
A Warm and Glamorous Wedding Caps Off Festivities for Newlyweds Michelle Chen and Chen Xiao — 11 Comments

  1. Such a gorgeous dream wedding! They all look so pretty and happy and blissful. So sweet. I love the pink, it goes so well with everything else and that pic with the balloon is simply gorgeous. Congrats!!

  2. Gorgeous wedding and pics. They look so happy!!! I wish them all the best. Michelle looks stunning in the pics especially the wedding dress

  3. Stunning! One picture reminded me of her in You are the Apple of My Eye…except this is real life! I’m so happy for them! Congratulations on their marriage and baby to come!

  4. They should have invited Kai Ko and reenacted their scene from “You are the apple of my eye”. That would have been AMAZING.

  5. I find that in celebrity weddings the bridesmaid dresses always look bad LOL.

    Congrats to them though! They look so happy 🙂

  6. Chinese female celebs know how to choose prettier looking American wedding dresses for their wedding day than compare to korean female celebs….Korean female celebs usually wears very nice ones for the magazine shoots but on their wedding day, idk y they end up with some plain ugly looking ones that has an old woman feeling to it, lol….

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