
Classy Cool Jeon Ji Hyun Models Bags for Rouge and Lounge Summer 2014 Collection — 6 Comments

  1. I feel like ‘not the best actress around’ is an underestimation of her skills, because much like Shin Min Ah, she actually used to get taken less seriously as an actress because of her beauty.

    But she is far from just being an only-good-for-CFs queen like Han Ga In, at least JJH can act (seen enough of her movies to say this safely). I can see why Koreans might be angry at her because of the water CF and wish she had been more careful, but I hope she and Kim Soo Hyun are not exiled from the industry for this.

    • I don’t think that they will be exiled from the industry. Netizens can influence the industry with their sound and fury but so can global economics. Korean companies which use JJH and KSH as their CF models are making bank in China. Amore Pacific has seen their sales in Chinese speaking countries increase. Rouge&Lounge exceeded their projected annual revenue in the few months JJH has been their model, and they expect it to double in the next few months. Then there is the flock of Chinese tourists who are going to Korea to buy anything associated with the two. Entertainment reporters are back to praising her again. She is scheduled to film a movie with Ha Jung Woo and Lee Jung Jae next month. I guess that she’ll be ok. Of course, she will probably get the occasional hate comments bringing up the water CF for the rest of her career. Even Won Bin gets some hate for just doing CFs and not another film. Ah, the price being a Korean celebrity – they can’t win.

  2. My QUEEN! I didn’t care for YFAS but it introduced me to her and I fell in love with everything about her. The first photoset does not do her beauty any justice. Hope to see more of her.

  3. I heard that they both tried to terminate the cf contract but the fees was 10 mil usd+ some other factors that will effect the staffs greatly which knetizens dun even care. Love how she was their goddess yesterday but “traitor” the next day. Knetizens and their nationalism is really scary. Thanks god this doesn’t really affect the general public

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