
Pinocchio Episode 16 Recap — 16 Comments

  1. Thank you for the fast recap! True our otp is back together although their relationship is only slightly focused. our reporters set out to untangle all the web of lies but it isnt that easy going against the status quo. I just feel how much beom joo’s world is crumbling as the illusions of his sweet mommy gets shattered. He has been sheltered and love growing up, with that perfect image of a loving and doting mother; his is a world of only the good and the beautiful and its so hard the way he founds out. In ha and dal po are together but there is still so much to overcome for them to truly live in peace without all the guilt.

    Ah, i saw the preview for episode 17 while watching raw subs. Ugh, why is In ha packing her bags? She is not going to run away isnt she? They just got back together, *sobs*.

  2. Thank you, Koala, at last!
    BTW, I read somewhere in the scriptures before, that a person in the right state of mind will always choose to hear the bad news first and the good news last. Or they will always choose to suffer reactions of their bad karma first, and only after that enjoy the assets of their good deeds. Which only makes sense. Whereas those who are carried away by their senses, do the opposite, and finish with the bad. This episode reminded me about it.

  3. Hi Koala, I have been reading n enjoying your articles here for some time. Delurking now to say a big “THANK YOU” for all the effort n hardworks you have put in. 🙂

  4. Ack, great episode! Thank you Ms Koala for the recaps, I have missed hearing your thoughts about this show.
    Finally Beom Jo is getting his moment of character growth and his look at the end when he saw those texts..ouch! My heart hurts for him at the confirmation of how ruthless his mum can be. Cant wait for tomorrow’s episode!
    Does anyone know if 1 or 2 episodes will air tomorrow. Im getting conflicting articles so am unsure.

    • I read in that tomorrow it be just episode 17 and then on jan. 14 it will be double episodes 18& 19 and then on the 15th the last epi. Im not sure if this is fixed though. Still could change depending on sbs just like the last time.

  5. hi koala! you’ve been very fast updating pinocchio recaps and i really enjoy reading the recap and your thoughts about each episode. you even update before the english subtitles come out so i can read your recap and understand what is happening hehehe. i really appreciate and thankful for your work.

    • Chansoo’s wifey said that Beom Joo, being a rich and kind guy, gave them a big amount as a gift for their child’s first birthday. :))

  6. thank you for the speed recap!
    now i finally understand what they talking
    about…since yesterday i only watch the raw
    edition hehe

  7. Yay 4 pinocchio! Who is shipper of cap n yoo rae couple? Meme!!!:) they are so cute! The otp is back on!can’t wait 4 tonight! (Intense fangirling, eating instant noodles at night watching pinocchio live without sub)

  8. I was hoping for an intimate bed scene between park shin bye and Lee jong suk. Not look at her which I think is unrealistic. I hope LJS should take the risk even if unscripted because both confirmed that they flirted and are having real skin ship off screen. A bed scene is supposedly natural for both. I am a bit disappointed-

    • Yeah, im a bit dissapointed about that too. I mean in ha and dal po are both adults, it doesnt have to be very intimate bed scene but just you know skinship fit for adults! There are so stingy.

      • Maybe now that it revealed that they flirt it turned out awkward? Hahaha. But i do think lee jong seok is just naturally a touchy person hehehe.

  9. hi,

    ich have one question, did you recaps for episode 11 to 15 too? and if yes, where can i find them?

    thank you for your hard work with all these dramas i love to read them.

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