
Lee Jun Ki and Kim So Eun Bring the Intense Stares in New Stills for Scholar Who Walks the Night — 19 Comments

  1. Lee Jun Ki seriously looks gorgeous and beautiful, he even match the manhwa visual, as I remember I never miss any of his Saeguk, and not this time too

  2. I wouldn’t say calling a man pretty is a compliment either. I like my men more manly than beautiful. Could just be me though *shrugs*

    • Ah, but Jun Ki is both manly and beautiful, so we get the best of both worlds. And not just in stills, he’s also gorgeous to watch in action, especially fighting scenes, so powerful and yet graceful, like Chinese wuxia.

    • I don’t see why it’s not. He can play both “pretty” and manly well and owns it. I love seeing him go back to a more pretty look. He was breathtaking in The King and the Clown and looks just as beautiful here so many years later. I agree with Febe as well, he’s also really graceful and powerful. He’s beautiful without ever looking or trying to be feminine to me imo.

      • You don’t see why it’s not what? A compliment? Well, that obviously varies in opinion. You may not agree, but I certainly wouldn’t want my favourite guy to be called “beautiful” or “pretty”. When LJK is manly/powerful/whatever (as he was in TW) then I like him well enough. But I most definitely don’t hold the same opinion when he has an eyeliner on and dark red lipstick. You might find that appealing and that’s cool. I… Don’t.

      • I don’t think HE has a problem with being called beautiful. He owns it and know he is. So why should I. He is secure in his masculinity. 😉

      • When was this about what he thinks? That’s none of my concern, and why should it be? I’m talking about what I (and in your case you) think of pretty vs. manly ~~ men. That’s purely what my comment was about. No sure what you read.

        P.s. Glad to know he’s assured of his ‘masculinity’. Good on him and you xD

    • it’s a cultural thing. Calling a man pretty or a flower boy is a compliment in Korea imo. That goes way back in their history too.
      I wouldn’t call a good looking dude in the US pretty or a flower boy.

      • True, true. In US a man has to look like a wood-cutter to get lots of compliments. So called ‘lumbersexual’ standard. 🙂

    • Lee Joongi is complimented for every role he plays, whatever beautiful, handsome or dual characters. How great for him.

      P.s.. it’s not only 2W, he’s praised for his manliness except King & the Clown and my girl.

      Again, although he convinced viewers as a femenine clown in K&C through his acting plus that pretty make-up and lipsticks, the masculinity could be seen just from this night scholar teaser with the similar make-up. That means he can pull off different aura from the same look for various roles.

      This is called Versatility, in case you don’t know.

  3. lol he’s wearing more make-up than she is, but at least he looks like that manhwa character, so i guess it’s ok..still can’t stop laughing at the rose lipstick hahaha

  4. Kim So Eun is so pretty and she really looks good in historical costumes. Seems like she’s going to play a rather conflicted character in the drama (as the Crown Princess).

  5. Yes I hope that casting sniping stays dead too. I had to roll my eyes every time I come across one.
    I’m excited for both of the girls. I hope they’ll both do well.

  6. I could have agreed that Lee Jun Ki’s beauty has the best of both female and male. Yet, it also transcends these two attributes in some mysterious way. It’s just something out of this world, peeps.

  7. I prefer broad shoulders & strong arms but chocolate abs are not necessary. And growing up as a Chinese in the U.S., I was led to believe that small Asian eyes were not beautiful.

    But then, bam!, I saw Lee Jun Ki and my definition of attractive male totally expanded.

    He’s still kind of an outlier for me and I think that’s part of his appeal.

    Of all his shows, I think Time Between Dog and Wolf is the only one I haven’t seen.

  8. im not raising high hopes in KSE character in this drama coz its done im just hoping thou that she will not turn down her movie with Aaron Yan just because of this drama

  9. LJK in a saguek is always entertaining – so looking forward to this drama. So far, all the promo stills of the leads and second leads have been visually pleasing.

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