
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 7 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. Thank you for the fast recap! I am off to read. I LOVE that CMG took OCR out to eat very spicy food, so she could have a good cry (which she needed). How thoughtful was that? I was also looking forward to their 1st kiss, and I loved it. I thought it was perfect for the people that they are (how the kiss happened, and why). Kind of funny to see that CMG insisted on the kiss happening, when he can’t feel anything.

  2. does cho rim has mu gak’s gps phone tracker as mu gak’s might not turn in for their date?
    mu gak managed to find cho rim when she was assaulted previously, we deduced it due to the phone tracker

  3. Thanks for the recap and I agree with you about Jae Hee. His condition to not be able to recognize faces makes him a perfect serial killer since, as you said, he can’t fully form a connection with his victims & therefore it makes him colder. I am liking him being a cold-blooded killer so I hope that they don’t try to force us to somehow see him as a victim of something. I’d rather him stay his cold & calculating self that ultimately gets caught or dies in the end. I also believe that Dr. Chun’s murder is the beginning of his undoing.

  4. Ooh, I get chills reading this: “Hee’s faceblindness also underlies his sociapathic coldness in killing without remorse.” Think about how difficult it would be to make personal connections even if he weren’t soulless. Good trick they played on us waiting to reveal that.

  5. This episode’s DAEBAK! Love everything about it. Even the writer’s clean cut definition of how and who this psychopath killer is. Give me chills but thank God for this awesome OTP which makes my heart melt so so so fast just by their gestures and exchange of caring glances. I love TGWSS!! FightFighting!

  6. Surplus Princess had a face-blind chef, but used it in a verrrry different way.

    Also, that shot of Moo Gak kneeling while Jae Hee walks away in that field of storage containers is a gorgeous shot

    • That guy in surplus princess who has a face blindness was a chef too. wasn’t he? But of course he’s the good guy.

      Jaehee is just too cold. When NGM was playing the second lead and possible suspect/murderer in The Secret Hotel, I thought he was good at his character but I was really hoping he was innocent and happy that he indeed was. But here, I wanted his character to go one step further and expected him to be the serial killer. But still, he just gave me chills.

      • About Surplus Princess’s chef: yeah, he was a chef and was also known as Chef Kwon.

  7. Here’s a video about prosopagnosia if anyone is interested.

    I’m just annoyed with how the drama chose to interpret the disorder by morphing faces. People suffering from prosopagnosia can definitely see the actual faces as a whole, but they just have a hard time putting all the features together. I guess it would have been difficult to portray that to the viewers. I guess the question now is whether Jae Hee’s prosopagnosia is acquired or congenital. If this was acquired, perhaps he sustained further brain damage that explains his sociopathic tendencies. The tiny drops of hints and reveals clearly shows that Smelly Girl clearly has a direction. Can’t wait for episode 8!

  8. I hate to say this and nitpicking about a drama that I enjoyed but the detectvie solving in this drama is lacking in many ways.

    1) Moo Gak didn’t even have a partner
    2) Lef Yeom always blankly and didn’t give proper orders
    3) They should backtrack phone calls made by Dr Chun and Jae Ha (when sous chef) called him and he picked up, he is not near his house. The location.
    4) The trailer or any trace or big truck left around Jae Ha house
    5) How the dogs barking and the police suppose can track the hidden storage of his house when the search in his house.
    6) Dr Chun possible counters before he died
    7) Many details during the investigation. Apart by MG sharp skills and CR gift the others detective roles doesn’t really shine and help much to develop the story further.
    8) Who else knew that he will meet Dr Chun in the church (the overheard telephone conversation in the restaurant) and many more.
    9) How come MG never asked to see the picture of the dead fisherman daughter?

    I hope the drama tighthen it scripts of the investigation process. But since they want to put rom-com, mystery in all in drama, we should say it just that. But I can overlook that when I see hoe smooth and suave the potrayal of NGM as a cold blood killer. His acting and the plots involving him is the most interesting and strongest part so far.

    • To add on, I don’t quite understand why MG and CR insists on reenacting the same couple poses on their “investigation.” They could have easily taken a simple photo of each place and use that for comparison. There was no point in taking the selfies other than for romantic development. I have no problem with these minor plot holes as long as it ends in some kissing… and a logical explanation for the murders… then more kissing.

      • the reenacting was for our (viewers) sake IT IS a tv drama
        (stating the obvious)
        and the pic for verifying the correct time prob. un respect to shadow and light

      • I don’t know why but during the earlier episodes I enjoyed their interaction but I lost interest when they trying to force me to buy their romance. I love the pairing their cute moments but I don’t really buy them as romantic pairing. They have great chemistry but not as a couple. But acting wise, both are just perfect.

    • and also, why do they have to track the photos? They can simply ask her boyfriend when they went. There’s high probability that he’ll be lying but at least the effort was made.

  9. Every single time Nam Goong Min appears, the scene feels so creepy for me. I wonder what Hong Jin Young (his former We Got Married) partner feels about his role in this drama.

  10. I like this drama, probably the best drama with shin se kyung in it. I really hate her acting before tho, but i really like her in this series ^^

    Btw, do you watch Angry’s mom as well koala?
    That drama is really addicting ! Funny, suspense, romance, all in. I love it so much.
    Both angry’s mom and the girl who see smell make me always waiting for thursday to come ♡

  11. Absolutely love everything about this drama 🙂 what a perfect pacing. Also by comparing these leads and their chemistry with Han Ji Min and Hyun Bin wooden relationship in HJM, I feel illuminated.
    The last scene made even more impression on me thanks to the flawless OST by MC the Max, Because of You, dem vocals and the emotions expression. Really heart-throbbing. Overall the OST in this drama is so far flawfree 🙂

  12. Thanks for the recap Koala. I wonder why he is asking for Cho Rim to be by his side too..

    There is a very high chance that Cho Rim will get found out (to be ex- Choi Eun Seol) by either the police or by our crazy chef though – that is by the letter from Dr Chun which he placed with his books. I’m guessing maybe Moo Gak will find out first so he can protect her (and also get shocked bla bla bla) but we never know from the amount of twists this show has given us. Waiting for tomorrow to come!

  13. The whole breaking the alibi thing was just stupid. Do they not have brains? Everyone knows that you can upload whatever and whenever you want on SNS. It can not even be justified as alibi.

  14. I’m still confused about the barcode book that has 00 code, Kwon Jae’s life before he chose to be chef, and the story of Yeom Mi’s father.

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