
Stunning or Overwhelming: Suzy’s Full Couture Look at Valentino Show in Rome — 51 Comments

  1. When I look at the picture, the dress is all I see..not Suzy. It sure is a stunning dress…but its like the dress is wearing Suzy and not the other way around. Stunning Suzy + that stunning dress just dont match up well. My humble opinion. Hehe.

    • Agree, the dress is stunning, but not on Suzy. It worked well on the model, but did nothing for Suzy. I think this is the kind of dress that would suit someone slimmer and taller.

  2. Looks way better on the model. Why is the bow on suzy so limp? It looks like some extra fabric. And also, with such a print dress, her hair wld have looked better up in a ponytail or bun. She also has this extra black sash around her waist. Basically she has too many things going on on an already busy looking dress.

  3. Dress is wearing her. Maybe if the bottom two flounces were removed and the midriff peeped through it would be better.

    • You’re so right! That’s exactly the fix, if the dress was shorter then it would be perfect for Suzy’s age and smaller stature compared to the lithe European model wearing it at the show.

  4. Her coordi failed her. The dress was too long for her ~1.66m height. The coordi should’ve have picked one of the shorter dresses from the FW 2015 collection or shorten her dress a bit. The FW 2015 had some sort of transparency theme going on so most of the dresses were quite revealing. I understand about not showing too much skin, but covering up the middle part with the extra material made the dress look dowdier. Really, keeping the dress as is wouldn’t have shown much. I agree with @Rey about her hair pulled up would have looked better.

    • Just going to correct you here.. Suzy is not 1.66cm but 1.70cm.. she is quite a tall and big girl height wise

      • International models are usually close to 180cm so the dress is still a bit long for her. She should have worn it as it is – sheer on some parts. Then it would look less old fashion on her. Styling problem…
        The dress looks fitting on the model so I can’t decide whether it’s big on her or she is “big” …

  5. She doesn’t look horrible, but it’s a very heavy dress. Not everyone can pull it off. She looks better is lighter, fresher things.

  6. Yoon Eun Hye’s Missing You conference dress looked fabulous on her because she got the hourglass figure to pull it off. Despite the intricate pattern, that cut was rather simplistic and hugged YEH’s figure to perfection.

    Not going to comment on Suzy’s ensemble since i agree with other commenters. Yeah, basically too much going on, too covered up and too much hair around her neckline. Suzy got swallowed up by the outfit and ended up looking matronly–a la Park Shin Hye.

  7. Is that Chinese actress Li Bing Bing sitting next to Suzy in last pic? Black & White is about sophistication, classy, but that dress..,Eww!

      • Yes, Miyazawa Rei! My initial thoughts, just didn’t know the name. But then with her age, I wasn’t sure if she was still in the entertainment circle. So my next guess was LBB. Regardless, that dress is still so horribly cheap looking.

      • She sure has a lot of guts to bare so much. On the contrary, Suzy being so young covers herself all the way up to her neck. Hahaha…

      • there’s nothing cheap looking about that black and white dress, from that photograph the skirt looks like it drapes beautifully. Yes, it’s revealing but the key to such clothes is wearing them with confidence, which she seems to have plenty of.

  8. It looks good on the model but not on Suzy. I think it has to do with Suzy’s height/statre and the way the thing is styled on her.

  9. I think the dress design is just bad and it even looked way more horrible on the model who is skinny. Suzy atleast has the beautiful face to pull it off

  10. Did you just compare Suzy and Yoon Eun Hye edginess?
    Sorry but Suzy doesn’t stand a chance against YEH. Either D&G grandma curtain or Lanvin parachute, YEH werk it! The only two Korean actresses that could pull off haute couture are YEH and Kim Min Hee.
    Throw that Valentino dress to YEH and I bet she’ll nail it.

      • Because Suzy can only attract her own kind, like Koreans or maybe Chinese; but she’ll never get the approval of most foreign crowds, look at those fans getting selfies w/ her, also Asians. because her beauty is common Asian girl, however she try to alter her face w/ surgeries, nothing that really stands out on her compared to those earlier Hallyu stars like Yoon Eun Hye, Choi Ji Woo, Song Hye Kyo. Suzy is just point blank too ordinary looking beside them! Dont get this hype on her, it’s most probably because of Lee Min Ho.

      • @TaylorSwift Naaah. Suzy is already hyped and big even before she dated Lee Min Ho~

    • yeah, looking at old pics of YEH really drives it home just how well she carried off high fashion, even edgier things like the Kenzo and D&G dresses she wore during that time. She also got some insane things to wear in Goong and pulled even those off. It’s impressive considering she could mix having a sweet, cute face with the presence and edge to not look like she was being worn by her clothes.

      And yes, Suzy can’t even be compared to her. The ‘nation’s first love’ image only requires a cookie-cutter prettiness which she has, but ‘sophisticated’ or ‘edgy’ are not words I would ever use to describe her.

  11. I personally don’t like the dress. But, I think she managed to pull it off. Perhaps it was her make up (and her beautiful face, ofc) that stood her out. Well, at least she wore it better than the model, imo.

  12. You can dress her in anything you want but the girl still looks the same. No Class or Sophistication. I still see a teeny bopper who still has not matured into a woman.

  13. She doesn’t have that tall, slim model figure to pull this dress off. If this was Lee Yeon Hee or Yoona the dress would look ok. It’s still an ugly dress but it works on certain body type.

    • Agree. Wrong dress on her. It will work on people who with long limbed and lithe body types, which she isn’t.

      And they should have pulled her hair back and given her platforms or heels to wear and show from the bottom so she doesn’t look like she’s sweeping the floor with it.

  14. The dress look stuffy on her. Too many things going on. She should have pull her hair back, maybe in an edgy ponytail. She shouldn’t have wear that black thing in her waist. It cut her in half. First time I see Suzy look so out of place.

  15. I actually rather like the dress. It looks better on the model, but while it might not be the most perfect match for Suzy, I don’t think it looks terrible or anything. She gets points in my book for being interesting at least.

  16. The hairstyle doesn’t help – that loose flowing hair and the neck bow AND the busy print all create a lot of visual clutter, the dress is wearing her rather than her wearing it.

    Some people are just not suited to high fashion looks/have no idea what suits them from a collection….Jun Ji Hyun or Yoon Eun Hye would never have ended up looking like this.

    I like the black and white dress on the lady to her right in the seated pics, though. It’s revealing but worn with confidence, now that is how you pull off wearing high fashion no matter how weird.

  17. No the dress is way too big for her. The top looks baggy and fails to emphasize her figure. If you look at the model at least it is more the right length and tight fitting esp her top so it fits perfectly on the model. Suzy should’ve chosen a better dress. Get a new stylist Suzy hahaha!

  18. The dress looks better on the model. The sash that covered her navel made her look shorter and the hemline is longer, the dress doesn’t fit her at all!

  19. there too much going on on the upper part of her body..she should have tied her hair back or in a bun that way it would show off the dress’ lovely bow. and she should have not worn that tank top underneath. a strapless bra is enough. its not like she haven’t shown her belly button in her promotions.

    • and to add to it she should wear those chunky dangling earings since the dress is a statement jewelry/ accessories must be tone down to simple ones

  20. They have added fabric to some of the sheer panels on the top making the dress too heavy looking. Not a fan of Valentino anyway, so to me it is just an OK dress and a bit overwhelming on Suzy.

  21. I think the problem is that the dress and the look as a whole were not styled properly for her. Suzy has a great beautiful face and should show it by wearing her hair in a tight ponytail and use different type of makeup. As for the dress, it is stunning, but I think it was not tailored properly for her body and so it looks kind of odd. Also they tried to tone down the see through effect and it made the dress look more heavy. In conclusion, both stunning but not together.

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