
Highly Anticipated TW-drama You Light Up My Star with Joe Cheng and Janine Chang Premieres Today — 19 Comments

  1. I don’t even care about the leads, its director Winnie’s drama! I’ve enjoyed every single one of his works, from the Rose to In Time With You. Can’t wait for this one to be subbed in English.

  2. Joe and Winnie collaborated in The Rose, not Love or Bread.

    Hopefully, Joe will redeem his career after this because the past projects he did after It Started with a Kiss series are all a let down. Frankly speaking i think he should just collaborate with Winnie often, he knows how to worked around Joe’s weakness as an actor.

    • ditto. previews bring back the Joe I remember from ISWAK. I don’t feel the chemistry rather just the motions of it b/w the two leads…so I will likely not check it out. I tried The Rose but was horribly allergic to it.

      • The rose you have give till at least episode 10. The ending is the best.

  3. Woah it actually sounds really fascinating, way more than all the fluffy romances that TW has been producing recently. My only quibble is with Joe, I know people love him but he just doesn’t do it for me. I guess I’ll check out the first episode and see if he’s more palatable in this show, or if the plot and directing is just so good this show can’t be missed.

  4. Watching rock ‘n’ road and probably this, the latest preview is pretty fascinating. I’m not that of a big fan of Joe or Janine but the story intrigues me.

  5. Can’t wait to watch this been excited since you first posted about it months ago. But I feel bad for Chris wu, doesn’t that mean he is now up against Aaron and joe, the ratings for rock n road aren’t looking good and he is my favorite of the 3 actors.

  6. I love her cheongsam! Nice cut in the right places and very sexy when they did the tango. I might check this drama out…

  7. Wow, looking pretty intense! Planning to wait patiently till all eps are released, this seems like there’ll be plenty of suspense and cliffhangers. O.O at all the intense kissing scenes. Hope Joe can rise up to this extremely challenging role. Oh, the ending song by Fukumaru Masaharu is awesome, he even managed to incorporate his characteristic singing style while singing in Chinese 🙂

  8. The preview really looks great! I was expecting something more light and fluffy from the news of Janine and Joe filming. Did not expect it to be so intense~ But it looks like a knockout performance by Joe. Hopefully Janine gets some meaty scenes too!

  9. Omg! Of course I have to watch this. The tw dramas just keep piling on for me!! 🙂 I really like these two actors not because I think they are consistently stellar but I just like them. Hope it is good!!

  10. Watched the first ep. Definitely different from the usual fluffy ones. For me, I found it sort of boring. Need to see the rest to change my mind.

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