
Joseon Gunman Episode 9 Recap — 16 Comments

  1. I’m curious about the father-daughter relationship between Merchant Choi and Hye Won. It feels weird to see how people like him can be very affectionate towards her. I don’t know.. it just strange and intereting in the same time. If he really loved her, or simply take advantage of her ability … (oh, noooo…!)
    whether she is his biological daughter or an adopted…i dunno either

    • I hesitate to tread into that topic but it feels weird to me, too, in the sense that I totally thought Choi rushed to get rid of Hanjo/Yoon Kang even more urgently when he noticed that Hye Won was rather touched by him. It didn’t feel very fatherly protective, it felt more like he was eliminating a rival….

  2. First and foremost, thanks Koala for the recaps!
    I love the episodes even more and more and same goes for your recaps! (y)

    Each episode leaves me sitting on the edge of my seat, I loved this episode the most. It was definitely less predictable, and the plot has definitely thickened a lot.

    Although this was a great episode, I felt so sad. Yoon Kang reunites with his sister yet he sees his loved one, Soon In, being taken away ): I definitely love their interactions in the last scene. There was no dialogue yet their eye contact shows they love each other so much more. This is definitely my favorite scene.

    Other than that, YK definitely became stronger. In the past few episodes, I slowly doubted if he can actually revenge for his father, for his family. I loved his counterattack to Merchant Choi’s grilling suspicions. That scene made me wish YK will see the gun, but even better a servant tells them there is a gunman in the document repository department! Perfect! I was so relieved, and I did my little happy dance!!! The very next scene we see MC GO DOWN IN HISTORY! Well…not really..The war has just started …BUT WE SEE MC SUFFER!

    All in all, I can’t wait until YK unites with the good guys. Right now they are all scattered. ): I am so ready to watch the next episode!!

    Thanks again for the awesome recap Ockoala! I am so glad to share my thoughts here, too.

  3. Firstly, this drama is so. good. I’m watching pretty much all the dramas airing right now, but this is only one of two (out of too many …) that I cannot wait to watch (the other being High School King of Savvy because I loooooove me some Seo In Guk).

    Secondly, I really like how the villains are just as complex as the protagonists in this story. Merchant Choi is by no means redeemable at this point, but I do find myself sympathizing for him at times, and I rarely do that with villains in Korean dramas. Usually the antagonists are almost caricatures of actual people, with no substance other than evil evil evil, but Merchant Choi has a rich backstory and he makes the drama interesting in a good way, even if it is an I-hate-you-way.

    Thirdly, I was SO happy when Soo In FINALLY figured out that Hanjo is Yoon Kang! The scene where she found the compass oof; it was such a poignant moment but I couldn’t help but smile and cry happy tears because she finally knew that the love of her life is alive and right by her side.

    I really hope Yoon Kang is the one to save her and they can have some happy times and then unite to bring down the baddies. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode!

  4. Am I just being a little paranoid, or is anyone concerned about Sang Choo and the newly hired Je Mi? I’m almost scared that someone’s going to either a) brutally interrogate Je Mi or b) take Sang Choo for a drink and make him spill everything. I’m scared for Officer Han too. Who’s with me?

  5. I AM with u. i am also worried especially jemi we dont know if she stupidly spill anything to someone.and oh nsn is such a good actress.she plays the charactes so well.finally so in now knows of yk.the last scene is so touching and i believe so in character will develop now.loving this drama.

  6. And a lurking question.. can someone explain to me the whole pre-revenge name change thing? Did Yoon Kang steal someone else’s name?

    • He is using a real person’s name who was also working under Yamamato. This adds more credibility to his undercover mission. Whether the real guy is alive or not is unknown yet.

  7. Yoo kyung needs to cut Soo In loose. Get his revenge and leave with his sister for Japan. Personally I don’t get why he still her. Her family is responsible so due to guilt she shouldn’t be with him. Especially during that time period to marry the daughter of your fathers killer. That’s a big NO NO

    • I think you’ve got the wrong girl. Soo-In is Yoon-Kang’s first love and also the daughter of his father’s best friend, and she has helped him and saved his life before he “died” and ended up in Japan. Yoon-Kang’s father was killed by Merchant Choi who is Hye-Wons’s father, not Soo-In’s.

  8. It’s not that we are not watching but I really like this show so I refrain from reading your recap until I have watched it, and I always watch it later than your recap.

    It’s a pleasure to watch such accomplished actors such as Hanjo and Soo In. The last scene when Soo In cries it was a beautiful cry scene. She cries so beautifully and I felt moved too just by watching her.

    Merchant Choi, Hanjo and Soo In are the best actors for me.

    To be honest I felt a little short changed by Hanjo and Soo In’s romance at the start because they fell in love too quickly and I like to watch a romance slowly developed. But in terms of the pace of the narrative and dramatic tension, the drama really works.

    It will be difficult for Hanjo to take revenge because even his late father and the king is wary of those in power. I like it that Soo In helps Hanjo to make bombs, albeit unwittingly, but her skills would prove to be very useful to him indeed if they both became renegades on the run. I also like that it is her turn to be down and out – her father is on the opposite camp of the conservatives so it is possible that in the future her family may face a downfall too.

    I should like Lee Jun Ki as the renegade gunman but he looks too damned good as a businessman in a suit with his hair slicked back so I will miss that disguise too if it ends.

    So thankful for good actors like Lee Jun Ki and Soo In. He acts with his eyes, just watch the emotions in his eyes, and she is on target in all her posture, words and expressions. Very believable and easy to watch.

  9. I am so happy that finally Soo In gets confirmation that Hanjo is indeed Yoon Kang! Her tears at the discovery with the compass as proof and the poignant scene between her and Yoon Kang were acted so so good. How cruel to have her arrested right before their reunion! Can’t wait for the proper reunion!

  10. Really like this drama!!! I love every character,they are so well-written! This drama always has those nerve-wrecking cliffhanger!! Every week waiting impatiently Dorothy new episode to come!!

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