
Yoochun and Kim So Hyun are Openly Affectionate Siblings in The Girl Who Sees Smells — 10 Comments

  1. I’m feeling MUCH better about watching her in another misery role now that I know she’s got a shot at a a real lead, in an age and context appropriate Drama. At least in this Drama she gets to share screen time with PYC, unlike Missing You.

    • Indeed. I don’t know when it happened, but YC is looking mighty fan lately. His stills and promotion for Sensory Couple so far have been just so delightful, I am really excited for the drama and hope it pays off. It’s in a tough time slot, so it won’t be about the ratings, but just the opportunity to watch a feel good drama in the sea of heavy stuff that is airing right now.

    • Heehee~ Was it her in the Missing You presscon/interview who was asked who she liked more, and she chose Yoochun oppa over Yeo Jin-gu?

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