
Descendants of the Sun Episode 9 Recap — 79 Comments

  1. I really, really hated how Shi Jin didn’t disconnect the phone from the speaker system, but let her get embarassed in front of the whole camp.

    In RL this would have been the moment to lose all feelings towards him. :/

      • Of course I do. Because it outs him as an a**. A nice man doesn’t behave like this.
        I see what the writer intended to portray some harmless fun, but such behavior is unexcusable. Sorry, not sorry.

    • cuz he also wondered, what she said. it was so human being. you couldnt hold your curiosity that easily 😀

      it’s okay. at least, they finally know their own feeling. good for them.

      • But he could have listened to it anyway! Pulling the plug to the loudspeaker doesn’t mean he’d be unable to listen to it. He could have protected her and he chose not to. A**.

    • Shi Jin did the right thing. How can he unplug the phone when he had not heard what she was going to say? In RL as you said it, a normal guy would just stay still, listen and enjoy Mo Yeon’s confession.

    • Yes, I had a problem with that as well. You protect your girl, even from mild humiliation. I would have been totally cool with him listening to it on his own but over loud speakers….

    • It is ok for you to have those thoughts, but “different strokes for different folks”…I would most probably have died of laughter after the embarrassment passed. Shi Jin was curious, perplexed and relieved to know how much she cared. He was probably temporarily in “shock”, unable to move or think clearly while listening to the playback. Forgive him. How often has he forgiven her?

    • Mo Yeon plugged the phone in to play over the loud speaker. For all Daniel and Shi Jin knows, she wanted the confession to play. It’s overreaching to require them to unplug it. It’s like a person tripping and then yelling at people around her for not catching her. Sure people could if they were quick enough to react but sometimes that doesn’t happen. In this case Shi Jin and Daniel didn’t know what was going on until midway. Ultimately the onus is NOT on them to unplug the phone at any time. If they did that would be considerate, if they didn’t it wasn’t an infraction. I don’t like the standard of requiring others to cover for our own actions.

      • ‘I don’t like the standard of requiring others to cover for own actions.’ Thank you. Right on the spot.

      • Glad you addressed this. I didn’t think anything of it. Even though the drama makes it seem like it took longer to play than what it did, the transition from music to her confessing and her confession was seconds. It caught everyone off guard.

      • So well said, Koala. I actually don’t take this unplanned confession seriously from real world perspectives. I cosider the hilarious embarrassment to MY as adding drama effect. Behind all the serious implications to real life reveĺation, we viewers need some really enfertaining elements to just let us temporarily get away from dry reality. This broadcasted confession is one of those funny moments in the drama that cracked me up all the time whenever it came to replay in my head. Hahahaha

      • exactly. would be totally different if they went into her phone and played music. but she did it to herself and was responsible for it.

  2. Thank you for the recap. I was a little surprised to see how “quickly” KMY had come around, about her black and white views on doctors and soldiers qualities.

    • Quickly? I don’t think, that was, as you said, “quick”. 9 episodes in, meaning 8 months away from YSJ and 2 weeks in Urk, with several tragedies and truths revealed about life and death, is definitely not ‘quick’. Hehe 🙂

      I’m a doctor and I remember just 1 week into hospital training (my first death encounter) and I’ve already changed my views on life and death, so I wouldn’t say 8-9 months is quite ‘quick’. Hope you don’t take my response negatively. 🙂

      • I’m a doctor as well but when I was a houseman, there were so many impending deaths at one time until I needed to choose which one to save, but it has not changed my view on life and death, I guess I’m too thick… lol

  3. Yeah, enjoyed the repeat of the land mine and how she trusted him this time, and how they worked together. They are great partners and there is a lot of understanding between them. It’s not just attraction, but actual feelings between the two now.

    I really like how after she got over the embarrassment, she actually seemed happy to just let it out and went for it. I don’t think she gave in too quickly, she never rejected him the previous episode. She was just upset with him, but she also came to understand why he jokes and those same jokes also offer her comfort. She understands him more, so she can fully accept him. This time she was also the one in control, and she could say what she felt in her own time. That’s all she needed, was time to think about it and consider if she wanted to jump into a relationship with him. Now they can go make out some more.

    The 2nd loveline… I don’t think this is a good thing and nothing changed with them. MJ won’t like this arrangement. If it’s something DY wanted to do for himself, then it’s fine. But changing jobs and leaving a life behind solely for your partner is a recipe for resentment and bitterness. I also dislike he didn’t tell her any of this.

    • 2nd OTP is slowly wearing me out. YMJ becoming immature and whiny. There are times I would skip their parts, because I know how it would pan out. 🙁 Please please please bring back their original charm.

      But I did like when SDY finally stood up for himself and their love to the commander. WIN. 🙂

  4. I never would have thought boyish SJK would be believable as a soldier. But each week he just becomes more and more masculine and believable.

  5. Thank u Koala for the recap. I’m looking forward for this every week?. kissing scenes overload!!!! this is what I’ve been waiting for!!!..superb chemistry!!! I really, really love this episode for both of OTPs but I was saddened by this “soldier ajushi”‘s condition to Dae Yong-so hard to make a choice…I wander what choice will he make-I bet he would quit the military and and become a company man..ohhhsss.. such a boring and monotonous life!…

  6. KMY is the most annoying and awkward doctor character i have ever seen in drama land.she is childish and immature and cries all the time.even if they have like 5 kisses scenes in a episode its not work out.her expressions is so fake.

    • KMY is just a sheltered flower from an urban hospital. I find her actions really cute and innocent. I’ve worked with volunteer Docs in the field coming from trendy, modern city hospitals and they are totally lost like puppies. Thanks Koala for a great recap! You are the “it girl” now for awesome recaps esp. for DotS.

      • Surgeons are supposed to be the top dogs in the medical profession. At least here in Germany and I’m pretty sure everywhere else in this world, too.
        She doesn’t behave like a professional with her CV would behave. It irks me, that they gave her a tough background but make her behave insecure. If your lead is supposed to have an impressive CV let her act this way!
        But of course the writer needs an unconfident heroine to make the hero more heroic. *eyes roll*

      • She’s actually adapted pretty well from what I’ve seen. The first surgery, the earthquake…when has she ever seemed out of place? And doesn’t cry that much, if at all. And comes across and mature and thoughtful. Some people just trying to hate.

      • Give her a break. Out of hospitals stress is different from being in control. You wouldn’t believe how unorganised, stressed and how many doctors lose the plot during advanced trauma scenarios. I’ve seen so many fumble. Even on leading a team or doing a procedure.

        I am extremely competent at work. But I distinctly remember seeing my first field hospital. And treating even fake patients arriving by the bus loads on stretchers. And even seeing out of hospital cardiac arrests and doing CPR on the ground and doing a resus even though I had the equipment. I thought my heart was about to stop. And trying to manage with what you have

        You seem to hold people even Kdrama characters to a high standard. Sometimes life doesn’t happen that way. And even if SJ doesn’t pull the plug on the recording- on the scale of sh**ty behaviour public embarrassment is not a dealbreaker for a lot of people. Have you even seen some of the crass behaviour soldiers do? I can’t even count the numbers of ways.

    • I agree with you, ren. While I so much enjoyed the evolvement of the relationship and all the setups of contexts, I think SHK is too stiff for all those emotions. I didn’t quite feel anything from her. I kept wishing it to be Moon Chae-won. I would feel falling in love all over again if it were some more sophisticated and capable actress playing the part.
      I have nothing against SHK though. I think she’s very beautiful, but I would need more than beauty to play this interesting doctor character.

  7. “The truck bed hayride confession complete with kisses and aftermath hints of rolling around making out”


  8. For some reason, i lost all the hype after yest’s eps where she accepted him. Well im happy cos i hate to be infactuated by dramas. I will still continue to watch this nonetheless. Wont be surprised if they bag all the major awards at drama awards just cos they have good ratings. Im aldy feeling sorry for other actors who have better acting skills in other dramas who are gonna lose awards to this drama/cast. No hate here. Just my opinion as seen in prev yrs.

    • I felt the same. It was not as epic as I thought it would be after last week’s heartthrilling cliffhanger. I will still continue to watch it till the end just for the beauties of the actors/actresses and cinematography, but somehow the stories have dropped their charms for me. But I am actually happy that I will not be so anxiously waiting for the next episodes like after last Thursday, or like you say “infatuated by a drama”.

  9. Thanks for the recap. Love this drama and especially Dr Kang. She is the best female character that I have ever seen in a drama.

  10. Oh my god, every time when I thought it was the best it just keeps getting better. The chemistry between the two leaders are undeniable. SJK and SHK play characters so well. I’m glad that we have a female characters with confidence, qualifications, heart, honesty and rational mind. The best drama ever.

    • +1. MY is my favorite K heroine so far. Unlike many other typical heroines in K drama, there’s no such a word, nonsense, in her dictionary. She tried to rationalize everything before fully embracing a situation. K dramas usually downplay female intelligence for whatever dumb reasons. I’m sick of that.

    • I’m honestly (not really) surprised that people think they have no chemistry and/or SHK is doing a poor job. She’s doing a wonderful job with a complex and tough character. I’m seriously happy that KES has written her to be so confident and rational. She’s only grown as a character throughout the drama by meeting and loving SJ, instead of turned into a shell of her former self.

      MY is seriously one of my favorite female characters so far.

  11. Glad that I’m in the majority of audience and critics who just LOVE DOTS. The drama is perfect to me (I never thought there would be a perfect drama until this one). SHK in particular deserves a Daesang for her performance.

  12. Oh my goodness … this episode is seriously hilarious. I love it into pieces. How can KES create such an amazing female character like KMY?

  13. Really happy with the confession on the truck, it felt more earnest and thoughtout than the recording. For some reason, when I saw the hays at the back of theri heads my first thought was ‘did they have sex behind some bushes????!’ Hahaha. Was really hoping you would give me an answer and very surprised i never thought of them making out on the truckbed…
    Argus is such an awful villain, he totally erased any kind of gravity to the situation. So now the drama is starting to feel like a romcom rather than a melo or a thriller for me, which kinda sucks. I mean what’s a drama without a smart and scary villain.
    That patient of Chi Hoon is pissing me off too. i literally don’t understand why he is so hateful, i thought he was just this cute and lazy worker but boy he has more issues than chi hoon. In a way, really unrealistic for me.

  14. I liked the movement forward in a lot of the relationships in this episode. It needed to happen. I wasn’t fond of the over the loud speaker confession, but I do think the aftermath was dealt with well, and I like the doc’s hayride confession that she was sticking around for him. Good, let’s move the story forward. Something definitely needed to happen with the basically forgotten secondary love story, and it actually makes sense. You don’t get to grow old being a special ops soldier; basically you age out and end up in the military behind a desk so might as well get your girl and make the family happy by doing desk work in the private sector. Is it right of the dad to ask,nope but status matters so there have it.

  15. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. And although i agree SHK is not the best actress out there in k drama land, her performance on DotS is decent and she and SJK did find the required chemistry. Although her character as Dr Kang didnt turn out as a tougher nut as i thought, its still acceptable. This was the doctor who went chasing after runaway patient and lived in ORs even though on the side shes trying to climb up the career ladder. furthermore a doctor in gangnam and a doctor im Uruk is vastly dofferent. How many real dcotors out there volunteer in a civil war country. My deep respect for them suvh as those volunteering on Doctors without borders. I was digressing but my point is situations and experiences change you. At least when required Dr Kang steps up (like when she wqs on standby mode to run to provide her medical service qhen shijin was trapped under the rubble). I too like that girls will be girls. That in front of her captain regardless of bravado or feisty responses, she trust him to protect her.

    Lastly although i love their kissing scenes, my favorite is the landmine scene. It shows their relationship has reached a whole new level. A level of both trust and respect and partnership. @@ cant wait to see more relationship development.

  16. I hope the almighty writer has really made the last line of Koala’s thought into the drama ending. I hope for a fairy tale ending with the beautiful couple returning to their home country and live forever and ever..But how come the cliffhanger gave me ominous and eerie feeling…I hope not.

    Since SJK has been my #1 fave since Deep Rooted Tree, I had no complaint about him since the beginning of the drama. But I’m really getting to like SHK more and more with each episode. I don’t understand why so many anits being so critical of her acting. She’s not overacting as many K actresses tend to (it seems K drama industry sorta encourages over-the-top performance). SHK appears to be a very delicate actress.

    • I guess it’s because of the calm facade she portrayed when she was supposed to be hysterical ?. So typical. I loveee how Dr.Kang tried to stay calm and not messed up at those critical moment.

  17. has the female lead has actually take any acting training?when i first saw the cliff scene i don’t remember the episode the moment when she was ask for help i was burst into laughing that was some hell bad acting. i see that she open her eyes and her mouth too wide really often what the heck.and again the heroine needs help and here it goes again.just a useless female again that needs someone to save her all the she is going to cry again…really the storyline become boring.

  18. Only had time to watch episode 9 today. The drama never fails to surprise me. The confession scene was so cute. Song Hye Kyo nailed it. I mean she has always been great in more serious scenes and her eyes acting particularly is a very high level. But she can also definitely excel in comedy scenes and make it so effortless and natural. Hand down.

  19. I see this joe a troll only coming here to troll. If you don’t enjoy the show, there’s an easy sign <— on top of the webpage for you to get out of here. Go find your dream heroine and actress somewhere out on the moon. Good luck!

    • Oh my god! I have rewatched this episode 5 times and still find it good and entertaining. My heart really beats with the chemistry between SHK and SJK. They make me believe they are a real couple with so much passion. It’s a plus that they are both so beautiful.

    • well, haters are confused admirers! Get your self together and stop watching if you hate this show that much. after 9 eps, why stick around just to hate yo?

  20. Like someone above said, it is so rare tha we have a female characters with confidence, qualifications, courage, heart, honesty, humor and rational mind in a drama. All are combined into one. I knew SHK was good but I didn’t know she could be this good in expressing all different kinds of emotions and complexities. If I only like her in other dramas, I LOVE her in this.

  21. Don’t see the hype with song joong ki he is an average actor at best
    But song hye kyo !!!!!!!gosh she has got to be the most beautiful Korean wOman I’ve ever seen ….honestly are people blind to rank Kim tae hee above this woman?
    Anyway am an American and I don’t know how Koreans access their beauty but over here everybody I’ve met thinks song hye kyo is the most beautiful k drama actress.

  22. Thank you Koala. Though I need some enlightments on DY’s situations. Why does Daddy keeps saying DY is not promotion material? I mean just like you said that he actually excels and looks stoically more like a soldier than YSJ to be honest.

    • think it has more to do with the way the korean military is structured. I think because DY enlisted in the military from a civilian. Where as YSJ went thru military academy and all that.

      It’s like one of them has gone thru west point, and the other just enlisted in the army from being a civilian. So I think in terms of career routes, YSJ has a potential to become a 4-star general, where as I’m not sure how far DY would be able to be promoted to.

  23. As someone who has been working all my ass to excel in academics and my professional field, to be honest, one of the major reasons for me to almost thoroughly abandoned K drama and wandered into C or T- dramaland was that C or T- dramas obviously think more highly of female intellectual and have more level-headed/competent heroines in their plots. What the heck a lot of K dramas play pity-cards with poor female weaklings as major role players in their screenplays? DotS brought me back to love and have confidence in K dramas once again. Surely I started watching the series for my #1 bias SJK. But I ended up loving this no-nonsense female Dr. MY even more. (SHK nailed this charismatic Dr. Otherwise, I wouldn’t fall in love with the heroine.) That’s because all the hotness and coolness about the hero Captain Yoo had been under my expectation;that’s the main reason why K dramas sell to a lot of fangirls including me for such a long period. LOL…But typical K heroines’ stupidity oftentimes made me sick and feel insulted until this Dr. MY came alive on screen. She’s totally a modern female with values, qualities, and work ethics that we, as highly educated professional, truly embrace and admire. K scriptwriters should wake up and look up to this no-nonsense role model MY and try to portray some brainy female protagonists. Don’t typically demonize smart and successful women, downgrading them into 2nd-lead antagonists, and on the other hand typifying heroines as girls only with kind heart, financially poor, chased by loan sharks (LOL it seems S. Korea has loan sharks running all over its neighborhoods), or with a jerk/bitch in their families. Just make my heroine as brilliant and successful as Dr. MY besides her beauty.

    PS. I actually like MY’s thinking at the cliffhanger – she should rather kill the gang bastard than save his life lest his evil doing in the future. In real life, I’d go ahead execute that idea (probably against medical ethics) in that scenario if I were her. But well, to appeal to the viewers, she’s got to save the villain to spice up the plot for the remaining episodes.

  24. I see quite number of hate on KMY. But for me she is doing great. She didn’t cry that much, I think she grieves on manager kho and those site workers because she gets to deal with them before the earthquakes hence seing them in such a situation would off course break her heart (glad to know she didn’t completely burn out yet from being doctors and there’s still strong empathy in her). Also its normal to feel insecure even for a top notch surgeon. From what I can see moyeon is confident with her skills, it’s just when it comes to sijin that she wavers alot. So you can’t compare how a person is when she works with how the person is when she was outside of her job. In real life there’s people who just afraid of loosing something they hold very dear to the point they rather not take the chance and some are just very go for it. Not all surgeon made for the later.

  25. OMG cliffhanger on each episode. It has become my ritual to be back here begging for recap after watching a new episode. Ms. Koala, I’m again waiting for your recap of ep 10… And the preview for next week…I’m really anxious to know what would happen to Myung Joo.

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