
Joseon Gunman Episode 10 Recap — 11 Comments

  1. At this late hour the one thing my brain was able to do after reading your recap was to identify the Minister to the far right out of the 3 Stooges as the corrupted Mayor in “City Hall”, whom Shin Mi Rae succeeded.

  2. First and foremost, thanks Koala for the recap!
    I definitely enjoyed the interactions between YK and SI. It was just so beautiful, and they understood each other. Love it!

  3. Again, thank you so much so fast recaps. I did not understand much last night. Now I can go back to watch raw comfortably. Love jail scene much much. They are so good and perfect in their roles.

  4. Thank you so much for the recap!!! I just went and watched the jail scene. So much feel… I watched MBC’s FTLY first today and was really swept up in that drama when I casually read this recap. Your words and then watching that jail scene between our OTP was enough to instantly pull me into their world. LJK and NSM are really hitting their characters for me. I am so happy that SI shows so much bravery, courage, heart, strength and smarts up against ministers that are way more powerful than she will ever be. The road is going to long, painful and rocky for these two. I know I have read a lot of criticism about the otp’s “love” for each other 3 yrs ago. After this episode, it confirmed for me that these two have a special connection with each other – an amazing bond that has held up 3 yrs. I think their actions for each other speak volumes. SI may not be the brightest tool in the shed but she complements him nicely. And of course, the most important thing is YK loves her. 🙂 and well, SI has “saved” him a few times too. Go SI!!

  5. Thank you for your awesome recaps koala! After watching each episodes, i automatically open your blog to see your recaps and read your thoughts if its the same as mine. And it really is, i just love JG as much as you do! And with regards to your ending, i would love to see it happen! But have you read an article whre LJK said that he would want Yoon Kang to die in the end, but I’m really hoping it wont be the case. It’ll be soooo heartbreaking if ever!

    • If ever the writer should kill off Yoon Kang’s character, it’d be a doomed drama. I’ll probably end up writing to the TV station to tell the scriptwriter off.

      Well so much said, in Iljimae’s ending some ppl have mentioned it’s an open ending. Nobody knows whether he survived or died.
      Let’s hope it’d be a great ending for Junki to earn an award at the end of the year.

      • Agree, LJK deserves an award for his excellent portrayal of Yoon Kang and Hanjo.

  6. wow what a heart breaking episode.i love what soo in did in this episode oh their scene are so romantic.i appreciate soo in character in this episode and nam sang mi plays it so well.she is a good actress cant wait for next episode.nam sang mi aja aja fightiog.thanks for the recaps.

    • I like NSM and have watched some of her dramas. I think this is her best acting so far especially in all her interactions with LJK.

      • Though LJG is my favorite actor I like NSM more with Kim Ji Hoon in “Goddess of Marriage”.

  7. Love love this episode and all the scenes of our OTP. The reunion and their quiet/subtle message to each other – absolute gem! I am ok with Yoon Kang `dying’ in Joseon, only if we can have him, Soo In and Yeon Ha escape Joseon and live a good, happy life in Japan.

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