are you a spy or a mysterious character…

    • @ck10z ah your talking about the ambulance scene.and your reference is you yourself on how you interact with your coworkers but are you a spy or somekind of a mysterious person.?

  11. me too im into the love of park hoon and jae hee…i agree with you koala the hell will freezzz first before park hoon will fall in love with another woman..the last two ep the drama showed the back story of dr.oh hopefully in next ep is about dr.han..and btw my new fav character is dr moon he is funny without trying to be funny and he loves nice/good love story..thank you koala for your recaps..

  12. Thanks Koala for the Recap, and thanks for putting to rest and your put down of all the negative comments about the actress that have been posted(hate reading those by others, pointless, I always judge the characters they are trying to portray and if it works great, if it doesn’t then hey no one is perfect, if they can get people’s reaction then I say they are doing their job!!!!)

    My Thoughts are:-

    So we have all the initial baddies of SK and NK both out to get Hoon, the SK lot want him to operate on the PM (keep tabs on him, so they can either use or get rid of him when needs be, stop him from finding out they murder his mum, and left him and his dad to died in NK all for the sake of their own glory), while the NK want him back in their midst as he is an exceptionally gifted Doctor!
    both Hoon and Soo Hyun will be friends that will rely on each other for support through the crazy world they are living in as well as the hospital shenanigans. Jae Joon, is very career hungry motivated man, I don’t think he cures with his heart only with his head and what is best for him careerwise no blots on his CV,he is cold and calculating character, who is always after being praised! whereas Hoon cures with his heart and gut instinct, he is genuine in wanting to help others not to show off or further his status as a Dr.
    Jae Hee clearly knows that Hoon is there and looking for her, I suspect that she is there to lure him back for the NK ordered by Comrade Cha. this drama, is funny one minute, crazy, scary and emotionally heart tugging in each and every episode. lots to think about why each character has something to do with Hoon for good or bad they are there till the bitter end I think

  13. Thanks for the wonderful recap done! I am head over heels over Dr Park Hoon. I really don’t understand y some fans would ship Hoon-Soohyun so much,Hoon has spend his entire life loving Jaehee which he said in ep 1 our heart beats r the same as we r destined to be together. Honestly Kang Sora acting is good but still does not touch my heart, i did not cry alongside with her during the last scene & i am someone who cries easily. I literally cried buckets of tears when Hoon embraced his dying dad & seeing Jaehee fall from the bridge, shows LJS superb acting prowess

    • That’s my feeling as well. Kang Sora is good, but so far her acting leaves me cold. Jong Suk on the other hand brought lots of tears to my eyes.

      • I feel the same way Lee Jong Suk is so good he can make me cry with! The scene with his dad and Jae Hee left me a blubbering mess.

  14. Lee Jong Suk is such a superb actor …. he nailed his portrayal of Dr. Park Hoon excellently ..I think Jae Hee was brainwashed and don’t even know who she really is ..therefore she might have forgotten who is Park Hoon and her mind is only full with the instructions from NK’s authority to spy on Park Hoon and bring him back to NK. for me , I am rooting for PH to end up with JH of course.. JH is his first love that he loves deeply that he would do anything just to find and be with her .. I don’t think that he would fall for Soo Hyun but then SH might fall in love with PH seeing how caring and warm PH is beneath his cool appearance.

  15. what does ms koala mean by “Hoon falling for Soo Hyun is about as likely as Dr. Moon revealing himself to be a North Korean crack spy master stationed in a Myung Woo hospital all this time.” Ö Dr Moon is from North Korea?

    • I think Ms.Koala was saying that it’s impossible for PH to fall for SH since his love for JH is too deep. so she made such comparison …

      • oh i see..thought i missed out some parts of the drama. also because i though it was possible for hoon to fall for soohyun 🙂

  16. I think that is truly Jae Hee. But after being rescued, she found out that Hoon was the one who killed her father (by transplanting his heart into hers). So now she is sent to South Korea to be a spy and take revenge. Or she simply couldn’t take the torture anymore and decided to work as a spy to get away with it all.

    • I think she was brainwashed by NK. Like, you know – if you read mockingjay, it’s the same how peeta react to katniss after brainwashed by capitol.
      Love to hate. Friend to enemy.

  17. Oh miss Koala, this is the best recap of Doctor Stranger so far!!!
    You nailed it! As far as I knew, it’s an opened script. So the audience’s reaction may influence the next of story. But I really really do hope the writer doesn’t forget Hoon’s character description as ‘a man who will do anything to find the woman he believes is his destiny’
    If the story makes Hoon loves Soo Hyun.. it will just… eh? Then what’s the point of Hoon’s character existence? It will just pointless for sure!

    • Okay to be more substantive: I’m all in for a double spy Jae hee. Just imagine the angst when both seung hee and hoon finally meets but SH does her best pretending. And yes, I do believe that she’s also employed by nightshade.

  18. yeahhh,,finally i see more love for jae hee aka se yeon,,hugs to all,,im hurt when read all bad/negative comment towards se yeon which is for me just nonsense,,they just hate se yeon and not her acting,,for me se yeon acting is acceptable n im ok with it,,so se yeon-ee,,do ur best n we always support ur career,,fighting,,

  19. Without talking the actor/actress that play the character, only by the character, I, truly wish that Jae Hee is really dead, dead, I mean this time, really dead. And Seung Hee is just an evil agent sent by North, because right now I am shipping Park Hoon and Soo Hyun so hard I can’t even contain my bursting feels and it hurts.

    I mean.. I understand how important Jae Hee is, Park Hoon had made it clear and obvious. But Soo Hyun. She just feels right. I like how the the build up of their relationship more. The background of their relationship and how they interact. That’s what missing from Park Hoon and Jae Hee as for me.

    And also, can’t this be the first drama (at least the one among which I’ve watched) where the Main Guy end up with the Second Lead.
    And to add more, can’t this one be different? We have to many first love, being with the same girl, searching, sacrificing everything, and in the end getting that one girl from the past. How about change in the wind? This time, it’s about letting go and moving on.

    Blame episode 4.

    Or how cute Lee Jong Seok and how awesome Kang Sora is.

    • Jae Hee probably is really dead. Or alive and not so well in a DPRK gulag. Or a North Korean spy in South Korea. Or all of the above.

    • appletea… there is a drama where the main guy end up with the second lead. It’s called Two Weeks.

      Also, how is a show about “letting go and moving on” different from cliche romantic comedies? Where the second lead is the first love or former girl friend?

      How can one say that Hoon should move on? When they did not get by separated by choice but someone else’s politic ambition.

    • Agree with ur theory..I think Seung Hee is no longer the old JaeHee..JH is dead, now just her doppelganger appears..n looks like Seung hee knew Hoon, n lurking around Hoon..she had made her move for politics,no revenge but truly as soldier/comerads of North, defending her true country.. while Hoon was still lingering with his sincerety..Hoon is still belongs in the middle now, none North none South..I think Soohyun will make Hoon feels like home again in South-the place where he was born with- homeland

  20. Well, everyone have their own opinion :))
    I don’t hate Jin Se Yeon’s acting, i think it’s good. but idk why i just can’t connect to her character (jae hee so far). I don’t really like nice-innocent-girl character like jae hee :3
    Actually, i wish in the end jae hee’s character will die for good, and park hoon could fall to another girl like dr.Oh (well, you can call me a devil :p)

    But afterall, if it’ll be end with jae hee – hoon, or hoon – dr.Oh, it’s still okay for me.

    • Yeah, it is almost like Jae Hee (in one clone or another) is really just a plot prop here, and really does not do much – kind of a minor character that Genius Doctor is totally obsessed with.

  21. This is one of the most WTF insanely written dramas I have seen for ages, and perhaps that is what makes it work. *NOTHING* makes any sense, so I can totally suspend any feelings of logic and minor crap like.. real facts and stuff.

    And I am still trying to figure out what Useless Son’s role is, except to be utterly worthless. It is almost like he is proud of being a total parasite.

    And just ONCE, can we have a bad guy in a k-drama that does not have the black jacket and baseball cap?

  22. KANG SORA&LJS are the one i rooting for to end up. their onscreen together is smoking hot. if pd want better rating. he better get these two more screen time together. kang sora acting has improve so much.
    still remeber how akwrad&stff her acting was in dream high 2.
    JSY will nevr have good onscreen cuz of her akward&stiff acting. she only good for one thing and that looking good for the camera.

  23. Aww, Koala, probably my favorite thing about your blog is that when you fall for a drama, you fall hard~ your adorable fangirling over a drama really enhances our viewing pleasure. Thank you! These bibimbap dramas sure are tasty!

    Btw, Kang Sora’s character can’t end up with Park Hoon because the character is very similar to the one she played in Ugly Alert, which means she and Im Joo Hwan must still be living HEA and she can’t possibly be with anyone else! They made an awesome OTP that no other drama should tear asunder.

  24. u never know how a good rating will do. if KANG SORA&LJS keep having high rating when they togeter. PD might have a change of heart and make them end up together.

  25. My take is that JH was brainwashed into becoming a spy, and she will do some damage to PH before she starts “recovering” somewhere later in the series and then they will simply kiss and make up. Such is dramaland, well… typically most of the times that is ;). LJS is awesome in this drama! Btw, he’s totally who I would cast for a Korea version of twilight’s Edward! Pale and white and vampish looking…. Hahah

  26. Dont get it why kang sora fans have to badmouthing jsy, if ur idol really good in everything theres no need to be sarcastic about other actress just because jsy factly more good looking than sora doesnt mean she should get bash. Even though im not jsy fans, i just feel like vomit everytime i see unmature comment about pretty face actress but baselessly hater say have no good acting skill.

    i also agree with ms. Koala, about hoon jaehee love story, its just remind me of moon that embrace the sun, kim so hyun character was very similar with hoon character in term of their devotion towards their true love. I just hope that ksr fans wouldnt get a badly heartaches when hoon and jaehee being together, and ksr probably will have abetter ending than the queen character in moon sun, i dont really favorite another suicide by hanging in atree ar probably jumping from the highest floor in the hospital, but well if its happen ksr will for greater good can show us her awesome acting skill on how one should do it when they are falling and about to die, sure it kind of enjoyable for me and fun to watch her show off to all of her bosting fans about her well deserve oscar acting ability, lol.

  27. lol ksr fans are desperately praising her acting like tomorrow is the last day on it because she hit the car wd a bricks,slap ph face and kick his balls.the crying scene at the last part it was ljs commanding voice that made that scene very dramatic i love how ljs acted the scene.the best comparison is the coin between ksr and the kid kim ji ji young did so very well that it made me cry but not with ksr.

  28. lol do u really cant tell who better actress between kang sora&JSY?
    kang sora can show more emotion then JSY will ever do. all JSY good for is looking pretty. for your info i not even a kang sora fan. i just find her acting better then JSY.

  29. I’m a sucker for star crossed lovers but again I just want a bickering coworkers fall in love. It’s indeed a tough choice.

  30. This drama reminds me with Baker King, Kim Tak Gu where the male lead fall in love with the second female lead in the end ^^

    Hope this drama too ^^

  31. Thanks for the recap.

    I really like the simulation surgery in his brain. It was cool how they timed the lights going off and on when he says, “Dashi!”

    I like JH with short hair better. She’s pretty.
    As far as Hoonah and Quack. They could end up being super duper really good supportive friends. It doesn’t have to be lovey dovey.

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