
Jin Ah Plans a Hilarious Birthday Celebration with Her Non-oppa Ji Hyuk in Episode 7 of Big Man — 18 Comments

  1. I find it very vague to turn Dong Seok character into a bad guy. Can’t they skip that boring cliche of having the second male lead as bad one so the girl would fall for the good.

    daaaaaa and Mi Ra who is for god sake has been always in love with Dong Souk but suddently she has this second thoughts about that kind hearted man. Please woman don’t be such a waver! sucks to the core.

    And I will not even speak about chemistry because that is subjective. One might like Ji Hyuk with Jin Ah and other might like him with Mi Ra. Though at this point the two options are looking soo dysfunctional relationship for me. But I have to say Mi Ra aside from being the most boring character ever she is the most unfaithful woman ever. Your boyfriend gave you a ring, you wear it or at least take it off your sister’s finger! tell him you couldn’t live without him and life was tough not only I missed you.
    Ok rant is over!

    • Haha, she did say before that she never told him she “loved him” tho. So I’m not that shocked that she developed feelings for the other guy.
      It may seem unfaithful but I dont think they were ever the sweetest of couple and I’m sure she knows he’s always been a prick, but she tried to see the good side.
      And we know she’s not a strong nor prideful woman from the start, she’s so subtle and emotionles and boring. So I’m guessing she dated DS not just for love but definitely for the money too. It’s only logical to desire being one of them after serving them for quite some time.

      • When she said she never told him she loved him, it was regret. Basically, she was saying I should have told him before it was too late. The fact that she was going to pull the mask off of JH in an effort to kill him (but he stopped her), tells me that she had a powerful love for DS. Who tries to kill an innocent person for some that they just like? No one. Also, MR showed her evil side before DS. Why the writers painted her like this is beyond me. I don’t know if she’s boring because of her character or the actress playing her role.

  2. Jung So Min is one of those rare actresses that has the ability to give life to a boring drama, bring depth to a bland role and have chemistry with any co-star.

    I tried watching this drama, but nothing interested me except for Jung So Min’s scenes. How long must we wait to see her as the lead in a drama again? 🙁

    • She might resemble Yoon Eun Hye, but her acting reminds me of Ha Ji Won. I honestly cannot wait for her to get her big break, because she is very evidently one of the top actresses in her generation.
      And her chemistry with Kang Ji Hwan is so effortless. I’ve love to see them in a romantic comedy together, they both have such good comedic timing XD

    • I agree. She is lead material in my books. Most dramas with her in them, I watch because of her. Lee Da Hee is not lead material to me based on this drama. She has brought no life to her character.

  3. I don’t think it’s that odd for Mira to have developed feelings for Ji Hyuk, especially since she found out what the family was doing to him. It could be a combination of repulsion for what she, her boyfriend and his family were doing to him that caused her to feel guilt and pity for Ji Hyuk, spend more time with him, and discover his good qualities that made her appreciate him. On the other hand, I do agree that she is wishy washy and has as much life as a dried fish and really hope that Ji Hyuk and Jin Ah end up together.

    • Well she tried to kill him and kept deceiving him until Jin Ah found out the truth. Then she warned DS that JH knew the truth, but never did she warn JH about DS and his family. I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel for this character.

  4. Jung So Min is a good comedian with various styles. She is very good doing her character. I think she chose to be the second lead because she can act more. The main leading lady has a flat affect. So stiff that it can be mistaken as if she has had too much botox or something.

  5. I don’t think Mira is a boring character. Although the character is not complex or troubled character like Jin Ah, she have a role that bring out the male lead character the most. Which in my opinion is interesting to watch.

    I don’t think Mira is “very” unfaithful to dong seok. Mira seem to be hesitant with her relationship with dong seok even before dong seok accident. She knows that she shouldn’t get a relationship with them rich people. AND she have already recognized that her relationship with dong seok was just ideal. And that’s why she wavers, she doesn’t actually want to live or be involved with the rich people.

    Now about Dong seok. He needs some serious help. And I want Mira to get away from him. Usually we’re supposed to be stuck between and choose who’s the best for Mira, but this second male lead is just cray cray.

    • MR had every intention of marrying DS. She was going to kill JH for DS. I think she was very unfaithful. Who goes from wanting to kill a person for one man and 2 months later you now have feelings for that person? Actually, MR is no different that DS and his parents.

      Also, I don’t think MR brings out JH’s character. She has done nothing to bring it out–they have no chemistry. I think he and JA bring life to the drama.

  6. Can they just be the OTP in this drama, please kdrama gods?!! Love the dynamics in their interaction with each other!

  7. I have seen several of Jung So Min’s work and she is a very versatile actress. She’s a delight to watch. The main girl is very stiff, hardly any facial expressions.

  8. If Jo In Sung can turn the tides for What Happened In Bali, here’s hoping that Jung So Min will be able to as well.

    I am dissapointed that Daniel Choi always ends up as the second lead. I wish he could do more with this character rather than the straight-forward jealousy troupe. Come on, throw me a bone here. I really want to like Dong Seok just because of Daniel Choi. Here’s hoping for fairy dusts in the remaining eps.

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