Hyun Bin Considers K-movie Return and Looks Relaxed in New Pictorial Set for Official Korea Fan Club
It’s undeniable the change that comes about when one is released from a negative burden. It’s been three months since Hyun Bin finished Hyde, Jekyll, Me, probably the biggest drama blunder of his career and I’m even counting insane yet mesmerizing Ireland and the makjang weepfest The Snow Queen in the equation. I’ve managed to find even silver linings in Binnie’s less than stellar dramas but Hyde marks the first time that I can’t even find one nice thing to say about it.
For a few months after Hyde Binnie didn’t have any acting projects lined up, and my gut told me he’ll be doing movies for the foreseeable future, which has now come true as news broke today that he’s considering the K-movie MacArthur as his next project. I can live with only seeing Binnie on the big screen if he drops CFs regularly and does handsome pictorials to help fill in the gaps. He did a photo shoot for his official fan club that was just released solely on the fan club forum, showing us Binnie with a perm (?) and looking very healthy and intensely gorgeous.
Delicious! Looking good, Binnie. I did not watch Hyde, after midway through episode 1, so been missing him.
Sorry, off topic, but did people hear about Lee Jun Ki getting surgery for his broken nose? This is why I hate live shoots, but at least they got plenty filmed beforehand.
But it has nothing to do with live shoot since the drama has not started airing yet.
Is it just me or is he looking more like Go Soo?
Lol. Is it the perm?
This is my first time hearing celebrities do photoshoots for fanclubs. Hyunbin is looking good indeed, but I hope he won’t just stick to big screen since Hyde failed badly. I hope he returns to small screen if he sees a good script in a few years, i don’t expect him picking another drama at all after Hyde disaster.
looking dashing. hyde was terrible but I think he will try for one more drama, one bad choice should not make him blanch (ihope). But the chances of it being a rom com should be low but I’ll take whatever he picks.
I think the lack of chemistry was 2 way for hyde, though more so on the female lead due to ridiculously terrible writing and a lack of try acting. But truth be said that chemistry does goes both ways. Hyun bin shines most when paired with a strong female lead as seen in the hits he had. I hope we get to see him in the small screen soon! Such a pity if we don’t!
why is he so good looking??? arghhh!!! hope his next project really is better than hyde!
What is it that he either have blockbusters or flops on the small screen? I personally liked Snow Queen even with all its makjang. It was early on in my kdrama watching life and novelty played a factor. If I watched it today, maybe the sentiment would be different. Regardless, I still consider him one of my favourite actors. Not sure I like the perm though 🙂 Can’t wait for him to come back to the small screen. Let’s just hope he is more discerning with his project selection. Perhaps he was hoping for the show to stretch his creative range in Hyde, Jekyll, Me but unfortunately the storyline left much to be desired.
Overall, IMO his film projects are way better than his dramas, including Secret Garden, even though that was well received. Probably better for his sanity. Also, rockin’ those suspenders I see.
lookin’ good binnie!
yet i couldn’t understand korean’s obssession with the perm!
I really appreciate jekyll hyde me. rating don’t define if a dramà is Good or not. Look for the producer which has Good rating but honestly is boring and saved only by the participation of the others stars.. by the way jekyll hyde and me show hyun Bin’s talent. He really deserves in it.
binne always say that he coonsidered a drama cause of the line.. but i dont know why hyde n jekyll and I might end up so tragic like that..
aku rasa penonton korea kurang suka dgn cerita yg agak berat mereka lebih suka yg gak jelas spt the heirs pinochio yg ceritanya ringan sekali. semua film hyun bin yg lebih berisi selalu gak sukses tapi secara acting dia selalu berhasil. untuk aku perkembangan acting lebih utama dari hanya sekedar rating dan ulasan negatif jadi anakku hyun bin tunjukan selalu acting yg terbaik semangat terus dalam berkarya. aku seorang ibu dari indonesia yg mencintai actingmu dan melihat perkembanganmu dari jauh salam.
he has always been choosing dramas based on how much he likes it and having fun with it, and tbh in hyde jekyll me before the drama starting when i red the plot i loved it and thought it was amazing but then the writer couldnt link anything together, i like how she tried to show a more realistic drama but she just couldnt make it interesting so i hope before ruining any other good scripts she should go and learn under more pro writers. so i never blamed hyun bin for choosing hajina he abv liked it tahts why he chose it over 3 dramas and idc if the drama was so bad coz he did his best at acting. hope he will take that movie i remember he got more training for his accent in late autumn movie to speak english he might need to work on his english more but as we all know him he is responsible for his projects so lets just hope that he will take it and rocks the english that he is speaking with SO EXCITED FOR HIS COMEBACK FROM NOW!! even tho he has not decided yet lol