
First Look at High School Ha Ji Won and Lee Jin Wook in The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days — 24 Comments

  1. Hahaha was it so difficult to hire younger actors to play the teenage version of the leads – like Producers and My Love Eun Dong are doing right now? Unless they decided to throw believability out of the window. Now LMH and KWB look like real HS kids in front of these people. I’ll be here for the hilarity and mess!

    • The actors playing their high school selves was another awesome charm in the original. Chinese / TW actors definitely have more practice playing a wide range of ages.

  2. Finally! They started shooting already. Ha Ji Won and Lee Jin Wook look so cute in school uniforms! Both can still pass as high school students, especially the forever young Ha Ji Won. So excited for this drama! Ha Ji Won has chemistry with all of her co-stars so I’m expecting some intense, hot scenes here. The Queen is back! Ha Ji Won’s drama is going to take number one spot again! Bye basic b******!

  3. Seriously. They don’t look anything like high school kids. It’ll do them a lot of good if they find younger actors especially since the older ones can film other portions simultaneously as well.

  4. Lee JinWook as a highschooler is just ‘no’. He’s too rough around the edges. Ha JiWon can physically pass off as a high schooler but her aura is so strongly that of an adult. So far, I haven’t seen her oversome that.

  5. And i thought LMH in Heirs was too old to play high schooler -.-” I can’t see LJW and HJW as high school students. No.

  6. Why didn’t they hire younger actor to play them as high schoollers? None of the two can pass for a student at their age.. Anyways, so the script has changed? Is it a new drama then altogether or still a k version of the taiwanese with changes?

  7. wow lee jin wook looks FINE!!!! i hope it’s not dramatic and more like hwang jung eum’s HS scenes in kill me heal me (tongue in cheek).

  8. Well i dont see any problem with that provided it only serve as flashback for first episode. I do sometimes dont like it when they hire teenage actor to play the younger counterpart of the leads since well they are teenager whom is not that young.i mean i look pretty much the same in my teen years and in my 20s but in kdrama you would look totally different in your teen and 20s.i suppose the leads undergoes plastic

    • It wasn’t just a flashback in the first episode in the original drama, they lasted throughout the show’s run and slowly unwrapped the history between the two leads. It is supposed to be an important narrative tool, but it’s impossible to make actors in their mid-thirties look like believable high-schoolers.

  9. I have no issue with actors playing high schoolers for flashbacks cos it’s honestly quite jarring to have a different face for sch and for work. I only hope they dun have the actors in 30s acting cutesy aegyo stuff during the flashbacks cos that’s quite off putting.

    • You qing in the original was not cutesy. She was the opposite. Bossy and arrogant. So if it’s anything like that then there will be no ageyo.

      This is a korean drama though, so I would expect some.

      Preparing for some cringing.

    • I’m eagerly waiting for this drama because of my admiration for LJW but I don’t think that outfit looks good on him though…anyway..I don’t have any intention to post a comment here until I saw your comment in! Comment pa more!

  10. Whatever chaos this drama experienced before, I’m just really happy that theu finally started filming. God knows how much I’m eagerly anticipating this drama especially since I watched and loved the Taiwanese version. I just hope this version will do as good and I have faith in the cast and the director, as well. Can’t wait for the 27th!

  11. Tell me it isn’t so, that they’re literally playing high schooler of themselves, nooooo.

    I can understand wanting to remake it the same as original but Ariel and Bolin can pull it off but that doesn’t mean everyone can.

    They should just hire rising child actors to play their high school counterpark.

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