
MBC Relieved as Episode 1 of Kill Me Heal Me has Decent Premiere Ratings — 41 Comments

  1. Could be thats why sbs, mbs and kbs banned their shows from showing in korea youtube because of the tendency to just wach it online instead of on the actual broadcast hence the major dip in tv ratings for most of the dramas now a days.

    • I always thought that only a few ppl
      in Korea watch dramas through YT.. or use YT in general… don’t they use other popular korean streaming sites?

    • I read an article discussing this. It was more about YouTube’s % of the ad revenue. It was just around 10% only for the broadcasters, 90% goes to YouTube. They asked for a special arrangement, but YT only gives same cut for all channels. (So MBC, SBS, etc get the same ad revenue cut as Eat Your Kimchi or PewDiePie or Nigahiga.)

      There are other content hosters in SK. Like Kakao and Line(?) and I think Korean channels want local viewers to go there instead. Since the revenue split is “fairer”. I think it was 50-50 or even 70-30 in favor of the show producers.

      So the reasoning was international audiences can go on watching at YT, but promote local video hosts for people from SK.

  2. (Tried not to spoil. I’m sorry if I did.)

    Hey, that was a great first episode. I didn’t expect the main lead’s original personnality to be so gentle. It was so unexpected to me that it was kind of refreshing. And Shin Se Gi’s pick-up lines are way too cheesy, though his eyeliner makes up for it lol
    “Erotic?” “Bromance?” Hahahahha I love the one who came up with these lines.

      • Hahhahahah indeed. At first I thought something huge was going to happen at 10 o’clock, but mmh no it was simply love at first sight.

  3. I am going to watch it after the 2nd episode is subbed! Hopefully it turns out to be gold because I love that my Secret are back together 🙂 omg it would be cool if Sandaraaa Park had a cameo lol I miss her 🙂

  4. A bit noisy I hope they minimize the shouting and I smell medical ethics will be questionable in this drama. All in all the episode is ok.

  5. Just finished the first episode (no spoilers, just general).

    The beginning could have been better, a bit over the top, but by the end I was enjoying it. The female lead’s lines are funny. I think the drama would have a better chance if they just had two personalities… Ji Sung is awesome to watch!

    • Maybe, if he is lucky enough to team up with either Ha Ji Won or Jun Ji Hyun again. They were the reasons for 2014’s two only blockbuster hits.

      KSH and Ji Chang Wook were just along for the ride. As the ratings of Healer shows. And as KSH’s next drama outing will demonstrate.

      • I wont exactly say Healer is doing REALLY bad in ratings. Ratings for Healer went up in the latter 2 episodes, and is now the 2nd watched drama airing on mon-tue. Pride and Prejudice fell from 12% to around 8%. Besides, Healer is gaining popularity abroad and internationally. Just take a look at their baidu and dramabeans (comments for each episode is over 1000!).

        The chemistry between JCW and PMY is rocking and looks so real its scary. I hope ratings will increase for that drama and for Kill me Heal me. They both need more recognition, especially Healer.

    • I totally adore KSH and i think he is really famous now a days. But i think its a bit of a stretch to say that just having KSH will make the ratings high. Its totally possible though, although that needs to be coupled with good writing, good directing and a good drama team to sustain that kind of high rating for a duration of a dramas run.
      Maybe thats the reason he hasnt chosen to act this year, its lot of pressure for him to choose the best project because people expect more from him due to the mega popularity of MAn from the stars.

    • Yeah, okay. Some of the biggest top stars in Korean have suffered through crappy ratings lately. And even KSH will eventually have a drama that does poorly (by his standards). Don’t get too cocky now.

  6. Really having a hard time getting through the first part of the episode. Bad acting from the European actors playing Americans. I’m doing it for ji sung. Please be good.

  7. Tbh, Mr. Back was on its way to becoming a hit drama before the plot went off a cliff. It actually rose in ratings after Pinocchio aired its 2nd episode, so people were going to give it a chance but the script was so horrible. It must have been the worst drama I watched this year. The leads were difficult to root for, and the father-son pairing was also awkward on-screen. I was actually optimistic till the writer lost the whole thing and went hysterical. I’m staying off KMHM now, just in case it turns out to be another Mr. Back. In fact, most K-dramas falter so much at the end. So I’m thinking HMKM will probably give Pinocchio a run for its money till the dreaded 2nd half starts.

    • If hyun bin does that then we should celebrate. Even Healer and pinocchio have lower ratings compared to heirs. These two dramas actually have better plotlines and much more impressive acting than heirs, yet none of these two has even come close to hitting 20%. Maybe its also has more to do with the popularity of the actors?

      • Heirs had little competition. It was losing to Secret for most of it’s run and then went against freaking Bel Ami and Miss Korea (loved it, but not for everyone). The cast and writer did help though.

      • Possibly. Then again, personally I feel that Healer and Pinocchio are both a little overrated. On the other hand, Punch is rising steadily in ratings and I’m hoping that it’ll be able to break the trend. As for Hyun Bin, his new drama honestly does not appeal to me. And I’m not the type who’ll watch it just for him. But I guess a lot of people will, so I’m expecting high debut numbers as well.

  8. Well,jeoy100,don’t be surprised if hyun bin blows it on ksh’s face when his drama or KMHE blows it on KSH’s face by hitting 20%

  9. Ratings dropped for ep. 2 so yeah… still not bad, though everything is hovering around mediocre ratings and the “hits” never seen to get in the teen ratings, let alone 15%. But people do watch TV. At least on the weekend. The Legend of the Witch will probably break 30% soon.

    I didn’t think with the press this drama had and the popular cast it would totally flop.

  10. I thought KMHE was lots of fun to watch, and is off to a great start. The intensity of Se Gi’s eyes sure scored with me, and I’m hooked. The New York City police were way too “nice” when they came bustin’ in, but overall I loved the beginning episodes.

  11. @mariechisoo.I love Healer,but seriously,the drama is not doing very well both in home and abroad.just becos it has more than 1000 comments does not mean its very popular.even STARS didn’t have up to 500 comment,on dramabeans yet the drama was a huge hit internationally overseas.Healer is not even in the to 6 TV shows on CPI.infact,no dramas made it except Pinocchio.Healer is not even in top 4 most popular and most watched drama on dramafever.Healer is not even doing well in other countries.I love Healer,and it pains me the show is not doing really well.the only successful drama doing really well domestically and internationally is Pinocchio,and the way kill me heal me is going,I think it will be well received internationally too

  12. Hi just wondering… Normally after a episode aired on tv I can find it the next day online with ebg subs. But this time after two days there al still no episodes with eng subs. Is there a reason for it?

  13. Kill Me Heal Me so far is so good xD i like all the character esp Shin Se Gi <3
    wohoo i hope it'll doing well till the ending. really want to see how the plot will be surprising us. and not to mention, Jisung's acting is really damn great. sorry for bit spoil, but that ferry park character really crack me up.
    KMHM fighting !!!

  14. Ji Sung is amazing! This drama is meant for him:)

    He is one of korea’s front liner actors!

    Heal Me, Kill Me is doing great:)

  15. I am not so into korean dramas, BUT THIS ONE – KILL ME, HEAL ME made me sit in front of my computer for hours! Congratulations for the well done.

  16. kill me heal me is spectacular! i’ve watched it till episode 5 and ji sung’s actin is worth writing home about. the script and cast are also excellent till now can’t wait for the remaining episodes 😀

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