
My Secret Hotel Episode 3 Recap — 8 Comments

  1. Thank you Ms Koala for recapping this wonderful drama! I absolutely adore the cast, the fashion, the plot that doesn’t treat the viewers like we need spoon-feeding of plot-lines, but mostly the am sooo in love with the music!! Does anyone know the name or artists? I know one is by Yoong Sung Ki – Secret. Does anyone know the others?! LOVE LOVE LOVE! HWAITING!!

  2. Seems to me the director is her Oppa. She was put up for adoption after their father was murdered. He has spent his life tracking her down and this is why he knew her name when she lived in America. If you look at the frist 3 episodes through this prism everything he does is sweet and brotherly not romantic. I think he knows that she is his dongseung and she has no clue. But that is just my two cents.

  3. Thanks for a very fast recap. been waiting for it.
    i’ve watched the 3rd ep raw, even if i don’t understand korean at all. LOL. that’s how deep i’m into this drama.
    like you, i hope the writer/director will continue with his winning streak.
    my fav scene of course is when the director came to the rescue of SY.
    the three leads were really good at this scene.
    the silent friction between the two male leads starts in here, and it builds my excitement to the future rounds..
    YIN is really good. i’m not even her fan, but i give her credit for being so good and beautiful in every scene.
    i love her wardrobes also.
    so excited for the coming episodes.
    bring it on!

  4. I too hope there is no secret sibling hijinks around the corner. Some character descriptions for SG and SH hint at this, which really irked me. It’s too weird to go down that route and it would be a mood dampener. (It’s kind of gross and disturbing to actually have hit on one’s sister even if accidentally.) Hope that the idea has been ditched at least. I’m glad they made SG a viable contender b/c for a while his character was too flat.

    On a completely different note, my MSH addiction is all Ms. Koala’s fault. Ms. Koala, kudos for finding such a gem! Because I wasn’t a fan of the cast, I totally would have written MSH off. But I’m addicted again (haven’t been in a while) and now a YIN fan. Can’t wait for the plot to thicken!

  5. i love it so much.. especially hae young!! everytime he stares on sang hyo.. i could feel the pain and his loneliness.. haha.. i dunno.. but he acts very well to the point that i could feel him.. 😀 *am i too much in fangirling?*

    i cant wait for tomorrow.. i hope.. the ending will be the happy one.. i just love this couple so much ^^

  6. I am actually curious as to how Manager Hwang died. Which begs the reason why the detective did not determine the time of death? Wouldn’t it be easier to suss out the culprit that way?

    Oh and i absolutely love Ahn Kil Kang. So awesome to see him given a “i’m-so-fabulous-detective-role” rather than his usual fare of villain/gangster.

  7. The adorable squee streak continues, yey! I was cautious about being fully on board this train, with all the painful disappointment with dramas lately, so I am sooo happy that this 3rd episode has made me turn the corner. I love this drama. I hope that after this week, it successfully breaks my drama glut and transform my cautious love into a full blown obsession / addiction.

    I already like Yoo In Na, but I agree that she is hitting this role out of the ballpark for me and I falling in love with her here. Her Sang Hyo character is one I can root for, impressively efficient, smart, professional and cool… and yet innocent, playful and child-like in her personal moments. I think she only gets to be “herself’ when she is with Hae Young. I love their interactions. Those small moments with the marker in his face and asking him (silently.. as in “you should know what I’m asking you to do”) to pull off her sleeves, are precious gems. Kudos to the writer, because these little details are what make a drama special.

    Thank you Capt. Koala! Looking forward to more!!!

  8. Took me all week to get to it, but I did!

    Like it all.

    You know that part where he asked her to take off her clothes? There was just enough of a consideration on her part to give him a frisson of hope. Sexy-teasing or big brother-teasing? I guess it depends if they’re siblings or not. GOD I HOPE NOT!

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