
Lee Seung Gi Teases Upcoming GQ Korea Pictorial with Two Cute Stills From the Shoot — 9 Comments

  1. Yeah hope to see him a lot after he finishes filming. I think the movie filming will wrap in about 2 months. Am missing him so bad in drama. He’s so amazing in King to Hearts especially. Thats his first drama that makes me so into him. Really wish he can return to dramaland soon with a very good project to do justice for his prev drama. His acting is so good and detailed but such a shame that the storyline isnt really solid and appealing. Plus, I don’t really adore Go Ara so I can’t feel much the chemistry. :/

    • To me, the regrettable thing is when his character is written amazingly and got so interesting, the storyline isn’t that much appealing. Like in K2H and Youre All Surrounded. K2H is amazing but not all people can relate to the South and North issue. Really such a shame but the ratings were all not bad though. Hes one of the actors that can secure the drama ratings other than KSH and LJS. I enjoy his role so far. 🙂

  2. What is GQ Korea? I thought it was for Cosmopolitan Korea, no ?

    Anyway, yes pls come back to dramaland soon! Basically all Hallyu stars now mostly are filming movie. So I don’t have much dramas under my list to watch. I need either one of them to come back to dramaland. Currently waiting for Kim Woobin and Song Joongki’s dramas…while watching Reply 1988 and Awl.

  3. Im just loving when his hair parting like that lol looking cute . Cant wait for his movie filming to end soon in December because im waiting for his Hope Concert. There’s no Hope Concert for 2014 because he just as busy as ever filming for Love forecast last year. I hope he will be able to make it this year. I love both singer and actor Lee Seung Gi

  4. How terribly I miss him T_T, Miss Koala, is there no rumors about him taking a drama?? Even rumors make my day, just come out of your cave already Seung Gi-yaaa!

    As everyone mentionned, I’d be delighted if he did a well written/directed drama with a good cast, I’m dying to see him reunited with Han Hyo Joo, I’ll pray for their reunion *cross fingers*

    CAn’t wait for his movie as well, the story is so intriguing, at the s

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