
TV Report Discusses the Anticipated K-actor Returns for Fall 2015 Dramas — 28 Comments

  1. I still a bit disappointed why they didn’t cast Song Il Kook to be Lee Young Ae’s male lead instead of SSH. Despite his actings skill is better, both have twins-triplets, so they may share each other about their cute kids in the filming locations lol.

    Not a big fan of saeguk and getting bored with rom-com, so for me Joong Ki is the most anticipated one with Song Hye Kyo.

    Ms. Koala, do you know who’ll be the male lead of Goodbye Mr.Black? I love the synopsis so far. It sounds fresh, intense and will be full of conflict till the end.

      • So far, no official statement from her agency for the updates on her casting offer. So, no. Not sure where you heard about her rejecting the offer.

    • SIK already accept new KBS Saeguk Drama, Jang Yeoung-sil which scheduled to be aired on the early 2016…maye SIK ad LYA will have rating war next year…LOL

  2. My picks for anticipation: Song Joong Ki, So Ji Sub.

    The dramas I’ll watch for many reasons: Park Hae Jin, Yoo Ah In and Park Seo jin.

    • because there is a widespread assumption that he is a bad actor which he is not, he was great in my princess and his acting was also fine in east of eden and the remake of the HK movie A Better Tomorrow, but he’s been in a couple of ridiculous dramas ( these abound in kdrama land) with the most bland scripts and well it’s not like the acting prowess in kdramas is anything impressive but in any case he is not a bad actor

    • SSH is okay in rom-coms, at most. Beyond that he’s just awful, and this coming from me who loves him. He is not a good actor by any measure, sometimes he’s watchable and not bad is basically his greatest upside.

  3. I want song seung heon in the rom com and so ji sub in the sageuk or ideally they should be together in a romcom, I rarely watch kdramas or romcoms but when I watch watch a korean drama it’s a romcom and these are my favorite kactors

  4. Well.. SJK,SJS,PHJ dramas are must for me and i hope they won’t dissapoint. i think i’ll watch JH too but i still wait to know who is the leading lady and the story.
    i’ll probabaly watch SSH’S since it’s the RETURM of the queen lYA. and lastly i guess i’ll watch PSJ new drama. i liked him in KMHM and of course cause HJE will be there as his co-star.

    • Ji Jin Hee is doing the makjang twin sisters weekend drama I Have a Lover with Kim Hyun Joo this fall, it’s already filming and should premiere soon.

      • I am excited with the Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo reunion and am re-watching Ms Kim’s million dollar quest. But, it would have been great if he is the leading man for Lee Young Ae.

  5. The SSH casting seems like a masterstroke to make 1000% certain that LYA isn’t out-acted on her return after 10 years. 🙂

    I hope SJR is in that Drama, I like him and would watch a weekender for him, but some on Twitter are emphatic that he’s not in it?

  6. For Song Jae Rim, there are conflicting reports about who is male lead in My daughter Guem Sa-weol. I’ve seen it reported that Yoon Hyun-min is male lead. Maybe SJR is 2nd lead? It has been confirmed that SJR will star in a web-drama rom com about volleyball. Can’t remember the title but it looks cute and his co-star looks great as well.

  7. i give all those drama a try. one of 2 episodes. if it turns bad, emm.. sorry oppa 😛
    cuz nowadays, even with good actors but if the storyline is just meh, i cant help but stop.

    • Me too. 🙁 I think he’s still lying low after that “tax scandal”. (Which shouldn’t really be necessary because he already fixed the problem when the incorrect accounting was discovered, but that’s knetz for you.)

      I’m still kinda bummed that he had to bow out from 3 Meals: Fishing Village because of that. I was so happy he’s doing a Na PD variety show. Na PD had that golden touch where he can make you very endearing no matter if you’re loud or quiet or hardworking or a princess. *sigh* I really just want JGS to be taken seriously and loved in KR again. We all know the guy can act well. :/

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