
Shopping King Louie Unveils Pretty in Pink Posters and Third Charming Preview — 12 Comments

  1. I am looking forward to this. I don’t think I would be interested if SiG wasn’t in it, but he usually has a good hand in picking dramas. I didn’t watch his Sageuk and didn’t like the romance in King of High School, because of the leading lady. Not the actress, but the character. Other than that highly entertaining.

    But SiG is always all in and I loved Reply 1997, I remember you and Squad 38.

    • Lmao I don’t think you know what old and worn out looks like. Unfortunately, they did dress him up in a laughable way for a man of his age and stature in the promo pics and I’m a bit embarrassed for him. Also his hairstyle is awful. Osaka does not deserve this.

      Hopefully that’s not what his styling will be like in the drama.

  2. I’m sorry but why is Yook Sung Jae having all these main roles thrown at him? He was also considered for the main lead in Moonlight! Not saying he’s a terrible actor but he’s just not there yet and it’s crazy that these casting directors don’t seem to care about that but what’s new.

    He seems to have turned both down so at least, he and/or his mgmt. are fully aware of that.

  3. Ugh I don’t really like the female lead’s acting but will watch for my SIG and I at least hope they have chemistry.

    Seriously when he goes into romance mode my heart skips a beat. Look how he turned it on in the last few seconds of that preview! He’s also such a good kisser! Ahh, can’t wait 😀

  4. I’m laughing so hard with all your comment about second lead almost lost my balance sitting on my chair….I can’t wait to watch this drama, everything SIG does it’s entertaining, I just can’t get enough of him!

  5. the more I look at the posters, the more I am disturbed by them. they are objectifying people, a girl in a shopping cart like she is something you can buy draws a parallel to human trafficking. it is the last thing I wanted to think about, but I do. and people in barbie boxes? packaging, superficial beauty over content? don´t like it.

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