
Lee Jun Ki is a Devastated Vampire in New Stills from Scholar Who Walks the Night — 9 Comments

  1. `expressiveness`…. `emanates from his every pore` – How apt the description. I have always enjoyed his expressive portrayals and he is absolutely wonderful in saguek.

  2. ugh he’s so beautiful, it’s unfair to the rest of us mortals.

    I hope Lee Yubi got the chance to recover fully, her two-week treatment period isn’t yet over.

  3. I don´t care if Teacher is overacting, he is still a ninja. Ninja vampires are allowed to be a bit emo. they got so much s*it going around. besides, he is not estonian, so he is allowed to have emotions. we don´t…

  4. I love how expressive Korean actors can be, especially the way they act with their eyes, that’s why I got captivated by Korean dramas in the first place. I prefer expressiveness over stone/wooden acting where I can’t even figure out what the actor or actress is supposed to be feeling. Real people get emo too, in real life.

    I hope Lee Yoo Bi is recovering well.

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