
K-actor Hairstyle Preferences: Up with Forehead or Down with Fringe — 55 Comments

  1. I always like up with the forehead, with the exception for park hae jin. Probably because he has such a small face.

  2. Damnnnnnnnn, what a bunch of gorgeous men! I always find hair up, forehead exposed as the best hair for men. They all look 10x better with hair up.

  3. So Ji Sub my man! I don’t care whether it’s up, down, across, flat, mopped, permed , curled or bald. I will have yo any day any way…..*goes back to being a melted puddle*

  4. a guy can pull off any haircut if he has an oval face, nice small ears & nice forehead and offcourse thick hair :D, so my vote goes to jongsuk hehehe

  5. Yummy! LOL…I haven’t read the blog yet. What are you trying to say, Ms. Koala? I’ll take time to have the feast of each scoop of eyescream. LOL

  6. Oh miss Koala, you just bright up my day with all those pretty pictures.
    Can’t stop smiling and giggling just by looking at them. So much emotion in one page. kekeke

  7. Forehead vs no forehead I think the difference is that with forehead most of all these actor gives an aura of maturity, basically they are hot, now without forehead it gives an aura of boy charms, still sexy but cute at the same time.

    • Agreed. As long as it’s styled to suit the face type and personality / character they’re intended to portray, it works fine. ☺

      And BTW @koala, Ji Sung looks fine in both up and down. It’s like having Cha Do Hyun and Shin Segi on alternate days. ❤❤❤

  8. IMO a few has pulled off both hairstyles, for me Yoo seongho, Lee Jongsuk and Hyun Bin seems good in these pics.

  9. Hyun bin should always and always and always keep his hair up.
    The hot factor just goes up numerous levels

  10. up… In my opinion they look more masculine that way, more mature and interesting. I honestly prefer the guy to be more in the masculine than in the cute side…

  11. I definitely prefer the spiked up styles on most of them.. The bangs are ok if its doesn’t cover all of their forehead and make them looks like they have a helmet on (aka Lee Seung Gi’s Inheritance hairstyle)

  12. Art. I’ll be staring at this for Monday motivation
    I think Namgoong Min should NEVER take his bangs down…..I seriously thought he got PS in Remember at first because he looks so different without them.

  13. So much eyecandy. Thanks for this post.
    In most cases hair down looks more youthful and soft vibe. Most of them looks better with it geled up. Looks more dashin. Too bad no pic of Eric Mun i dont like his bangs in Another Oh Hae Young

    • I agree I started off the series hating that hairstyle but now it has grown on me but he looks mighty sexy on the few scenes where his hear is up

  14. Ms Koala. Thanks for all these beautiful pictures. They all look great! Where is your JGS? how do you like his hairstyle? Haven’t read you mentioning him for quite a while…

  15. My bb Ji Sung looks better with his hair down. My other bb Seo In Guk looks way better with his hair up.

    Some actors rock both like Hyun Bin and So ji Sub.

  16. All of them looks better with their hair up!

    Where’s Yoon Shi Yoon? He should be on the list since I think he’s one of the few who can pull off both styles.

  17. Definitely up up up for me! ? and if down, the bangs should not be too long and still expose at least half of the forehead, the ones that goes right up to the eyebrows and eyes doesn’t look masculine.

  18. for me..I prefer almost all with fringe up except a couple of them like Ji Chang Wook,Kim Bum, Seo Kang Jun. I realised the ‘cutesy’ and pretty ones pull off the fringe down look better.

  19. This comment will sound silly

    Seo In Guk, up.
    Park Bo Gum, up.
    Park Hae JIn, down.
    KimmWoo Bin, down.
    Ji Chang Wook, up down

  20. IMO most of them are rocking both ways although park go gum looks like a girl to me with bangs. kim soo hyun I like up lee min ho looks like a different person up

  21. I can’t believe it seems most ppl here prefer PHJ with hair down??? IMO, he looks so much better with his hair up–so much hotter. His face looks too mature for the boyish down do. I almost couldn’t stand his look in CITT and I love him to death.

  22. I think almost everyone looks better with shorter hair or up showing their forehead. The floppy bangs/bird’s nest doesn’t do anything for me.

  23. So Ji Sub, up
    Kim Woo Bin, up
    Lee Jong Seok, down
    Ji Soo, up
    Park Hae Jin, down
    Kim Soo Hyun, up (his face is so small, it disappears when his hair is down!)
    Seo In Gook, up down
    Song Joong Ki, up down
    Lee Jun Ki, down when he was younger, up now.
    Ji Chang Wook, up down
    Ji Sung, up down
    Kim Bum, up
    Park Bo Gum, down
    Park Seo Joon, up

  24. Thanks for the eye candy! I am DEFINITELY bookmarking this page 😉 Seems like it is easier to go wrong with down (no helmet style! I prefer up for the majority except for cutie pies like Kim Bum, YSH, JIW, JCW and LJS, down makes them look even cuter *squeals* Guess the hairstyle also depends on the character they play?? Up for smexy, down for cutie 🙂

  25. I prefer Seung gi with short up hair, like he had it in 2007, that was a good short hair (and his best hair imo), in 2012 he had an okay short hair, but 2013’s short hair was a no-no. I like him in buzz cut, the same he had the day he enlisted. His small face showed up making him super adorable.
    NO long hair for him, unless it’s like the 2008 straight long hair or 2014/15 mushroom hair. His stylist loves perms and tend to make of him a bird nest.

  26. Good Morning, miss koala, as LMH fans. Yesterday I show this article to my co worker, they doesn’t know about kdrama or the actors, out from 20 people( 10 people choose LSG and the rest is LMH n LJS). And now they try to watch they drama,lol. they said wow, we can’t believe it,they so handsome(different from actors from in here) and we love it. from now on I have friends to discuss about kdrama with my co worker (I’m working @Wallstreet, Manhattan, NYC ). thank you for this article.

  27. I came here for ji sung 😉
    he looks more masculine with his hair up,if you watched ‘secret’ ❤❤❤

  28. They all look so handsome and yummy!! ?
    I definitely prefer the up with forehead as they look so Hawt and it emphasizes their sexy gaze!! ?

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