
So Yi Hyun and In Kyo Jin Get Married with Celeb Friends in Attendance Including Moon Geun Young — 27 Comments

  1. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE their wedding pictures. They are so in love with one another. It is a wedding i would love to attend. I can totally see both of them barely keeping their hand away from each other. I don’t know if it is because they are not high profile, but i am extremely glad that their wedding was not overshadowed by rumors of any sort. Everyone can see that they married because they are truly in love with each other.

  2. Such lovely wedding pics. My favorite is the one where they are both looking back and her veil is blowing. Wish them all the happiness that they deserved!

  3. I’m happy for her. Her guest however I’m not. Is it’s a Korea custom to wear black? I mean it’s a wedding here, and you can be spunky, let loose to celebrate to merging of two people. Why wear black?

    • I know right. In my country the clothes people wear to weddings are so extravagant. People go to weddings to be seen so some even have clothes months prepared. You have to do better than your neighbors so it’s always a competition of colors and designs. I don’t know what’s up with the black b in this country thou.

  4. These, Chae Rim’s and Lee Hyori’s are each awesome in their own way because the couples are so in love with each other. And whoever’s responsible for the pics deserve their fee. You know how it’s all staged, but somehow the pics come out as spontaneous and that makes it so great and memorable.

    • Those are always my favorite! I love the one where he is tickling her sides and smiling at the camera while she laughs. Well done photographer, and congratulations to the happy couple!

  5. Finally a glimpse of my lovely Moonie, she looks radiant here. Hope to see her back on screen soon.

    Also congrats to the newly wed couple, they look so much in love.

  6. Doesn’t hubby look a bit like Bae Soo Bin and Lee Jin Wook? Anyway, they look SO CUTE together. Congratulations!

    • Lol I was actually thinking that he looked like a mix of Bae Soo Bin and Lee Bum Soo (who are both A+ in my book). But I do kinda see Lee Jin Wook now that you mention it

  7. So Yi hyun was commenting that her greatest gain in cheongdongdam Alice was knowing Moonie! And in many other occasions she have openly express her likings to Moonie! It’s great to know that in the ent industries that someone really loves you like a true unnie! Beautiful wed pics and tqs koala for covering the news!!

  8. The sixth photo where he is handing a bundle of flowers is exactly a modern version of Daddy and Mommy Gumiho did in Gu’s family book.

  9. I love this two couple.i hope i will someday with their daughther.I’m ur fans from north east india mizoram state..

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