
Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy Tie the Knot in Lavish Wedding Ceremony Attended by Bevy of A-list Stars — 31 Comments

  1. Are those pictures of the wedding guests in front of the ‘Ah’ sign? If so… Why are some of them wearing a “je t’aime, Maman” (= I love you, Mommy) or a “Anna, don’t lose your dream” shirts ?!

  2. 1st Congrats to the couple!
    2nd OMG What a gorgeous wedding!
    3rd What in the world would possess a guest to wear an overall dress to this wedding?! I could see if (maybe) it was a backyard wedding… But even then.

  3. WOW, congratulations, they look great!
    LOL the dress code for guests isn’t very rigorous obviously. Love Ruby Lin’s outfit (but not necessarily for a wedding).

  4. love all those pics, including those stars’ pics.. like seriously.. that was a BIG party..

    Angelababy is soooo damn pretty.. and HXM is handsome.. wow.. i wonder how their baby will look like..

    not my ‘dream’ party thing, but heol. how many $$$$ to make it?? haha

  5. This looks more like a frickin’ award ceremony red carpet. You should of done a fashion critique on them as well Ms. Koala.

    • I had to look them up as I’m not familiar with them, but didn’t the girl get major plastic surgery to look this way? In which case their kids might not be as good looking as you might expect. Just say in’….

      • She was awkward looking as a teen, but rewind further back and she actually looked more like herself now as a child then her teen years. She looks like her parents who are both good looking people. Even if she did get some work done it wouldn’t be that obvious as the differences between some korean stars and their kids.

  6. I fell in love with beautiful white impressionist-like dress in the 6th pic. Was the designer inspired by Claude Monet paintings? It needs other surrounding though, some sunlit garden or valley, not dark church interior. Plus a sophisticated hat, perhaps. Very beautiful indeed!

  7. Not too familiar with C-ent at all, so I’m just wondering what kind of a name is “Angelababy”. I mean not just the mere association of “baby” with any name as a first name, but also the lack of hyphen between the 2. So bizarre…..

    Otherwise, they are obviously VERY attractive people, and this wedding was over-the-top in every way.

    • If I’m not mistaken, her name is Angela, and fans gave her the nick Angelababy, which stuck with her.

      Gosh I love her veil!!

  8. OMG!
    They had me at the first pic! Sure, the others look good and show how happy they are and how much fun they are having, but the first one.. the way they are looking at each other*_*

  9. This woman is way too thin. And Im not I quite understand hw the ladies should be dressing up for a wedding in Chinese culture. There is barely any difference in some casual outing, movie premiere or just a show. How do women dress up there. Just curious.

  10. I burst out in laughter at those purple dresses. You would like the bridesmaids (at least that s who I m assuming those ladies are) of superstars in a lavish wedding would be able to avoid the curse of the ugly bridesmaid dress, but apparently not. They aren t the worst I ve seen, but really?

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