
SETTV Features Aim High Male Leads Lego Lee and Chris Wang in Bed for Spop Magazine — 4 Comments

  1. I love Lego and really wanted to support Chris, but I agree with every word about the lead actresses. These are great pictures though. They know what to bank on since the women aren’t anywhere in site. Think how differently the press was for In a Good Way, Pleasantly Surprised, and even the god awful (but the beauty that was Aaron showcase) Fall in Love with Me got all sorts of couple covers every where. The only spark, unfortunately, in this show is between Lego and Chris. Hmm. Now that is a show I would watch.

  2. When I read the title, my first thought was, ‘together?’. Then I saw the pics and wondered why they were wearing shoes in bed…

  3. Maybe it’s because I’ve been binge watching Queer as Folk but they sort of look like a couple. OK I’ve actually thought that for quite awhile now. Whether they are or not, they look good. I’ve always liked their style.

  4. I honestly tried very hard to give Aim High a chance. I watched quite a few episodes and then started using the FF button. The drama is dull as anything. There is just NO spark in it at all. I don’t know if its the girls or their characters or the boys characters or what? It’s all off for me. It doesn’t work at all for me. I am guessing that the ratings are showing that too.

    Keep grasping at straws SETTV or put together another rocking pairing!!! Or something! At least when the story was out of wack, we could rely on the OTP, but we don’t even have that.

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