
Jo In Sung Wins the Daesang at the 2014 APAN Star Awards — 61 Comments

  1. I don’t know about this award show after park shin hey wins award for excellence in acting for heirs. I love park shin hey but an award for acting is dubious to me. Now I am looking at all the other winners with tainted lens. The matrix is one if my favorite movie but would I give Keanu reeve an acting award for it? Hell no.

  2. Hah…Ji Hyun Woo best fashionista????!!! How come???!!!

    Park Shin Ye should act in different departments or drama characters then I could agree she deserve any awards in acting department.

  3. Jin Se Yeon got the popularity award….?

    I’m wondering if this is one of those award shows where if you don’t attend it’s unlikely you’ll receive an award…

    • Most Korean award shows won’t give you anything unless you commit to showing up, unless you are on the level of Jun Ji Hyun I guess.

      Anyway Dr Stranger was so bad it’s almost funny to see how fast the cast (the ones who can actually act anyway) came out with their next projects – Lee Jong Seok, Park Hae Jin and Kang Sora are all in dramas airing now and which are way more well received than DS.

      • Even if you are on the level of jeon ji hyun you will not also recognize if you dont show up.SIDA cancelled the best actress category because jeon ji hyun is not attending she is the winner but the award dont give to her and look at her award in apan hallyu star award.what is that award?looks like a special award only.

      • @gina Lol I enjoyed Misaeng, Bad Guys, and Pinocchio so much. And Kang Sora is good in this drama, she was not the best in Doctor Stranger.

        Anyway as far as I know Jin Se Yeon in filming her first leading lady in movie Police Family. So no worry about her acting project, just hope she will be better

      • oh so that’s the way it works in Korea?
        i always thought it was like the TW ceremonies where you get an award if you turn up (rather than you turn up because you get an award) 😐

    • So if I understood well, they didn’t give out the Daesang for a female actress because JJH did not come/did not show up? That is why we probably only see JIS’s name then? Or maybe I misunderstood: does the Daesang only go to one person (per year), whether male or female? (And I think Ms. K. had said in a previous post that she thought the Daesang would go to JJH, however if she did not show up, it would go to JIS? I can’t remember EXACTLY what Ms. K. said, but I am thinking that it was something like that, no?)

      • The Daesang usually only goes to one person a year, no matter their sex. Once in a crazy blue moon there might be 2 winners.

      • The girl who was nominated for best actress at Baeksang awards while Park Shin Hye wasn`t . Also the girl who got record rating for cable drama and gave far superior performance than PSH. Now you know.

      • In this case she is. Go Ara gave much stronger and more memorable performance than PSH , i can`t believe anybody would even consider PSH role in The Heirs award worthy. It was honestly her worst performance, she was better in all her previous dramas.

      • Go Ara’s role was much more challenging – a wider array of emotion, covering a longer time span, a great deal of character growth to portray. She really did a great job of portraying the highs and lows of growing up. PSH had a one-dimensional character who showed absolutely no growth.

        But then, I expected this because with a few exceptions Korean awards are all about popularity.

      • Damn typos.

        *Go Ara is currently out of the country so her inability to attend could have contributed to her not getting the award.

    • Ckckckc..go ara is famous for her bad acting and people always bash her. Now that THE ROLE SHE PLAY WRITTEN GOOD yet she didn’t receive any award, people blame someone even said she couldn’t attend so the award can go to the one attending. Then, lower the award credibility. What amazing defend!

  4. Not as bad as I imagined before, I feel good enough with APAN’s outcome.
    First, I’m happy for JIS, yap he deserves it and even more, I’m thankful for his speech where he mentioned a lot about my gongvely, he is such very humble man and wish he will get better and greater in future.

    happy DO win best new actor, he deserves it 🙂 and happy for LKS too ^_^

    I feel relieve that my gongvely lose to Kim Hee Ae which is the strongest competitor alongside soog yoon ah so I feel less disappointed hehe

    But again with KSH win top excellent actor (while it’s pretty clear jang hyuk and YAI acted better than him) and PSH win excellent actress (while in fact Go Ara is very much better than her), remind my self to not expect for a fully creditable korean award 😛

    oh well, at least, APAN you’ve done better job compare to KDA 😛

    this off topic, but one question miss koala, do you think Pinocchio would be included in 2014 SBS awards?

    • Pinocchio will be included in the SBS year end awards. Don’t expect it to win any top prizes though. Daesang will come down between Jeon Ji Hyun and Jo In Sung.

      • thank you ms koala 🙂

        I dont thinking about LJS winning top prize but about best couple…
        I wonder if SBS will still give best couple award based on vote to only one winner or something change from previous year..? 😛

  5. i’m ok with PSH but her performance in heirs was pretty meh, i’m not sure how she got that.

    but really, JSY with popularity award?! I CAN’T UNDERSTAND THAT SORRY.

    and KSH just casually winning everything sighhhs.

  6. A mixed bag as always. Great that Kim Hee Ae got some love; absurd that Go Ara was passed over, etc.

    It must sting for the organizers, though, that the two biggest stars nominated didn’t care even a little bit about their awards show, and went abroad to attend very, very important events! 🙂

    • Me too! Glad this drama went well for after the disaster that was Blade and Petal. Haven’t finished it yet but Yoona’s Street has been a delight so far

    • I’m in LOVE with her after Yoona’s Street (still watching though) and the fact that she sings in a rock band is just….*swoons* I’m so happy she got some recognition!!!

      These awards seem better than most I’ve seen in terms of winners.

      Any idea what the equivalent of The Oscars for movies and The Golden Globes for TV (or both if combined for) are in the Korean Acting world? Is this the closest thing?

    • I know! I freaked out when I saw that, but in a good way. Pretty much the same reaction as you. Has it really been 6 years? Time flies. Still miss her effortless acting. It does seem a little late, but better late than never.

    • I just looked her up…wow, what an unbelievably tragic end. It brings to mind Robin Williams suicide which still hurts to think about.

      I noticed awhile ago that there were quite a lot of k-celeb suicides in the early to mid 2000’s. I just wonder what was going on back then. I’m so glad it doesn’t happen as much anymore.

      • Just fyi, and to summarize her tragic life from what I’ve collected, she was married to a famous baseball player and together they raised 2 young children. However behind the outward perfect family image, she was a victim of domestic abuse, proven by hospital records. She decided to unveil her situation, asking for a divorce. Not only was she seen as scandalous, she was sued for breach of contract for “ruining her image” and the products she was promoting, resulting in huge debts. She had also invested important amounts of money that went down, thus putting her in an even more tremendously difficult financial situation. As for the reasons for her decision to put an end to her life, only she would have the answers, which she may have left behind in a note.
        Her husband eventually committed suicide too, leaving their children with a terrible inheritance, having to pay their parents’ debts and carrying a burdening past on their frail shoulders.

  7. “Kim Ok Bin winning an acting award is sweet.” It very likely may not be what was intended at all, but this came to across to me sounding patronising, as if it was a sweet gesture, nothing more.

    The reality is, her performance in Yoona’s Street was outstanding and “Kim Ok Bin winning an acting award” for it was simply what she deserved, nothing more. Her win was one of those happy exceptions when actual talent and merit secured the award.

    I’ve still got 9 episodes to go, but unless it completely implodes in those 9, Yoona’s Street remains one of my top five Dramas for sheer quality, and her lead role was a huge part of that.

  8. Watching Choi Jin Hyuk hand out the APAN Best New Actor Award to EXO’s DO is bittersweet. He struggled for 6 years before he got the APAN Best New Star Award last year and DO, an idol “actor”, does one project and he’s receiving the Best New Actor Award. Like HUL.

  9. Watching Choi Jin Hyuk hand out the APAN Best New Actor Award to EXO’s DO is bittersweet. He struggled for 6 years before he got the APAN Best New Star Award last year and DO, an idol “actor”, does one project and he’s receiving the Best New Actor Award. Just shows that life is unfair, but it’s really about the journey and how you get to your destination, if you get there even at all, that matters.

    • Bittersweet, true, but I try to look at the bright side. Choi Jin Hyuk did get the award last year, and really really deserved it. And now he’s first lead in a great series on a major network, and he’s got the skills to hold his own with a veteran like Choi Min Soo. A long journey can take you to destinations the pop idols won’t make it to. <3 CJH!

  10. Park shin hye always wears like grandma dresses to award shows. She has so much money, can’t she hire a stylist! If she already has one then they should be fire. Lol

    I love Kim ok Bin. Sadly, she’s so underrated.

    • Well, if she wears similar styles to different award shows, it’s probably the style she really likes.

      I heart Kim Ok Bin also. Yoona’s Street had great ratings for a cable drama during it’s run so maybe she’ll start getting more offers? Although, I have a feeling she is very selective with dramas she stars in.

  11. jun ji hyun didn’t win anything? seriously? no offense to park shin hye, but jun ji hyun with her ‘sawry’ was soooooo crazily popular.. and then..?? sigh..

    chukae uri jungwoo oppa, you deserve it!

    • If ur bias didn’t win dont bash PSH. Em getting tired of people blamingbher, underestimate her whike her fans always defend her without bashing others. Just compare to the idols turn actors who easily won top excellent and excellent actress after a drama.and their fans will bash PSH for her lack of talent not receiving the awards they did. Either she win or loose, people bash her. PSH has worked hard all this year to achieve that and people still talk she doesn’t deserve that???? The credibility of this award is then questionable as PSH won the award. I become a fan of her rcntly as I do feel the unfair treatement to her

      For those who comment about her dress, it’s new collection of Jain Song, thus, it fits her, fits her personality as she is shining when giving her acceptance speech. Do not only look at the photo yet d video as u can see the wisdom in every single word she says. The more haters bash her, the more love and support PSH will gain. Pinnochio hwaiting! Shut the haters bad mouth up!

      • I am new to Kdrama,,watched much enough dramas and films,encountered Park Shin Hye’s dramas by accident.the only Korean actress got me interested and search about her,i have no patient digging up about an actors/actress my age I am in my 50.I could never imagine In my life I would be so curiuos with a person like Park Shin hye, she is remarkable actress in my own point of view.her aura is just stunning that their something with her that mesmerized me..she is a remarkable actress.I have watched the Heirs, recently that I can say a very heavy drama it really involved so much crying and heavy heart.I wondered how every actor could cry in one scene to another..we called it a “heavy drama” that was difficult actually..but she/ they managed to perform their act,smoothly.So to those who bashed,, why dont you try to cry with out no reason just acting..LOL tell me if you can dry easily..LOL

  12. I’m not an avid fan of any particular actor or actress. But to be fair to PSH, she may not be the best but was not that bad in Heirs as most people bashed and criticized her. It is her character( Cha eun Sang) in Heirs that is not likeable and favorable compared to others. To many, Cha Eun Sang was like a sore thumb among the princes and princesses in the show because of her background.Critics has become overly personal and harsh on her who was doing her best to portray the character created by the writer.

    • Yeah!i agree with you!why are there so many haters/bashers for this girl?may i ask you guys for the right reasons for your hate towards her.yeah she might chose the wrong characters but her performance was definitely not that bad in heirs.Cha Eun Sang is not a well written character to begin with. Well may be haters gonna hate hate hate….

  13. I never got JIS’s physical appeal until IOTL. But now I can’t help but think he’s so damn gorgeous every time I see him. I now think he is the most gorgeous man in Korea. Maybe it’s because he seems like such a good person. I hope he’ll continue to have an incredible career ahead of him. His daesang was well deserved.

  14. @kdrama.thank u for saying that.people critize her just becos of her performance in Heirs.some people are even saying say F(x) krystal is a better actress than her.wait,what of KSH?his acting in YWCFTS was pretty bland and it was JJH that carried the whole show.but no body is complaining becos he was an alien.i dont know why people keep insult PSH like it was her fault.@ miss k,who told Pinocchio wont win anything big this year.are u looking down on the actors or what.even if PSH doesnt win any Award this year,its okay.atleast,the Awards shes won since late last year and through out this year(without acting in any drama) is more than than what other actress got in two dramas……

    • Yeah it’s ridiculous. Even saying heirs is saved by krystal. It’s getting too much. Just see krystal in MLG and imagine she took CES character, guess the rating will just as bad as MLG no matter how many popular actors there.

      I dont care if Pinocchio won’t achieve any big award in sbs award, but it will surely get acknowledgement in different big award. I have faith on this.

      for those who say why have to bash PSH over JUn Ji hyun? Geez, cant u even distinguish between excellent and top excellent? And the funny thing is no one complaint when PSH didn’t receive popularity or hallyu award. They are just busy bashing PSH

  15. Here they come PSH basher. Can everyone judge everything proportionally? I admit CES character is frustrating, however shinhye has made this character lovable and realistic. Apart of the poorly written script, PSH successfully delivered the role of EunSang really well. Eunsang by PSH has made those who watched her smile, gigle, cry, and get frustrated. Still, it is memorable. I believe, no one can shine as PSH when they portray this role. Congratulation PSH. For every acting award u receive, u truly deserve it considering all effort and hardwork u did. Keep shining.

  16. Jo in sung for sbs Daesang award there is no chance that jun ji hyun will attend on sbs it is a sure win for in sung just gave the best actor to kim soo hyun

  17. I dont find this drama award that credible. Looks like it’s a paid popularity award for some favorite actors, actresses, or drama & workings of some network minions. We’ve seen some of these drama, these winners are not really the Best of the crop! Can Korean drama award get any more credible, like seriously, you’re in deep shit! You’re becoming a laughing stock of the World.

  18. I admit that cha eun sang’s character in heirs is poorly written. But given the boring character, park shin hye was able to portray the character well. Park shin hye’s acting that helps kim tan or young do to shine brighter. She should get the popularity award too.

  19. I have been following all PSH’s dramas and movies. I think that there is potential in her acting. Her role in Heirs did not make her shine, it is the write did not do good job. You do not always look back on the past but look forward to the future. I strongly feel that she is doing an excellent job in Pinocchio. Keep it up PSH. I believe you deserve to recieve am award for all your harf eork and efforts you put in this drama. PSH O luv you an d hope the best is to come….

  20. Everyone knows that show business awards don’t always go to the most deserving. But on the other hand, sometimes they’re well-earned.
    I’m so glad to see Jo In Sung get this award!

    He was good in the past, but he seriously stepped up his game in That’s Okay, It’s Love. Gong Hyo-Jin deserves lots of credit, too–together they were amazing. But JIS really nailed some stuff about living with psychosis and trauma, and if anyone needed to get an award it was him.

    Since TOIL was a quirky show with a few faults, I was worried maybe Jo In Sung wouldn’t get it after all (stranger things have happened). I hope directors, writers and actors keep taking risks with unusual stories, even if taking risks means they don’t get the show 100% polished to perfection. Perfection is boring.

  21. Wonderful!!!Happy to see Kim Hee Sun won the Excellent Award for the Long Drama Actress. Hope to see more of her new dramas in future. Daebak!

  22. I just finished watch “Wonderful Days”. Wow! So great to hear my favourite lady won an award in this drama. I started to like her acting and looks since “Faith”. Congratulations, Kim Hee Sun!

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