
Legend of the Blue Sea Ramps Up Romance in Episode 8 as Ratings Stay Steady — 14 Comments

  1. To me I feel like the past and present times r happen at the same time. Like it is written that way but not something that happen in the past before the future so like they are going hand in hand together.upon the 8 episodes have watch so far .am begining to think things from the future will affect the past and vice versa.

  2. I agree I think the fact that LMH is able to dream about himself both in historical and present times means things are happening simultaneously.

  3. I want to watch this show, but the netizens comments always said it is visually appealing and nothing else, they only talk about visual all the time, it seems the plot is paper thin, I’m contemplating to try since I never like any of LMH works but enjoyed JJH works, sigh… maybe I should wait till it’s finished airing.

    • I don’t think it’s visually appealing.. as from ep3 when the leads gets back to Seoul – it’s pretty normal scenes. What’s great is the OTP bickering and Joon Jae endless denial of his feelings while contradicting himself in every turn.
      Pure entertainment for me hahahaha
      But for now yes- it’s above average – not epic or great. The hour flies by and you wish you have another episode soon.

  4. Call me weird but watching this drama actually reminds me of QIHM. And makes me want to watch it for the 7th time. So far I am loving this drama but ..I expect it to be more tense next episode

  5. LMH is so overrated and next to a charismatic talented leading lady you can really tell. The only drama I liked him in was BOF where he was great. Since then it’s been downhill. This drama reminds me of LMH’s lack lustre performance in PT against the great Son Yejin. He’s even loosing his looks ….looks so much older and a little plastic like he had botox fillers.
    It makes me feel bad that talented and gorgeous actors like Got7’s Jin Young (who reminds me of a young Takashi Kaneshiro but more gifted as an actor) etc are not getting the work they deserve and someone mediocre like LMH is getting all the opportunities. Is it because of the international fans that LMH is so popular?? I can’t see Koreans liking him that much because Koreans are known to be cinephiles and have so many world class directors and actors and make amazing films.

    • You need to calm down. He is a good actor, but his emotions won’t change, It is the same fake laugh, teary thing all over again, but he doesn’t know his acting is repeating. He is doing his best.
      so chill

  6. Jeez girl I think u r over the top and overreacting ur self ooo.i get that u don’t like but saying all these things is too much. He is far from mediocre like u put it n ppl watching legend can testify to dat.i get that he is not the best but he is a good

  7. The only thing I want to say is that Lee Min Ho has to improve his action because I keep seeing the same emotion.
    No offence I still like him 🙂

  8. The only thing I want to say is that Lee Min Ho has to improve his action because I keep seeing the same emotion.
    No offense I still like him 🙂

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