
First Teaser and Posters for Live-action J-movie Adaptation of Popular Fantasy Samurai Manga Gintama — 13 Comments

  1. This genre has been by far been perfected by the Japanese artists. It’s an added bonus from the enjoyment from watching the anime or reading the manga. Love it! Can’t wait to see it.

  2. Shun Oguriiii!
    Looking back at his past works, many were based on manga adaptations. GTO, Gokusen, Conan, Border, Lupin the 3rd, Nobunaga Concerto, Ouroboros and now Gintama!

  3. gintama is the funniest thing I have ever watched, nothing copares to its hilariousness, the voice actor who does the lead character is the heart and soul of the comedy and though I love oguri shun to bit I don’t think anyone this ovie can work because the voice actors for the anime are simply too good, their talent in combination with sorachi’s genius is what made gintama so damn hilarious, the actors have an almost imporssible task here, it doesn’t help that they look like cosplayers here

  4. btw are you aware of the huge success of figure skating anime yuri on ice ? it’s the first non yaoi anime that has a realistic gay couple as the OTP

    • I LOVED Yuri on Ice!!! It’s an absolutely riveting and fun anime and I got really attached to the characters. So it’s also been very successful in Japan? So happy to hear that!! I hope that means there will definitely be a second season.

      • it’s successful all over the world, even professional figure skaters followed it and tweeted about it including word chapions and olympic medalists

  5. Honestly it’s nice revenge for shun oguri (they made his parody). I am sure it will be nice movie,I just not sure it will be crazy as the anime version,because this version is sooooo….. Crazy funny,no matter how absurd their story.

  6. Yagira Yuya is SPOT ON! This guy is just such an amazing actor (and as already established when he was just a young boy). My dream Gintoki was Eita, but I don’t mind Oguri.

  7. Never expected Shun Oguri would star in shonen manga adaptation, though or is it because I have not see enough of his works yet. He looks cool BTW with the silver hair.

  8. And Doumoto Tsuyoshi will play Takasugi, that charismatic villain! It’s bringing all feels especially Summer Snow feels as that was the first time I watched Shun and Tsuyoshi together…

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