
My Secret Hotel Episode 13 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. Dear koala unni,

    I felt the same thing when onwas watching the drama. I am so tired of seeing the hide and seek game. I guess its now SH turn to beg HY.

    At this point i just want to fast forward to the end of the drama to just knw who is the killer and who SH ends up with. There was no freaking progress on the romance n murder. I am not sure what is the role of the reporter. Is suppose to play the “cupid”?

    To be honest the only character i like in this drama is Manager Yeo because she is so consistent with her love.

    I am not sure should i drop the drama at ths point or still continje to watch :/

  2. Oh Boy! Thank you so much for the recap, I delay my schedule to watch this drama since ep 11! I can’t bear to see the sadness and uncertainty in Have Young’s love life.. I know I’m a Hae Young’s hardcore biased! I just realised that I keep following this drama due to Hae Young and Sang Hyo’s past, and Jin Yi Han’s acting at this point.

    And by reading your recap.. I only can say, what a right description you have in the recap in describing this drama! I wish the drama flows like the 2 first magic episodes!

    Now, I only hope that the last 3 episodes to be much better!!! please.. I really want to see the drama as a good memory.. please.

  3. sigh… i feel the same. This drama started so promisingly but I dropped it after ep 10 and only reading recaps since I felt like the plot is just not moving anywhere and the push and pull between SH and HY and the murder mysteries just felt completely disengaged, it’s like watching 2 differenr dramas within a drama.

    • I also dropped it after episode 10. I was getting tired of not seeing any development in the romance and murder mystery and no emotional growth of the characters.

      Makes me wonder what this drama could have been if not for this new writer butchering it…

  4. I hope the last three episodes are good. I have been watching in the hopes that the story will pick up. I wish they spent more time on the mystery.

  5. Yes SH is now terribly annoying, but HY is still a psychotic stalker. NOTHING he’s said or done is evidence of either real love, or actual sanity. This is just awful writing, threatening a woman with implied violence every time she mentions her boss is not healthy behaviour, nor is lying to her all the time, about pretty much everything. With any luck the fun Columbo style detective will be right about the murderer striking again, only this time, it will be a mass killing spreee that leaves only him and Manager Yeo alive.

  6. This is so sad. The magic this drama had in the first 4 episodes is gone and in its place, just a sad rambling shell of its former glory. Such wasted potential in terms of story and actors. I’ll remember this drama for its goodness, however shortlived it was. Its downward spiral is somewhat similar to Cinderella’s sister which was another wasted piece. Sigh..

  7. Sang Hyo is such a flake! Did writer-nim have an epiphany when writer-nim wrote the lines for Hae Young’s refusal to take her back because of the sake of the hotel?

    Sang Hyo did not start off as a career driven ambitious type from the get-go so it is difficult to even think that she would agree to be a stand-in bride just to ‘save the hotel’s reputation’. It might have been something that ‘Sing-Sing’ in I need a Romance might do but not Sang Hyo. The more believable angle why she would agree to be the stand-in bride would be that she was giving herself a second chance to either confirm that they have no real future together or to find back the love they missed out on 7 years before. Any other reason is crap. If you truly hated your ex, you won’t even be able to stand in the same room! In fact, Hae Young & Sang Gyum are acting more like ex-es!!

    The final confirmation of Sang Hyo’s flakiness is her about turn from being so in a hurry to move out of Hae Young’s place because she couldn’t trust herself not to fall for him if she stayed a week to wanting to move back in to ‘save the hotel’….. so she is now no longer afraid of falling for him? It isn’t very clear if she actually wants Sang Gyum either. The only sane person in this triangle seems to be Hae Young. It is clear he wants to make up with her and make up for lost time – although the fastest way would have been for him to explain why he left abruptly 7 years ago. Maybe the three of them should all move in together! At this stage – I don’t think any of us care much.


  8. I am so sick of these dramas with a female lead waffling between two men for the entire drama. It’s so manipulative of the audience. I should know better than to ever watch another drama that has two lead males and one lead female.

  9. Am I the only one scared that Sang Hyo and Sung Gyum might be related(step siblings, I would guess)? I mean, Sung Gyum’s father is a womanizer, Director Lee was working with him around the time of his death, Sang Hyo was adopted overseas and we have NO clue who her birth parents are!
    For all I know, Sang Hyo might be Director Lee’s daughter(as many people have expressed their doubts till date), whose wife was cheating on him with Sung Gyum’s father(or Director Lee & Sung Gyum’s mother). Sung Gyum has only heard praises for his father and his mother might have a motive to keep him from knowing the truth about his father’s death, if either of the above guesses is correct(she caused her husband’s death/she cheated on him).
    I must admit, though, the mystery is the only thing that has me hooked at this point of time. Too much of ‘Sang Hyo is cute’ is making me nauseated :/

  10. I guess many the same I am and right now I’m doing my utter best not to drop it. I’ve watched the last 4 episodes on fastforward and I guess I’ll be doing the same this episode and probably the next.

  11. thank you soo much for the recap.. i liked this epi when compared the major disappointment of last week.. i just wish the last 2 epis didnt happen…. even if we skip ep 11 and 12, there will not be any gap in the story or in the murder mystery.. and we would not have been disappointed with this drama as much as we are now.. hope atleast the remaining 3 epis are good so that this show does not leave a bad taste in the mouth..

    this show had sooo much potential and great actors.. but sadly it went downhill 🙁

  12. Thank you so much for the recaps.I am interested in the final outcome. But lost interest in this drama after the sixth episode. On the other hand, What’s Happening With My Family, I wasn’t that interested but picked up in place of this drama and am so delighted. The joys of k-drama addiction.

  13. I keep thinking to myself, oh where did all go so wrong? This drama started out so promising. I thought I’d finally found an independent and strong working female protagonist who had a sound mind. I was so very wrong.
    Honestly at this point, Sang Hyo doesn’t need a man. She needs a psychiatrist. Preferably a female one who will not fawn all over her like these idiots.
    The preview for episode 14 however makes me want to finish this monstrosity and move on with my drama life. Clearly, there’s a birth secret in the air, just as you called it Ms Koala!

  14. Sigh, 2014 is not a good year for dramas in general. I’ve dropped so many dramas after watching like 5 episodes. I’ve watched enjoyed 2 dramas all the way through this year.

  15. I am still glad to have the earlier amazing episodes even if the middle ones were quite painful to watch at times. All I care about now is the murder mystery.

    Happy with the scene on Gi Chul’s relief that Gyung Hee is well and alive and his hug for her. Cheers to Hae Young for finally putting a stop to be used as and when needed by Sang Hyo for the sake of the hotel!

  16. So today after watching ep14 I think I have an idea of how bad the writer is going to end this drama and if you don’t believe me go on search on the web the 2nd writer’s previous work, it ended horribly and especially the fact that the misfortunated issues all come crumbling down on the very last ep very sad. I mean this writer is really good at confusing, pulling our brains in all different directions, surely know how to kick us where it hurts and at times make us cried. I don’t think the 1st writer agree with all the revising and changing of the scripts and the story but then again how would I know lol. But what I do know through both writers’ previous work, they are totally opposite of each other and that is why when the 2nd writer replaces the 1st at that point you can totally see a different story that has no connection to the first four eps. I am just SPEECHLESS at this moment, I don’t believe there’s even a word out that can fully describe of explain my feelings about this drama and the sad part is that they have great actors and actresses. FIGHTING OPPA JIN YI HAN!!!

  17. This was a great drama before. I really loved it. But now it becomes pointless and crunchy. I expected that Nam Sang Hyo will also do some investigation about the murder since she is the wedding manager, the manager of both victims. But, all she’s doing is throw to much cuteness and wishy-washy-ness.
    How can a such person can be called “The Future of Hotel”. Nonsense. She doesn’t even care about her stuff death. I thought she would be a character with a lot of curiosity and mystery.
    Only in a few episodes she’s doing her job as a hotel stuff. The rest, she’s just playing around with boys. Now, I have to admit that I agree with GM Lee that Nam Sang Hyo isn’t working. She’s just dating around but assuming that she’s doing it with for the shake of their hotel.
    Nam Sang Hyo character is the weakest part of this drama. And so is Goo Hae Young lately. We don’t have anything more to dig from their character.

    PS: I’m just talking about the character since all the casts are fine.

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