
Descendants of the Sun Update: Airing Date Likely Pushed Back to Early 2016 and Overseas Filming Set for Greece — 16 Comments

  1. Wow. The power of super stars Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo. Good luck to the cast. I hope we get nice and solid storyline because it’s already has great casts.

    • How I wish that’ll happen, but this is coming from the person who penned Heirs….at least I wont have any expectations to feel disappointed. Hope this will at least be watchable and won’t hurt SJK too much.

  2. I like it being fully pre-produce means there won’t be interference from tv broadcast, netizens etc that can change the story just to satisfy them.
    I hope the story is good ( still worried because of heirs >.< )
    as for the moeny they got from china.. good for them at least they will have the cash to pay the casts xD

  3. Well, given how royally messed up Greece is right now, they’re not far off on the torn bit. It will be meta levels of depressing for me to watch that when it airs…

  4. How many are worried that the stratospheric hype around this will pull it down? A lot of big name dramas crashed and burned this year.

  5. Gee thanks, Descendants, for your aid. You should also leave a little money for the Syrian and Afgani refugees in Greece since EU doesn’t give a …t. I get Montenegro or Bosnia wasn’t available.

  6. Well the situation is that bad in Greece. Since last year, there have been two realities in Greece, so I guess someone has made “connections” here.

  7. Greece it s one of the most beautiful countries and the nature beauty of the country nobody can take it away no matter the country s debt .

  8. I’m actually really nervous about this drama. Worst case scenario, if the story is crap and viewers lose interest, at least they won’t blame sjk and shk and other actors for it. As long as they give good performance, that is. I just wish this won’t hurt them too much. Best case scenario, well, DoTS will succeed and encourage others to do pre-produced drama.

  9. i really expect a beautiful and romantic ending to the DoTS . i really like the chemistry between the main cast..i’m so excited to the next episodes.. 7-8.. i want both to be honest of what they really feel to each other to gave the viewers a romantic scene. Saranghae DoTS..

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