
First Teaser for Incarnation of Jealousy Brings Back Classic Rom-com Playfulness — 54 Comments

  1. admittingly I do have a soft spot for Gong Hyo jin and have always reminded of LMH female version due the facial expressions.. She has an X-factor aura.. Watch IOIL

    • When the camera rolls you would know why. He also sees her as a role model in acting. She may have not chosen ideal roles but has always had that huge x-factor. She has this incredible girly beauty that can’t be described unless you see her in action and live with her character for awhile

      • Yesyeyesss!! My oppa mention her as his role model, this unni is pretty and talented 🙂

  2. There is different type of beauty in acting.. there is just being beautiful which dosen’t translate into the screen and there is beauty in real life and screen beauty which means appearing beautiful to the watching eye. GHJ has alot of that imo. these who are really drama addict would all confirm this

  3. something wrong with me, despite my love towards Jo Jung Seok, I am not anticipating this drama like I was supposed to be. I don’t hate Gong Hyo Jin, she is a good actress but I’ve never finished her drama and never a fan. may be becoz of her 🙁

    • Lol, you’re not alone. I tried so very hard to watch dramas starring GHJ, at least four or five of them, only to never get past the fourth episode. And these dramas were well received dramas with very competent co-stars. I think it’s her screechy voice and her mature ajumma looks. Every time I see her pic pop up on my screen, I am reminded of a screechy voiced woman who constantly scrunches her face into frowns like little old ladies who complain of just about anything.

  4. OMG!! I love this. Love love GHJ and JJS in romcoms. She is definitely the romcom queen. She never overacts, over-emote, screams or screech. She’s just so natural on screen and makes her characters believable. She may not be a conventional beauty but she’s certainly one awesome actress. In real life, most of us are ordinary looking anyway so it makes it easier for the audience to relate to her characters. Only Go Kyung Pyo seem to be a miscast….but overall, the teaser looks great!

    • Agree with you on the part about audience relating to her because of her ordinary looks. But the part about never over-react, over-emote, screams or screech, is so wrong. She does it all the time to the point of it being headache inducing for me!

      • Hmm, you dislike her, honestly you only have two options first never watch her drama so u wont have headache. Second, watch , have headache, give comment in her article and then die. Lol. So easy right??

    • I agree! hehe. It definitely seems like Pasta 2.0 but in the news world. Go Kyung Pyo seems like a recycled and improved Alex. Hope we get something more than that though.

  5. K dramas are not my taste but the way he trips n falls and slides all the way. Hilarious!!
    ghj, I want all the outfits of the whole series. I needddddd the dresses!!!!

    • yess.. everytime I see her my comments will be like “She’s effortlessly cool”.
      I feel like i want to sneak in to her dressing room and rob all her outfits.

  6. The story seems complicated because pyo nari has a young step mother, then what about pyo nari dad? Who’ll play her dad?? also what about lee hwashin cancer????

  7. Incarnation of jealousy first teaser translation is out.

    Kong Hyo Jin as Pyo Nari
    Cho Jung Soek as Lee Hwa Shin
    Go Kyung Pyo as Go Jong Woon

    (Dialog between Cho Jung Soek and PD)
    PD : You remember Pyo Nari? She used to have a crush on you long time ago, lol..

    (Dialog between PD and Pyo Nari)
    Pyo Nari :PD nim, this is in the past. Why you mention it? Really don’t mention it. Don’t! I want to be given one side love too.

    (Dialog between Pyo Nari and Cho Jung Soek).
    Pyo Nari :Reporter I also feel bitter! It’s the first time I’ve touched the men’s breast.
    Cho Jung Soek : are really.. abcdefg…

    (Pyo Nari and Go Jong Won)
    Pyo Nari : You don’t need friends or lover, do you?
    Go Jong Won : No
    Pyo Nari : Lol… I always need friends or a lover..

    Cr : GHJ Vietnam Facebook.

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