
Ladies Romance News: Chae Rim to Marry Chinese Actor Boyfriend and Sung Yuri Dating Professional Golfer — 18 Comments

  1. I’m so happy for Chae Rim and Sung Yuri. I love them both. Chae Rim has been in China all this time that it’s a treat to see her news. I have seen that actor in many dramas. I remember him fondly in New My Fair Princess that came out last year. Thought he was pretty decent. CR last marriage partner left her heartbroken so I hope he’ll bring her some happiness. Though CR can speak some Chinese it’ll still be hard for them and I hope it’ll not hinder anything in their future.

    As for Sung Yuri, I wishes her the best too. Years back there were rumors that she dated Yoon Kye Sang and Song Seung Hyun. I thought that her and Yoon would have made a great couple; sadly things don’t work out in life. Congrats on her new relationship and hopefully a comeback to rom-com soon.

  2. Wow, chae rimmmmmm….

    Been a while since i heard abt her, she captured my heart since i first saw her in oh my lady. So I’m thrilled to hear her news and the ‘getting married’ news, which is amazingly lovely. I hope its happily ever after.

  3. Congrats!!!! I first liked her in all about eve. I confessed to not liking her as much in cdrama early on about ten years ago and then I grew to like her more and more over time. So I am very happy for her. Hope for many years of wedded bliss and a lifelong of happiness!

  4. Pardon me if I m wrong..wasn’t chase rim married some rock star??
    And has she had plastic surgery?her features look different from the days of all abou Eve.she was adorable then.

  5. I watched her since All about eve but she won my heart in Dalja’s spring really. All the best in her upcoming marriage. Dont know much about the guy but he looks kinda sweet and a little like Jo In Sung…lmao.

  6. chae rim hopefully you will always happy with zi qi. to zi qi, please protecting and loving chae rim everytime, dont ever make her hurt. happy togetherness and never never divorce … much wishes for your both and god blessing you both,…

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