
K-movie Today’s Love Releases Cute Lead Stills of Lee Seung Gi and Moon Chae Won — 14 Comments

  1. I can’t wait for this Movie..Yes the two are really cute together and I love their chemistry so far,their were so happy and comfortable together during the KBS Entertainment Relay Interview..

    • They really are ridiculously cute together. Their chemistry has always been great and they know each other well and are much better actors than they were in BL, so I’m expecting good things. Should be light and fun. And yess I always shipped/liked Seung-mi and Hwan before she went wacko crazy.

      • @ ps,

        Thank you for the links. For a minute, I wondered if KBS2 were part of the production team for the movie, (or some kind of sponsor), hence the logo. That was why I asked.

  2. These two looks so damn cute together. Their chemistry is no joke in Kbs entertainment relay interview and their short video cheering for KSAT test takers . Im so I love with him

  3. This sounds great.
    LSG and MCW are both actors who have good chemistry with almost anyone. And MCW is one of my top two faves among the actresses of her generation. She usually chooses good projects too.

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