
First Teaser for High Romance Brimming with Electric Skinship between Leads Sung Joon and UEE — 41 Comments

  1. When I saw the trailer for kill me heal me I said I want to watch this. I am getting the same feeling now.

    I haven’t watched a drama since KMHM. I might have the first candidate in a while in High romance.

  2. I dropped my phone and most of my comments were ” oh my, omo omo…”

    Goodness me don’t even normallyike SJ but the way those 2 are staring or rather eating each other up.

    This is a normal station’s drama?

  3. OMG. Whatever is ending for this to start, end already please. I thought they’d have good chemistry. But this kind of sexual tension is definitely from the stars haha.

  4. They are wearing matching clothes in every scene! This looks like at least it will have nice romance… hopefully

    • Me too… Don’t see any romance there… But it’s only a teaser…
      Sung joon ok, but Uee is never a good actress… And her chin looks so faked

      • You must be kidding! What has her appearance got to do with her acting! It’s so unnecessary to add the comment on her chin, makes you sound so jealous & unkind. She’s very popular and she’s beautiful. She was good in Ojakgyo Brothers, go watch it, it’s got high ratings and she won awards for her performance at the Beaksang Arts Award & KBS drama Awards in 2011-2012. Her portrayal of an expectant mother was good in Hogu’s Love. She’s getting so much better with each new drama. I’m looking forward to High Society.

      • Are you being mean or are you being a little mean? Coz either way that just being simply mean. Oh well…

      • I don’t mean to be mean.. it’s just my observation of her chin. It looks very un-natural. And I never enjoy watching her drama imho.

    • The teaser is a bit corny, and I really don’t like the cinematography— it makes it super melo-seeming. But the chemistry…

  5. Sung Joon and Uee. Well never thought they will have sizzling chemistry. Sung Joon always manage to pull off a certain sizzling chemistry with his lover including Jung Yumi, Kim So Yun and So Min. But looking at this teaser this will be his most sizzling one which I believe due to his improved and experienced acting in similar sexy scenes before. SBS always most of the time produce most quality drama.

    • Especially when it comes to idol girls, it is the man who has to do all of the heavy lifting, romantically; the girl has to stay pure and passive. The only idol girl I can think of to get out of that particular straight-jacket is Yoon Eun Hye. Sung Joon’s got all the right moves, though, with the slide into her space, the stare at her lips, the right angle for trajectory – yup, I’ll watch it, LOL.

  6. Wow, yes very palpable chemistry and I never can help myself from wondering if costars like this are into each other in real life. It’s usually a wrap if they stare at each others lips uncontrollably during scenes haha.

    This is the first time I’ve found Sung Joon attractive. I’ve always liked that he wasn’t a pretty boy but here he is excuding sensual yet masculine energy. Maybe it’s UEE that naturally brings it out in him because of their (real?muahaha) chemistry?!

  7. Such a cute couple =) Chemistry is there for sure! I’m glad Sung Joon is getting a chance to play the male lead for once. He’s so handsome and his acting is pretty good so I’m excited to see him and UEE in this drama.

  8. Nice! I’m so ready for this, and bonus they changed the title to something more creative – still cringing over “Girl Who Sees Smells”

  9. eeeee sung joon <3 i was indifferent towards uee until she won me over in hogu's love esp. that scene of her crying alone in the dark. Looking forward to this.

  10. I’m happy to see Sung Joon in a lead role and he’s so handsome like this ! I’m not a big fan of UEE but in Hogu’s Love she was good. I’m curious about this drama !

  11. Well then. When does this air again? I’m going to need to let my friends, family and work know when I’m going to be unavailable XD

  12. Oh hawt:) I’m not a fan of these two, but who would have known that together they are explosive. Ok, will check this out when it airs^^

  13. Sung Joon acted well in the teaser but UEE is a little bit awkward. If only those kisses were INTENSE and MOVING Lol me so perverted

  14. Yup, they kissed. But I don’t feel anything about that. It looks like they selling those kissing scenes to take everyone interest. Actually it’s okay. It’s their strategy though. But the thing is I don’t feel anything. But I would give it try. It seems not as boring as The Producer lol.

  15. Well..i was on the fence with it but the teaser had won me over lol.
    still, i have like hundred dramas i’m currently watching so maybe i’ll wait with this one until i finish at least 2-3 dramas.
    I like sung joon and uee is nice. not one of my favorite but loved her in ojakgyo brothers and she was good in hogoo’s love. who would have thought they will have chemistry? i hope it will be like that in the drama itself.

  16. Sung joon is looking mighty fine. And found his acting in the teaser natural too.. As for Uee, i found her a lil awkward and un-natural. Its clear they are particularly showing the kiss scenes just to create the buzz for it which is working. So Good for them.

  17. This kind of looks like standard Sung Joon chemistry, which he’s good at. He’s got a good stare. The drama still sounds bad though.

  18. My god my god my god.
    Why does June seem so damn far away???
    Please please please make sure this drama gets a lot of skinship and kisses thank you very much! These two are killing it! We need more of these OTPs in the kdrama world! I also hope his drama will be near the level of KMHM and Healer!
    SBS, if you do this well, maybe we’ll forgive you for that mess of Hyde Jekyll Me. 😉

  19. He kisses well…the healer opened up the door for mucho many kissy face scenes, in a drama. Wth those two, the chemistry took….it will be interesting to watch, to see if it works here. The storyline still is paramount for me.

  20. Have never cared for UEE’s acting, Sung Joon will have to carry the load, in this drama. She may be a very nice person, I am only commenting about my opinion, as far as her acting skills are concerned.

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