
Thrilling Long 7-minute Preview for W: Two Worlds Heightens Expectations on Eve of Premiere — 38 Comments

  1. I wonder if all of these events will happen in this week episodes, I mean that’s too much, isn’t it?!

    Watching thriller I’m pleased with the way all the casts portrayed their characters, that scene when LJS breaks down while talking on mobile phone gave me goosebumps! His eyes expression & pronunciation were daebak.

  2. The thriller make me excited, can’t wait W: Two World tonight!
    This surely will be winner of Wednesday/Thursday KDrama slot!

  3. The trailer make me excited, can’t wait W: Two World tonight!
    This surely will be winner of Wednesday/Thursday KDrama slot!

  4. I don’t know how anyone expects me to wait 6 hours after watching that trailer. I want more NOW!!!

    The weeks in between are going to kill me.

  5. I was so looking forward to watch this drama because of Han Hyo Joo. I miss her so much since Dong Yi but after watching the trailer, I am hessitant. The preview is really good but this drama needs me to do a lot of observation and thinking and so mind-bending. A good watch but not for my brain which requires R&R after a stressful long hours at the office. I wish this drama all the best. May be i will just read the recap.

  6. After a decaddecade plus of acting …you would think han hye joo can at least put on a decent performance but she is still as bad as she was in dong yi.

  7. @hye jin you a troll i wish there is a way koala can block you must you type rubish in every post if u dont like them know that in your mind i wonder who your bias is

  8. Very excited about W. Hopefully it won’t be as disappointing as Mirror of the Witch. MotW has a wonderful cast but the screenplay and the directing…nothing much to rave about. Why is it so hard nowadays for K drama to get everything in one package? UF has decent writer and PD but the leading lady….LOL….

    • Agree!!! The first epsiode was soo amazing, I already had feeling this would be daebak but after finished the first episode it was beyond my expectation. As expected from the writer of nine. I love how they directing real world and webtoon, and for music..omg it really gave me goosebumps. They should give us 2nd episode NOW

  9. Gzzz hyo jo han and her family scandal ruinnnnnnnnn W drama. Uri suzy is the best and have a clean image. #proudofsuzy #sorrynotsorry

  10. How were the first ep ratings? I don’t want to get my expectations up since it’s going up against a strong competitor and a star writer.

  11. any comments relating to family scandals should be deleted!! and the commenter permanently banned… so annoying and so inappropriate. This does not even related to the drama and the actress herself. Haters GO AWAY

  12. awesome, kinda like queen inhyun’s man except in modern day. i also find that sometimes han hyo jo looks like song hye kyo at some angles.

  13. Han Hyo Jo is a terrific actress. Girl can play any type of roles given to her. I don’t understand the hate she gets. Plus, she’s fantastic and funny in variety world. She doesn’t care about her image. Hope this drama gets high ratings to piss off the haters.

      • Explain why HHJ can still be casted in popular movie & this drama with LJS. She did nothing wrong… She is a good actress & this is the fact.

      • I don’t care what happened to HHJ in SK. She is talented in acting. But I do know Suzy’s acting just mehhhhhhhh. Fortunately other parts of UF are strong and got an acclaimed writer. If UF goes downhills, pretty much I guess Suzy jinxes it. LOL

        Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of either HHJ or Suzy. Just trying to be fair.

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